Saturday, April 30, 2011

High way

When we return from Okayama to Hiroshima, I used the high way. There were no traffic jam. We can reach in only 2 hours. It is easy to go to Okayama after the Hiroshima city high way had completed.

Ancient tomb

After we watched the tower, we walk to ancient tomb. At the ancient tomb, there is a hole where the casket is.
We could see the stone casket in the hole. My daughter and son were pleasured.

In the tower

When we reach the tower, the door was opened. I have been around there many times. But, the door had never opened. We were very lucky.
Inside the door, 4 strange gods were there. The design of it must be influenced by Indian culture.


Five stage tower stands in the rural site. What a beautiful Japanese view !


During go to my home in Okayama, we were around to remains. In Okayama, there are many temples, shrines and ancient tombs. So, we went to Kokubunji temple and Komorizuka ancient tomb.
When I was junior high school student, I went to such a place by bicycle.
My daughter studied about Japanese history. So, she was interested in it.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Scaring doll

This doll was made by my son. It is scaring.

Brief rain

It was suddenly rain during I was commuting by bike in this morning. It was hard rain. But, it stopped about 10 minutes later. But, I had to wear the rain suit. It made me bother. In dictionary, such a rain was written brief rain.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I walk to Japanese style snack shop in order to buy Daifuku.
It is a pleasure that walking in the town at the week day. Many people walked around Yano station more than I imagine.
At the snack shop, I bought strawberry Daifuku. When I brought it to home, my wife became happy.


I take a holiday today. I'm not having a sick, but I feel my body heavy.
It's not impossible to go to job. But I have no job which I have to do hurry. So, I decided to take a rest.
What should I do today ?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Out of gas

When I was commuting in this morning, my bike was suddenly stopped. The reason was
out of gas. I had to walk to gas and bring heavy bike. Fortunately, there was a gas stop near by the point where the bike stopped. But, it was a hard job.
The accident was occurred, because I failed the calculate the distance of bike's running. And, the tank of my bike is too small to use for commute. The volume is only 5.5 litter. So I have to feed every 3 days.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Photo of Mt. Yarigatake

When my friend and I are drinking, he gave me photo data which were gotten at Mt. Yarigatake. He was a partner at the climbing. Mt. Yari is bold, large and beautiful.
By the way, this was photoed by me. I have a policy that only pictures photoed by me are inserted on this blog.


I returned by last train after drinking yesterday. After I reached home, I took bath and went to bed. So I swept at about 2:00. So, I couldn't wake up early in the morning. Off cause I couldn't climb mountain.
Today, I will stay in my home and take a rest.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Commuting train

I commuted by city train in this morning, because I will go to drink in this evening.
It was almost empty in the train, because it is Saturday. So, I like commuting by train on Saturday. I could study English conversation in a relaxed way.

Spartan X

I watched the movie "Spartan X" with my son. Spartan X is a kung fu movie which was played by Jakie chan. My son pleasured it and laughed very much more than I expected. I remember the day when I watched the movie "Snake in the Eagle's Shadow"which Japanese name is "Jaken". I understand that every boy like such a action movie.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Go to drink

I promised with my friend to go to drink tomorrow. So, the climbing in the day after tomorrow may be canceled. It's hard job to climb on the next morning after drink.
As I planned to climb alone, nobody made trouble by the cancel. I will climb many mountain at the consecutive holidays in May.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Home mountain

I walked about 4 km in this morning in order to enjoy spring climbing.
In this weekend, I will climb Mt. Ege. Mt. Egesan can be said my home mountain. I can reach there by my legs. I have climbed there many times. My body for climbing was grown up by the mountain.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What mountain ・・・

I want to climb by shouldering heavy backpack including tent.
What mountain I attack in this spring ?  Now, I'm planning to climb Mt. Tsurugi-dake, Mt. Hisen or Mt, Kujyu.
Until then, I have to make my body to tough as much as when I climbed Mt. Yari-gatake.

