Saturday, October 30, 2010

Awards ceremony

I went to awards ceremony of my son about in the noon. He got a gold title of drawing picture. He was a No.1 in first grade of elementary school in Aki region.
He was admirable when he got a certification of it. I'm proud of him.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Book rack

This book rack is my handmade. I made it from woods which I bought material at do-it-yourself store.
There are books about mechanical, English conversation and Patent attorney, and etc. As my house is narrow, making the space is very important.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

After dead

Is there the world after we are dead ?
Until recent day, I decided there is not. I had thought that the memories in the brain will be deleted when the dead has come, such as computer had broken. I had thought that soul is only the electric signals from cell to cell in the brain.
My wife told me her experience. When her grandfather dead, he appeared in her dream, and walk out to wide blight area. When her grandmother dead, she walk out there where he stand. So, she believes that the heaven is existing.
Now I want to believe it is existing.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Changed the plug

I had changed the plug of my bike yesterday. As a result, bike condition is very good. I fell the power to be up. The brightness of lights and signals had been better. Starting engine is more easily than before. I am happy.


I'm getting fat. There is no weight scale in my house. So, I can't know my correct weight. But I know my weight is getting heavy. I get flabby around my stomach.
The reason must be lack of training and eating too much. I've never train until I came back from Mt. Yari.
I will walk in the morning as soon as possible.


It is very cold today. Ambient temperature has been declined. Winter has come.
I hope my daughter don't feel cold in Fukuoka. She is in school trip.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

School trip

My daughter went school trip to Fukuoka. She will return tomorrow.
I expect her to make a good memories.

Picture book

My son made a original picture book. It is very interesting.
In this picture, Kitaro was lost the way to his home, and he ask to specter "Teach me the way to my house." The specter answer kindly "Now, I'm washing my clothes. But, I'll lead you."
What a relaxed atmosphere it is !
In the next page, the specter lead Kitaro to his home. As a thanks, Kitaro put up the specter to his house, and serve the dinner.

Monday, October 25, 2010


I watch the movie Transformer by DVD in last evening. My son have a toys of the character. He is a fun of it.
In the movie, robot can transform to machines such as track, cars and planes, etc. Good transformers fight to evil transformers.
I have seen it before. But, it interest me enough, because of the wide and beautiful TV screen.

Junior high school

The buildings over river is a junior high school where I had commuted. The school is near by my family house. So, I could commute there easily.


This flower is planted by my mother in her garden. She didn't know that what kind of species was this.

Time goes fast

I think I could talk enough with my mother yesterday. It's maybe the first time when I talk with her kindly. We talked about the events when I was child.
My daughter grew up to the same age when I was in those days. Time goes fast.
When I leave there, father said that he thanked me to my going home.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

All I can do is

My mother's condition looks very bad. It seems painful. As I'm not a doctor, I can do nothing to her about it. All I can do is showing my face and talk about my family.
When I talk about my children, she is in pleasure.

In the train

I was reading books in the train from Hiroshima to Okayama. I often swept there. In the train it was not crowded. So I could stay there at ease. I feel 3 hours short.

Return home

I'll return home today. There is my family house in Okayama.
As the Shinkansen bullet train is expensive, I always use local train. It takes about 3 hours. I'll read books in the train.
Object of this journey is to see mothers face. She is in bad condition by sickness.

Friday, October 22, 2010

In those days

I had thought that the meaning of "in those days" is "in recent days". But, I found that I had to say it "in these days". I can't remember that I use it with mistake.
In the meantime, I correct in this blog now. I want to say to the reader who find the mistake "Please forgive me, as I'm beginner for English".


I bought spark plug for bike yesterday. We have to change it every 3000km. But I have changed it once only, despite I ride it more than 20,000km.
In these days, it's difficult to start engine. When it is nice condition, it start at once. But I have to kick it several times now. I don't know whether it will be fine or not.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


My bike ran out of gas when I return to home.
Engine was stopped on the narrow bridge. My bike don't have battery. So all lights are shut down when the engine stopped. I afraid that following car crash me. But, I could escape from the bridge fortunately.
I bring the bike to nearest gas station. It is about 2km from bridge to gas station. Bike which has no gasoline just be a heavy iron.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Blu-ray recorder was introduced with liquid crystal television. The recorder have a hard disc in it. So, I can reserve TV programs easily. It's more useful when I compare with VHS video deck.

Liquid crystal

New TV was introduced to my home in the day before yesterday. The size was grown up from 30 inch to 40 inch. The type was changed from tube television to liquid crystal television.
I can see TV programs with clearness and impact. But, I have to see the point where I don't want to see, such as fleck of actress and nose hair ,etc.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I often be frustrated in these days. The reasons perhaps be that I can't do anything smoothly.
Such a mind condition is appeared in a cycle. I should be careful when I drive the car.

Monday, October 18, 2010


I have snooze and runny nose from this noon.
I've never had a cold in these several years. I think this may be a rhinitis, because I have a pollen allergy. I'm damaged by pollen in every spring.
What kind of flower's pollen influenced to me ?


I'd worked yesterday despite of holiday.  I worked at a narrow space. So, I fell my back a little pain. And, I'm sleepy from I got up in this morning. I may have a rest tomorrow instead of yesterday.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


It is my daughter's 12th birthday today. We ate birthday cake after dinner.
I have to rear her about 10 years in addition.

Big cat ?

I find a strange figure at Numata. It seems as a big cat is standing over the building. To tell the truth, there are only head and hands on the roof the building.
The company name is strange, too. It is written to "△□○" on the name board. I heard that we should read it Miyomaru. What a strange name it is !

