Wednesday, June 29, 2011


My schedule is empty on business in these days. I'm waiting 5 p.m every day. It's painful.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


I went to mont-bell shop with my son. mont-bell is a maker for climbing equipments.
I had known the shop had opened in Hiroshima in some years ago. But, the shop is there at far from my home. So, I had never gone there. My son and I had a time in this morning. So, I decided to go there.
I bought the suit for climbing in summer there. At the mont-bell, almost every equipment is more cheap than other. When I bought it, I paid 5800 yen. But, if I bought it at other shop, I will have to pay more than 10000 yen. So, I went there, although it was far from my home.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Save energy

Save energy is needed in this summer. But, it's already very hot in June. So, the electricity failure must be happened.

Japan Alps

I decide to climb mountains in Japan Alps at the first of August. I have to get 2 holidays.
I will climb Mt.Yakushi, Mt.Suisho and Mt.Washiba, etc. And I will walk a Unmo Daura. Unmo Daura is a high land which is called final rarely-visited region in Japan.
I checked many web sites, books and maps. As a result, I understood that the place where I want to go are there. I'm in exciting when I image to climb and walk there.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Humidity level is high in this season. When I walk, surface of my skin be wet. When I working on the desk, papers bond to my hand. I hate this season.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Engineer's group

I will go to Osaka at the middle of July. The object is to join the event of mechanical professional engineer's group. At the event, A practice examination is held. I made the examination questions for subject of fluid engineering.
After the examination, we go to drink. I can stay in the best atmosphere with professional engineers there.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Rain wear

When I ride the bike in the rain, my lower body get wet even if I use the rain wear. I bought the rain wear about 7 years ago. So, the ability for cutting water must fall to low level. I want to buy new one.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Alternate current

I'm studying about electricity. It was easy when I studied about direct current. But, it is very difficult when I studying about alternate current. It's difficult to image.
But, I have to study it in order to up my level as a mechanical engineer.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

A misty rain

I jogged along in a misty rain in this morning. The misty rain wetted my body and clothes. But, I didn't feel sick. I decide that I will jog even if it is rain.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Rainy season

It is rainy season now. From this morning, it is rain. So, I couldn't walk.
It will be rain tomorrow morning. So, I will not be able to walk.
In these days, my body condition is well. So I don't want to stop walking.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Drivers hate bike

I often be played a dirty trick by cars when I ride on bike. Some car closes the distance to my back. Some car beeps the hone.
Many drivers may hate bikes. Or my way of ridding makes drivers getting angry.
By the way, I feel bad when the bike run around the car which I drive.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Lucky or Ability

My daughter scored 92% on test of mathematics. It's rank second in her classroom. My wife became happy, because she is teaching everyday.
Which it was lucky or her ability? It will be obvious at the next test.

Good condition

I'm in good condition. I can get up early in the morning, and I can walk, and I can study.

Monday, June 13, 2011


I found a big statue of the goddess of Kannon in Kaitaichi when I moving by the car. When I told it to my colleague, he said me 'Let's go there'.
As the road was very narrow, we couldn't access there by car. We could see it from the garden of shrine. It looked very small in this picture, but the height must be more than 5m.

Temples and shrines

There are many temples and shrines in Kaitaichi. I think the reason is that there was a main road there in ancient days.
I walked there at the time when I had a time in working.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


I went to eat Okonomiyaki with my family today. Okonomiyaki is a food which grilled on hot plate, and it contain a chopped cabbages, sliced meat, sea food and noodle, etc. It's a local specialty in Hiroshima.

Mt. Rengeji

I climbed Mt. Rengeji with my son yesterday. Mt. Rengeji is listed in the book 'Mountains in Hiroshima Prefecture'.
My son could walk in the mountain more fast than I expected. And, he have a stamina, because he train at swimming school from he was 4 years old.
By the way, the mountain is not very nice. I can't understand why it listed in the book.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Examination questions

I'm making sample of examination question for professional engineer (PE).
I have joined a group of PE called 'Net' . We are making sample of examination every year. I handle fluid engineering.
The questions to be more difficult now than I've gotten it. So, it's too difficult for me to make it now. But, I proud that I create examination. And, Creating it give me the great knowledge about it.

Friday, June 10, 2011


After I decided to study for examination, I am full of energy. I can get up early and study in these days. When I walking in the morning, it's more pleasure than before.
For life, object is very important.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

License about electrical job

I decide to get a license about electrical job.
The reason why I try it is that I often need a electrical knowledge when I work about my major mechanical. But, I'm not good about electric. If I want to be professional of mechanical engineer, knowledge about electric must be needed.
Trying for examination is good to keep motivation to study. I've gotten the knowledge of mechanic by the step.

Sparkling wine

I bought sparkling wine during I commute yesterday.
My wife felt better when I gave it. She likes sparkling wine very much.
I bought dry banana snack with wine. It suited to wine. I got drunk last night.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Walking in the rain

I walked in the rain in this morning. As it is warm, I felt nice despite I got a wetting. I'm in good condition in these days, because of walking in the morning.
After rainy season, I will climb mountains in Japan Alps. So, I have to continue to train, too.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011


When it is rain, I often have a headache. The headache is not hard, but I am cranky.

Monday, June 06, 2011

Shinkansen bullet train

When I go to Okayama, I used Shinkansen bullet train. The train is very fast. I could reach Okayama only 36 minutes. But, it's too expensive. I had to pay 6060 yen.
When I return, I used local train. It taked about 3 hours. But, I paid only 3000 yen. I read a book which I bought in Okayama.

In hospital

In hospital, I saw my mother yesterday. She was comfort more than I imagined. So, I could felt relief. But, her hand slim down more than I watched before.
I heard she would get out from hospital. And, she will stay her home during her alive. I agree that staying home is better than staying in hospital.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Grilled meat

Now, I'm in my family home in Okayama. I ate grilled meat with my father and brother at the restaurant last night. In this afternoon I'll go to hospital to see my mother with them.

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Sea bream

I was presented two big sea breams in this morning.
The Japanese word for sea bream 'tai' is similar to the word 'mede-tai' which means congratulate. So, sea bream is treated as a symbol of luck in Japan. And, It is often eaten at the ceremony.
What beautiful sea breams these are ! The reason of the beauty is that they are natural and fresh. If they are farmed fishes, they are not so beautiful style.
How should I eat them ?


The policy about education for children is different between my wife and I. So, we often strike together. She educate almost everything. I often teach the thing which she couldn't do. So, I don't want to break in. But, I often bother for children. How do I do ?

Friday, June 03, 2011

Lost property

I'd lost my notebook several days before. It is very important notebook which written my schedule, my records and my plan, etc. I understood the importance when I lost it.
My wife found it. She always find my lost properties.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Go home

I will go home in this week end in order to see my mother in hospital.