Thursday, September 30, 2010


My daughter get a prize of English conversation contest. I'm envious of her.
Remember of young people is great. In contrast, I can't remember English words well.


Unfortunately, I have a poor memory.
I'm studying English words almost every morning. I'm using a basic words book and walkman.
I'd finished to read it once. Then, I start to read it again. And I found that I remember few of them.
All I can do is continue to read it many times.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Once more

Guy who went to forest road with me says "I want to go there once more".
He is a client for my job, and he get friendly to me. His hobby is riding off road bike like me. So, I said him "Will you go to forest road with me?"
I'm happy because he was satisfied with it. Of course I will go there with him in someday again.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Rainy night

It was rain last evening. So I went home by commuting train.
When it's rain, I don't ride on bike as much as possible. Because, the risk of slipping tire will be high in the rain, and it's difficult to see front side brightly.
But, I have to spend long time in the train, when I commute by train.

Monday, September 27, 2010


My son made a toy of galaxy express 999. He is dexterous. He is always making something, when he have a time.
When I was a child, I was dexterous, too. So, my dexterity maybe run in his blood. But, I think his dexterous is better than mine. This will must be a blind parental love.

Limpid stream

There is a nice rest point at the center of forest road. We can stay nearby limpid stream. I've eaten lunch with partner there. I feel amazing that there is such a beautiful nature in Hiroshima prefecture.

Forest road

I went to forest road yesterday.
Many rocks and woods were there on the road, because the typhoon attacked this area about half month ago. So, the run on there was hard job. I almost had a wreck about seven times.
But I could spend a productive time.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Refuel Gasoline

Early in the morning I refuel gasoline to my bike and handy tank. My bike's tank is too small to run from gas station to gas station in the country. So, I always bring handy tank when I go there.
My bike is light and can move flexible it in the forest road. But, I want to get bike which have more large tank and good fuel consumption.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


I maintain my bike this morning. because I will go to forest road tomorrow.
I've set up chain tension. I've put the lubricate oil to chain. I've purge the air to tire. I've tight the screws.
Weak points of my bike are low fuel consumption and small tank.
By the way, please be fine tomorrow.

Friday, September 24, 2010


I could have a enough rest yesterday after a long interval.
I didn't have a rest from the first of August. I did something every weekend. I did camping with family, going to Okayama, training for climbing and climbing Mt.Yarigatake. These were the productive days. But I had been tired.
At this weekend I'll go to dart cause by my off road bike. The dart cause name is Mt.Jippouzan forest road. Surprisingly I am a tough guy.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

National lunguage

National language is difficult.
I am teaching national language to my daughter almost every weekend, because she is not do well it. Knowledge of national language influence to other subject. So, it will must be the most important subject.
But there is a problem for it. The problem is that I'm not do well it, too. So, she and I are studying it with difficulty.
At the time I can get some new knowledge about national language. It's study not only for my daughter, but also for me.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Altitude sickness

I had been altitude sickness when I swept in lodge Yarigatake. Height of the lodge is 3180m elevation. So it's not so wonder.
I had a fast pulse. I had a heavy headache. I felt a chill.
These symptoms were continued until I transfer to low elevation.

Ruins of lodge

There is ruins of lodge at Baba-daira. I heard that there was a nice lodge there. But, it was washed away by snow slide.
The ruins make nice bleak view.

Blue and Green

There were beautiful green grass, blue sky and white mountain between Baba-daira and Tengu-hara. These are typical view in North Alps.
But, it's a most hard area around here in a road to Yari.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I wake up in the lodge early in the morning. When I went out, I could see Mt. Yarigatake in the sunrise.
Mt. Yarigatake was sharp and large.

View from heaven

I see the nether land from heaven at 3180 meter elevation.
I can see the cloud under my feet. I can see hundred mountains under my feet. Red roofs are the lodge where I stayed one night.


I climbed Mt.Yarigatake in the day before yesterday."Yari" means the lance in English.
It was a lance, certainly. It stuck the blue sky.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Transfer to Nagoya

I'll transfer to Nagoya this evening. At last I start to climb Mt.Yarigatake. I'm feeling hope and worry.
The following are the plan of  climbing Mt.Yarigatake
 ・Thursday(today): Hiroshima→Nagoya
 ・Friday: Nagoya→Matsumot→KamikochiYokoo
 ・Saturday: Yokoo→Top of Mt.Yarigatake→Lodge Mt. Yarigatake
 ・Sunday: Lodge Mt.Yarigatake→Mt.Nakatake→Yokoo
 ・Monday: Yokoo→Kamikochi→Matsumot→Nagoya→Hiroshima

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Maybe it just my imagination, but I have a little backache from this morning. I'm worrying it happen when I climbing. I want to climb in best condition.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


It was cool in the morning. When I was riding bike, I felt cold. So I put on rain wear tentatively.
A long summer will be finished.

Sleeping bag

New and Old
I bought sleeping bag last evening, because old one is too large to pack in my baggage.
New sleeping bag can be used until 6℃. It will be under 5℃ at the mountain over 3,000m. So, I have to sleep in this sleeping bag by wearing over wear.
The reason why I didn't buy sleeping bag which apply to more low temperature is that it is large and expensive.