Saturday, October 16, 2010


I bring my wife to a cheap meat store. It is near my company in Dejima. All meats were about half the price of other store's. The reason why such a cheapness is that the store is wholesale store. The store is opened from Friday to Sunday every week.
My wife was surprised and buy many meats.

Early breakfast

I went to Macdonald with my daughter to eat early breakfast. We go there almost every weekend morning. This is a secret. If my wife and son know this our action, they will get angry.
After this secret breakfast, I'm teaching national language to her. She studies with joy because of this breakfast. Of course I pay the money from my wallet.

Friday, October 15, 2010


Front tire of my bike is attrited. So, I order to bike shop.
Usually, Rear tire is attrited more than front. But, for my bike, front tire attrition is harder than rear.
In these days, few people ride on off-road bike. So the off-road tire is difficult to get. I have to wait it about 3 months.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


It was misty in this morning. Ambient temperature must be declined by comparing with gland temperature.
By the way, I am always photoing by mobile phone. So, it can't make clear when I photo at darkish time.

Evening study

I started to teach mathematics to my daughter last evening. My son was joined it, too.
During commuting, I bought a mathematics text for them. One of daughters is for calculation, and other is for story test(?). Son's one is for diagram.
I felt relief that they enjoyed it last evening. I will continue it every weekday except we have other affair.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Gold titled

My son get prized for his drawing as a gold title. Only one of first grade student in the region Aki is given this title.
I've introduced this drawing in this blog before. At that time, I thought this was very nice.
I have to go to ceremony of it. I am proud of him.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I'm teaching national language to my daughter every weekend morning. I think her academic result of it is going to better.
But, academic result of mathematics was declined. I will have to teach arithmetic, too. It's hard job. But I have to do it, because education for my children is most important.


I drive to Bamboo Joy Highland in the city Takehara yesterday. And I played there with my family. Bamboo is a symbol of Takehara.
We can see some bamboos. there is a slope to play. My daughter and my son play it. We eat lunch box there.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Professional Engineer

I have a qualification of professional engineer as a specialist of mechanical designer. I think that I'm not a specialist, but I only got a knack of success the examination.
I often check the examinees thesis despite I don't like to do such a thing. Because, my professor checked my thesis to success it. And he said that I have to repay by teaching junior fellow.
But, I don't like to do such a thing.

Swimming school

My son is going to swimming school every week. The day before yesterday I bring him there.
He was good to swim.

Reading book

I read book all day long except I went to festival yesterday. The book is 12th tome of Suikoden. I introduced the story on this blog before. I read it from first to the end.
I've never read a tome fully from when I was high school student. I could stay easygoing times yesterday.


I went to local festival with my son yesterday. My daughter went there with her friends.
It was gotten crowded in the shrine. Many stalls were opened in front of shrine. He bought some foods at stall, and eat them.
Number of stalls were decline from year to year. The reason will be recession, diversified of joy, decline of birth rate and etc.

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Read Comics

I went to comic cafe last night as I had expected. I stayed there about 4 hours. And, I could read 13 comics. I could relieve my stress.
When I reach to home, it was about 23 o'clock. I always sleep at 21 o'clock. So I was very sleepy in the train.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Consecutive holidays

Consecutive holidays will start from tomorrow. I can get 3 days off in a row.
There are no plan in the days to my joy. What shall I do? I will sleep in a day. I will read novels in the bed. I will watch TV at living room.
I had been busy in about 2 months. So, I think there are no problem if I live lazy for a few days.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Station for city train

This is a photo of station for city train at Port Ujina. When it is rain, I use this station for commute. When it is fine, I walk through there to study English in the Port.
It was a sunny morning.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010


All my family had a cold. The reason must be a rapid decline of ambient temperature. My daughter get rest the school because of her highly temperature.
Otherwise, I have never had a cold in this several years. I heard that rider who drive bike in cold season rarely have a cold. I want to continue this condition.

Short Autumn

It is very cool in these days. Ambient temperature decline rapidly. Autumn will be short in this year.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Comic cafe

One of my important hobby is reading comics. So, I often go to comic cafe. Comic cafe is a paradise for me, because there are many comics, free drinks and order light foods.
But, I have not gone there for a long while. I want to go there soon.


I had taken walk in the morning about 3 years. But, I don't walk until I came back from Mt. Yarigatake. I do no sports at this 2 weeks.
I have to start training to prepare for the snow climbing in winter.

Monday, October 04, 2010


Arceus is a character of Pocket Monster. It is the most favorite monster for my son.
He made it from a paper. I always admire his cleverness.

Silent bay

I went to island with my daughter and my son yesterday. My wife swept at home because of her sickness.
The island is Kurahashi which is there at south of Kure city. We can reach there after cross a big bridge.
We played at a bay Katsuraga-hama. There were nobody except us. So, it was very silent.
My daughter always look for beautiful shells at the sand beach. My son always makes river and sand castle. I always throw stones to surface of the sea. Later, we ate lunch box which I bought at nearest store.
I could stay in a relaxing time after a long interval.

Sunday, October 03, 2010


I do the housework today, because my wife had a sick. I make a dinner, washed dishes and wash my son in the bathroom. I understand that housework is a hard work.
I expect my wife to be cured early.

Morning Coffee

My daughter and I go to Mcdonald early in the morning when I teach national language to her. She eats muffin set, and I drink coffee every time.
Human over the table is her.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Holiday work

I have to go to work today despite holiday. So, I feel blue. But today's customer is a friend who went to forest road together. So, I will be able to stay with interest.
I will get compensation day in a few days.

Friday, October 01, 2010


I have a rest about 30 minutes at the Port Ujina almost every morning.
There is a beautiful rest area there. And, I always sit down on the chair there. We can see the bay of Hiroshima from there.
Island which is there in the center of picture on the right is Ninoshima. I'd gone there about a year ago.