Monday, May 30, 2011

Commute by walk

In Sunday, it was hard rain by typhoon. But I went out and walk to my company. The reason why I did such a stupid thing was that I want to know whether I can commute by walk or not. And, I couldn't go out from Saturday because of rain.
Definitely, it took about 2 hours. If it was fine, I would be able to do it about 1.5 hours. But, I decided that it's difficult to commute by walk in everyday. I can't spend more than 1 hour for commute.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


I wanted to climb mountain today. But, it is raining now. I hear that it will rain tomorrow, too.
I'm considering whether I go out with rain wear or not.


Motivation about everything is dropping away. They are job, studying, and education and etc. I have nothing which I want to do now. Such a mental condition sometimes come. The reason maybe be due to rainy days.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Free time

I have so much free time when I'm working today. Time runs slowly at such situation.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Baiu has come to Hiroshima. Baiu is a Japanese which used in English, too. It means a rainy season. In this season, it rains in almost every day.
It is the worst season for me. I have to wear rain suit when I commute by bike.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I worked outside in a day. It was sunny day. So it was hot to work. I was tired today.
My face was suntan. So, I feel my face hot.

Good condition

I feel my bike be good condition, because I changed the rube oil yesterday. Sound and vibration from transmission change to soft.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Rube oil

I changed rube oil for bike in this morning. I ride about 8,000 km from the time when I changed it before.
It is said that rube oil should be changed every 5,000 km. But, the old oil wasn't so dirty. It was not black, but brown.

Monday, May 23, 2011


As I didn't bring any foods, I felt hungry when I walked in mountains. When I was walking the last mountain (Mt. Ege), I want to stop walking by hunger. I felt my energy less. I couldn't walk powerfully. I understood that food was important for climbing. I will prepare some light meals every time.

Legs in the sky

My legs is in the sky. I photoed this picture at the upside of Rock Eboshiiwa. If I drop from there, I must die. What a nice view it was ! Rock Eboshiiwa was photoed at the upper left side of this photo. Town Tennou was photoed at the upper right side of this photo.

Rock climbers

I saw some rock climbers near Rock Eboshiiwa. Rock Eboshiiwa is knows as a rock climbing point. Climber is photoed at the left side of this picture.
I have a feeling of yearning for rock climbing. But, I had never seen rock climber. So, I watched them for a long while. It looks dangerous, but it looks pleasure.

Transfer mountains

I traversed some mountains yesterday.
At first, I transfer to Tennnou by train. And I walked to Yano in the mouontain. I passed through Rock Eboshiiwa, Falls Miyama and Mt. Ege. I had waked more than 11km. I spend in mountains about 6 hours. It was a hard work. I have muscle ache now.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


I found a headstream of river. Two white bars were the sign of it. The water which birthed there would go to Japanese see. This find was my first experience.

Rice paddy in sunset

When I walking in country side in Miyoshi, I could see a beautiful sight. Sky of sunset was reflected in rice paddy. What a beautiful ! When I was a child, there were many rice paddy in neighborhood.
I felt nostalgic. I thought that I want to go my old home.

Prefectural park Miyoshi

There is a wide prefectural park nearby my hotel in city Miyoshi. I walked there after work. The park was prepared well. Huge money must be payed for constructing. Debt of Japan was grew by such action.

Worked in city Miyoshi

I had worked in city Miyoshi from Monday to Friday. I returned in last evening. The work was not hard. But, staying hotel for several days make me tired. Sleeping in my home is best.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

No entry sign

There was a good climbing point for my son in neighborhood. We sometimes went there and climb there. But, we find the new no entry sign there. Somebody who watched us climb call to administrative institution and said dangerous.
There are many nosy people. There is no word "Self responsibility" for them. A good playing spot was deleted.

Out of load

I climbed mountain in this morning with my son. There is a normal load to the top. But, we climbed through the slope face where the trees and bushes grew up.
My son climbed there bravely.