Monday, September 13, 2010


I'm in overwork. I haven't taken enough rest in these months. I feel my body heavy. I think that I should not climb mountain yesterday.
I have to keep healthy until climbing Yari.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Creature on signage
There had been a strange creature in Yano. His name is "Yanomie". He was drawn charming on the signage.
Yano is a town where I stay.
Stone which manufactured to this style was picked out in Yano. Later, he had been a mascot of Yano, and he was named "Yanomie".


at the top of mountain
I climbed Mt. Ege with baggage which was packed full.
It was hard training. Usually It takes about 3 hours when I shuttle between home and top of the mountain. But, it takes about 3 and half hours. And, stress at knee was higher than usual.
Can I bring this baggage to the top of Mt. Yari-gatake ? Loss weight is duty for climb.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dry food

Dry food
I'd bought dry foods for climb. They are very light and compact. So they are good for climbing. But, they are very expensive.
Foods in picture are all for 3 days in the mountain. I'm worrying that they are not enough. But there is no more space in the backpack.

Running by a lake

I've run by a lake Shinji at the fourth day's morning of the business trip.
I've run about 8 km. It had been a nice training for climb.

Matsue Castle

Matsue Castle
I walk to Matsue Castle continuously after I see lake-Shinji.
There is no identity when I compare with other Japanese castle.
I've walked about 6km in the day.

Wide Lake

There is a wide lake in Shimane Pref. The name is lake-Shinji.
I walk to see the lake at the second day of business trip.
I can see the small artificial island in the lake. There are shrine gate and pines on it.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Long driving

I came back from Matsue now. When I was coming back, I've driven more than 200km. So, I'm tired and sleepy.
I'll write the report of the journey tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Business trip

I will go to Matsue for business trip today. I'll be back on Friday.
I want to study and training during this trip.
I can't write this blog until I come home.

Monday, September 06, 2010

New tools

New tools
I bought climbing tools at shop last night. They were shown in the picture. They are mat for sleeping, cooker and water bag starting from the left. And front one is spoon which other side is fork.
I'm trying to packing many tools into the backpack. But they spill over from backpack.

Old home

Old home
I went around my family's old house during I'm returning from running. I've felt nostalgic very much ! My family had stayed there until we move house to new one. We stayed there when I was elementary school student.
Area under the red roof is the space where my family stayed. It was more narrow than my remember.
Sight around there was less changed except some shops was deleted.


Goryo is the place where the god living in Kibitsu is enshrined. Kibitsu is the old country name in a part of Okayama. The name of god is Kibitsuhikonomikoto. I don't know about him.

Shrine Kibitsu

Beautiful Cloister
In shrine Kibitsu, I see the beautiful cloister yesterday.
I couldn't feel beautiful for such a thing when I stayed in Okayama. I leave Okayama when I was 17 years old.
Did I get less toughness when I get older ?

Sunday, September 05, 2010

In Okayama

In this morning I've walked from 4:30 to 7:45. Perhaps I've walked about 20km.
It had been the nice training for climbing.
During the walking, I see the following places.
 ・shrine Kibitsuhiko
 ・shrine Kibitsu
They were the nice and blessed places. Abobe all nice places would be written in following blogs.

Naval string

Naval string is in this box
Last evening , after I reach to my family house, my mother gave me naval string. It had connected me and her when I stayed in her womb.
What her action meening ?

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Andromeda Galaxy

Galaxy Express 999
My son draw "Galaxy Express 999" after he watched it on TV program. Not only 999, but also other trains were drawn.
We can see the blue circle in this drawing. He says it is Andromeda Galaxy.


I'll be busy in following 3 weeks.
In this evening I'll go to Okayama. Tomorrow, I'll come back to Hiroshima and go to climbing shop with my friend. From Tuesday to Friday I'll stay in Matsue for business trip.
At such a situation, I have to train for climbing.
The week after next week, I'll be climbing Mt.Yarigatake from Friday to the next Monday.

Rain wear

I looked for rain wear last morning. But I couldn't find it. The rain wear is expensive because the material is Goa-Tex. It's too expensive for buying. It was presented by my wife's father.
Last time I've used it must be the time when I climb snow mountain on February. But I remember that I've dried it in my room after climbing.
I have to use it when I climb Mt.Yarigatake. So, I was feel pressed.
But my wife find it easily in the evening. My wife have a sense to find something.

Friday, September 03, 2010


I'm preparing the equipment for climb Mt.Yarigatake. As a result, I understand that many things were needed. For example,device for eating, sleeping bag, maps and etc are contained.
I plan to  go shop for mountain  with my partner after I came back from Okayama on Sunday.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Family house

I will go to my family house in this week end. The reason why is my mother's health condition to be bad.
After finish my job on Saturday, I'll ride on Shinkansen bullet train from Hiroshima to Okayama. I'll eat dinner with my parents and my younger brother. In next morning I'll be back to Hirosima.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Lunch box

My wife made me lunch box for me after a long interval.
She didn't make it in August, because the foods will be go off at that season. Until yesterday I've bought bread or lunch box in convenience store.