Tuesday, November 30, 2010


It was 2 degree centigrade by TEMP gauge on the road. It was cold. But, I felt warm more than yesterday. I found that difference of only 1 degree centigrade is a lot.

Monday, November 29, 2010


When I ride on bike for commute, temperature gauge show the ambient temperature 1 degree centigrade. It was the most cold morning today.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


I always forget the English wards which mean Japanese "nimokakawarazu". When I search the wards, I found "although", "despite" and "even though".
I have to remember them at this chance.
By the way, I'm working today although it is Sunday, today.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Emergency hospital

I drove to emergency hospital, and we came back to home now. My son developed fever. It had been 39.6 degree centigrade.
My daughter is tough lady. So, she is rare to be sickness. By contrast, my son often be brought to emergency hospital. He may well to be so, because I often be sickness when I was a child.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Diarrhea again

I've gotten diarrhea from this morning. I can't know the reason. I didn't eat hot foods last night.
My body condition is bad in these days.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Work hard

In these days, I'm working hard. When I return to office in the evening, there are many working papers on my desk.
It's messy to write even this blog.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I've gotten diarrhea from the morning. The reason why is I ate hot Kimchi pan last night. 
Since early time, my stomach in not strength. So, after I ate hot foods, I would have been stomachache. I always be bothered by it. Because, I like to eat hot foods.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Easygoing Day

It is easygoing today. I didn't go out. I didn't work. All I had done is watching TV.
I think that such a day is important.

Monday, November 22, 2010


We walk to shrine Oinari-san in Tsuwano after lunch. The fox is enshrined there. There are more than 800 shrine gates from entrance to main hall. It's a unique style. So, it's must be interesting for foreigners.

Steam train

When We walk to Tsuwano station from the park, we listen the steam train whistle. We could reach to Tsuwano station by chance when the steam train Yamaguchi reached there. What a luck day it is  !
I bought entrance tickets for station. And, we could be beside the steam train. What a beautiful train it is ! Above all, my son was pleasured it.

Car sickness

During drive to Tsuwano, my son got car sickness. After he ate snacks, he felt funny. So, I stopped the car at the beside of local road.
There was a beautiful tree which had yellow leaves there. So, we could stay there with pleasure. After he play around the tree, he had been fine.
I remembered that I had often been gotten car sickness when I was child.

Old traditional city

I went to Tsuwano with my family yesterday. Tsuwano is famous as a old traditional city which called western Kyoto.
I drive more than three hundred kilometers. But, fare of high way is 1,000 yen by government's plan now. So, we can go to far in economy.
By the way, I thought Tsuwano is in Yamaguchi pref until yesterday, but it's in Shimane pref.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


I have a hangover now. So, I have a headache. The reason why is too much drinking last night.
Last night, I went to Korean food restaurant with friend who went to Mt.Yari-gatake together. I could talk about climbing. So I could stay with pleasure.
I drunk a Makkori which is Korean traditional alcohol. Makkori is delicious and easily to drink. So, I drunk it too much. It made me hangover.

Friday, November 19, 2010


I feel frustrated from morning. There are many stupid people around me.
But, my neighbors maybe think me stupid, too.
During I write this blog, my frustration to be declined.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lack of sleep

I'm lack of sleep. One reason is teaching mathematics to my daughter at night. The other reason is wake up early in the morning to study myself.
Both of them are important for me. But I'm always sleepy during working.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Autumn leaves

I watch the beautiful autumn leaves at the customer's garden. I think that Momiji is most beautiful autumn leaves.
I may not to go to see the autumn leaves with my family. I'm busy in every week end.


I do walking in the morning from yesterday. It was to be very cold in early in the morning.
But, a half of my stress was deleted to anywhere. I feel my heart to be light now more than the day before yesterday.
I would continue it for the health of my body and mind.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Read through

I read through Kitakata-Suikoden. I read 19 tomes. It was a nice, brave and interesting story.
At the final, young central character was escaped from many enemies. In the story, we can't know whether he was alive or dead.
The writer is now writing the continuation of the story. I will start to read it someday.

My lanking: ★★★★☆

What a long ・・・

What a long parasite this is ! I can't believe that such a long creature stayed in the human body.
This length is 8.8m.
His egg was entered with raw fish. And,he grew up in the human body.
I decided that I won't eat raw fish and raw beef meat.