Mt. Takao

I climbed Mt. Takao with my son yesterday. We spend about 2 hours from door to door. I thought he could walk long distance more than I expect.
By the way Mt. Takao is a mountain which is there at the boarder between Yano and Saka town. We can see a wide see view from there.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Came back

I came back from business trip in last night. It was rain in almost every day. So, I couldn't walk around the hotel where I stayed.
This is a forest in wide park nearby my hotel. It was rain. I photoed it at the window of the hotel.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Business trip

I'll go to Miyoshi for business from Monday(yesterday) to Friday. I will stay in hotel alone in every night. At the time, I will read books.
I bought the book "Kokou no hito"for it. "Kokou no hito" means that a gay who do everything alone. The story is about climber.

Expensive or Dangerous

There is not easy and low budget route to top of Mt. Yari-gatake
There is no political transportation for easy route. If I select the route, I have to use taxi.
Nice route for transport is dangerous. If I select the route, I have to climb the rock and chain.
I have to consider about it.

Saturday, May 07, 2011


I'm always leisure in these days in my office. Leisure too much is worse than busy. Volume of my job always rise and fall.

Friday, May 06, 2011

Plan to climb Mt. Tsurugi-dake

I'm planning to climb Mt. Tsurugi-dake. Mt. Tsurugi-dake is one of the most difficult mountain to climb in Japan.
I have to consider about my ability, time and the budget. In these days, I'm always bothered by it. But, it is a pleasure time.


There always be many toys on my son's desk.
Oh my god ! Bumblebee was eaten his head by dinosaur.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Climb Mt. Ege

I climbed Mt. Ege from evening. I usually climb in the morning. But, I want to climb after I return from Park. So, I go out at 3:00 P.M.
About 1 hour was needed from entrance of climbing road to top of the mountain. After I leave the top, I walked mountain ridge, and go down to Koyaura station.
After climbing mountain, I always feel nice.

Play in the park

I went to Senogawa Park with my family. We ate lunch box and play. Especially, Playing the flying-kite was very pleasure.
But, my wife was in bad condition. She has gotten a cold.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Top of the rocks

I could stand the top of the rocks. I could see many strange rocks and lower world. It was very beautiful. I felt happy, because I could climb difficult rock rute.
What a nice mountain it is ! I will climb it again.
Fortunately, I found the safety road on the mountain ridge.

Rock climbing

Climbing Mt. Rock-Eboshi was a rock climbing. I had to climb by handing the edge of rocks.
Basically, stepping down at the rock is more difficult than climbing up. So I was afraid when I image to step down during I was climbing up. Climbing the mountain was more difficult than climbing Mt. Yari-gatake. If I missed, I would drop to the ground and got injured.

Mt. Rock-Eboshi

Mt. Rock-Eboshi is famous as a mountain for rock climbing. Rock climbing is out of my range. But, the mountain is nearby, and often be seen by me. So, I decided to try to climb it yesterday.
Entrance of the climbing road is nearby Tennnou station. I could see many rocks from station.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Nearby mountains

I decided to climb all nearby mountain. Until the end of this year, I want to climb all famous mountain in City Hiroshima.
I planned to climb Mt. Rock Eboshi in Tennnou today. Eboshi is a kind of hat. I think the style of rock look like Eboshi. After climb it, I would climb Mt. Hachimaki, and go to Canyon Nikyu in Kure.
I would eat lunch in the mountain. I brought the some foods and cooking sets.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Prepaid card

As I don't like credit card, I often use prepaid card. Prepaid means that paying money before.
I'm using two prepaid card. One of them is for Amazon, and other is for gas station. In this morning, credit in the card for gas station to be empty. So, I had to pay by credit. Inserting many coins in the slot made bother me.


I went to see the movie with my friend on Thursday of last week. The title was "Sucker Punch". I don't know the meaning of the title. In the movie, a cute girl fight in the dream. She could use Japanese sword and guns well. The story was nonsensical, but the action was very amusing. Watching movie in the theater was better than by DVD.
The posters in the photo were the other movie's. I photoed it in front of the theater.