Rainy day

It is rain today. I don't despise the rain in spring. Because, I feel it is more warm than before rain. And, pollen don't fly in atmosphere.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ceramic artist

I met a old friend who is a ceramic artist living in Okayama.
My job is salary man. He is an artist. Do you think which job is greater ? Off-cause everyone will say artist is greater. I'm really envious of him.
By the way, I made his home page about 3 years ago. And I took a meeting about the home page in the day before yesterday.
At the meeting, he brought me the photo of his new products. So, I have to maintain the home page in these days.


I gave my mother my child's photos when my father and I went to her hospital. She interest to see it.


I missed the first train to Okayama in the day before yesterday. I understood that making connection changed to bad when I missed the planning train. I had to wait about 20 minutes at some station. But I could see the cherry blossoms at local station.

Friday, April 15, 2011

I couldn't go

Last night, I couldn't go to Okayama. I explain the reason now.
I thought that it must be economical to eat dinner in my home rather than at the restaurant. So, I return to my home at once. But, it was mistake. Once I stay home, going out changed to be very hard job. I should go to Okayama directly after I finished my job.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Return home

I'll return home to see my old parents and old friend in this evening. I'll eat dinner with my father tonight. I'll meet my old friend to maintain his homepage in tomorrow morning. I'll go to hospital to see my mother in tomorrow afternoon.
I will move by not Shinkansen bullet train, but by local train. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Son's painting

This tiger is drawn by my son.
I think it very nice, because it is written to full of paper. I was said that I drew nice pictures when I was child. But, he is better than I.
This picture is showed at the hole of Yano station.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Postmen in the mountain

I watched the Chinese movie "Postmen in the mountain". It was a most nice movie in which I've watched in this 10 years. What a beautiful landscape in the mountain in China! What a beautiful families love ! Now, I become to like Chinese movie.
There are many differences between China and Japan. But, I understood that the human soul is very similar, because we are Asians.

Many flowers

When I walking with my son yesterday, we can see flowers being in full bloom. In spring, we can see many flowers blossom out.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Cherry blossom

We call off to go to see cherry blossom. Now, cherry blossom is in full bloom. But we are tired by the travel which we went about a week ago. We all have a rest today.
I photoed at the base of self-defense force in Kaita.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Working leisurely

I'm working leisurely in these days. Today, I washed my car which is for job.
It is very fine today. So, I would go to see cherry blossom with my family tomorrow.

Friday, April 08, 2011

Physical examination

I got a physical examination in this morning. Until diagnosis, I was afraid that I make a diagnosis as a Metabolic syndrome. But, my weight didn't change from last year. And, other data of today's examination was all right.

Thursday, April 07, 2011


We went to Aso in Kumamoto Pref. at the end of second day of the trip.
In the third morning, We went to Mt. Aso in order to see the volcano's crater.
But, we couldn't go there, because the toxic gas was too much. The most expecting place in this travel was there. So, I regretted.

Horror House

There are many horror houses in Huis Tenbosh. I understood that the horror houses in recent is very scary. I cried out in fear with my wife and children.  

Huis Tenbosh

We went to Sasebo at the second day of the travel. There is a Huis Tenbosh there. Huis Tenbosh is not English word, but it perhaps be Dutch.
I have gone there about 20 years ago. So the visit is service for my family. But, I could pleasure there out of my foresee.


We went to Nagasaki at the first day of trip. I drove more than 400km.
At first, We went to China town and ate Nagasaki-Chanpon which is traditional noodle there. Later, we went to Dejima, Glover gardens, Oura church and Spanish slope.
After I wake up, I walk to Megane bridge alone.

Friday, April 01, 2011

Go travel

I'll go travel with my family from early in the morning yesterday. I'll write blog about it after I'll come home.

April Fool

I got a hundred million yen by winning the lottery.
It's my fool. It is April Fool, today. Is this tradition only for Japan ?