I watched a parasites which are creepy and beautiful. I admired doctors who collect these many creatures.
They wrote on the board that money to carry on the business is lack. I think the reason is the entrance free. I expect them to continue the business. So, I donated a little money, when I leave there.

Parasite museum

After I leave Sugamo, I went to parasite museum in Meguro. It is a only museum which treat parasites in Japan.

Monday, November 15, 2010


I bought a luck charm there for my mother and other my families.


There is a Jizo in the shrine. It is said that if I wash the leg of the Jizo, sick of my leg will be cured.
So, I washed around his stomach by the towel in order to fix my mother's sick. I will send the towel to her. It is said that if she wash by the towel, she will be fine.
To tell the truth, I don`t believe such a religion. But, my mother believe such a thing. The proverb goes "All illness comes from the mind".


After I reach to Tokyo, I went to Sugamo by Yamanote line. There is a shrine which famous for keeping health. My object was pray for my mother.
Sugamo is a town where remember me the old days.

To and From

I could stay nice in the bus to and from Tokyo. When I wake up, I read book. After the light shut off, I swept enough. But I had a free time, when I wake up early in the morning in the dark room.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Midnight bus

I will go to Tokyo by midnight bus tonight. The bus start Hiroshima at 21:00. And it will reach Tokyo at the next 7:30. I have to stay in bus more than 10 hours. It's a hard job.
I'll return from Tokyo by bus at tomorrow night. I'll reach Hiroshima in morning the day after tomorrow. So, I have to stay in bus 2 continually nights.
The reason why I do such a hard work is for economy.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Business drive

I went to Mihara with salesman in order to huddle with customer. I didn't drive. But long drive in high way tire me.
City Mihara is a country town. I could see a colored trees at customer's yard.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


In these days, I don't feel like do anything. I don't want to work. I don't want to move.
All I want to do is sleeping and reading books.
I often to be such a heart condition.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010


I'm unwell. When I waked up early in the morning, I felt a little headache and throat pain. So, at the time, I drunk a drug. And I took a paid holiday.
In this weekend, I will go to Tokyo by midnight bus. So, I have to get well.

Monday, November 08, 2010

Video pictures

I'm making a copy of video tapes. I connect the handy camera to Blue-Ray recorder with cables. Until now, we could see the views of memories at only narrow screen of handy camera. There are many memorial video pictures which shows from my daughter's birth. We will be able to see such a views easily. My wife is especially in pleasure.

Sunday, November 07, 2010


It was rain today. So we couldn't go to see the autumn leaves.
Instead, we went to buy the blanket of Kotatsu at furniture shop. Kotatsu is a table which have electric heater.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

About Schmidt

I watched a movie "About Schmidt". I've watched only first half today. In the movie Mr. Warren Schmidt is in the disappointment after retire. I expect that the happy end will come to him.
Jack Nicholson always interest me. He is one of my favorite actor.
I will see last half tomorrow.

Watch the class

I will go to watch the class of my daughter and son today. Today is a only day when children's father go to see the class in annual. After the class, I will eat foods which sold in school guarden with my son. Daugther will eat with her friends.

Friday, November 05, 2010

Bad condition

I'm in bad condition today. I've had a cold from the day before yesterday. I got a holiday yesterday. I should got a holiday today, too. It's hard to shit front of desk.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Bulletin board

I made a bulletin board on internet yesterday.
Bulletin board for group which I'm join was deleted. So, I made it.
I looked for the free bulletin board which ask pass word at entry. Perhaps, there are many risky free sites. So I'd been careful not to write my personal data.

Get a holiday

I'd had a cold from yesterday. I get a holiday today.
It's not heavy sickness. So I can do anything today. I will study. I will read book. I will go shopping with wife.
The room where there is no children is wide and silent. So I can stay without stress.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010


The event to go to see autumn leaves was putted off. The reason is that leaves color is not changed enough in Hiroshima pref. We planned that we will go there in this week end.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Autumn leaves

I'm planning to go to see autumn leaves tomorrow. Tomorrow is a holiday. There are many nice spot in Hiroshima, such as Sandankyo, Miyajima and Taishakukyo, etc.
As I've not gone to Taisyakukyo for a long while, I want to go there.

Monday, November 01, 2010

Morning teaching

I went to Macdonald with my daughter the day before yesterday.
A new course was started. I could buy muffin and coffee by only I paid 200 yen. My daughter select a course which need to pay 460 yen.

Holiday work

I worked yesterday despite holiday. I fell long a week if it start from Sunday.
I'm already tired despite it is Monday today.