Sunday, July 31, 2011


It was very busy in July. There were many events, accidents and jobs. But, I could cleared all of them after a great struggle.


I prepared climbing items today. After I include them to backpack, I measure the weight. It was about 19 kg. It is as heavy as the weight when I climbed Mt. Yari last year. I think every time that "Can I bring it to the top ? ".

Saturday, July 30, 2011


My son jumped from the rock at the service area in High way.

Buddhist sutra

My son was reading Buddhist sutra yesterday in Okayama. Of course he don't know the meaning.

Buddhist monk

The event of "Butsudan-Kaigan-kuyou" which include soul to Buddhist alter had held yesterday. My son and I attended it. At the event, Buddhist monk read Buddhist sutra in front of Buddhist alter.
Later, he talked us about Buddhist soul. His story had a realize and flexibility more than I expected. So, I didn't feel bad, despite I'm atheist.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Water flask

This water flask have a tube. So, I can drink during I'm walking. Water don't be leaked, as a valve is there at the end of tube.

Boot's string

Spare of boot's string is very important. If I don't bring it, I will not be able to walk in the mountain when the string is cut.

New items

I bought new items such as small umbrella, shirt, pants, water flask, tablet fuels, boot's string and pouch which resist water.
They are all for climbing North Alps in next week.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hard work

I'm working 9 continuous days. In addition, I worked outside in sunny days 4 continuous days until yesterday. As may be expected, I'm tired very much. I have to control my condition until climbing days in next week.

Monday, July 25, 2011


The proverb goes "Careful preparation ensures your success." But, I don't prepare for climbing North Alps in next week. I'm too busy now. I have been working 7 continuous days. There is no power to prepare for climbing.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Working on Sunday

I worked on Sunday today. When I am commuting, there are a few cars on the road. It's nice. But, my hurt is blue. I have to work until Thursday.
I'll go home early, and I'll have a rest.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Tripod stand

I bought a tripod stand. It's character is not only the style, but also the flexibility. I can take it to the branch. I can take it to pole. I'll bring it to climb North Alps.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Buddhist altar

I have to go home in Okayama on Friday in next week. Because, the event "Butsudan-Kaigan-kuyou" will be held there. I explain about it below.
We bought a new Buddhist altar for my mother. But it's not include the soul. So, the Buddhist monk pray at front of it.
Many events are held in Japan after a parson died.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


I assembled a Zelt. Zelt is a word of German. It is a compact rescue tent. I can use it when I lose the way and have to stay night in the mountain. At such situation, many people could be alive by it.
When I fold it, the size is as large as my fist. So, I can always bring it, when I climb mountain.

2 weeks later

I'm in hard job in this three days. But, I have to train for climb at 2 week later. I'll stay in the bus which will run between Nagoya to Takayama about this time 2 weeks later.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

12 continuous days

I have to work 12 continuous days from today. In this weekend, I have important job. The first day was finished. I already have tired.

Monday, July 18, 2011


I'd planned to go to play in the river in order to cool down with my family today. But, the wind is powerful by typhoon from early in this morning. So, we gave up to go there. What should we do today ?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Light backpack

I bought a light backpack last week. It's very light and compact when I fold it. I will use it when I attack the top of mountain after I leave main back pack at camp site. We call such backpack to sub zack.

Try the tablet fuel

I tried the tablet fuel burner in this morning. It takes about 4 minutes to boil 180cc water. It's powerful more than I expect. I decide not to bring gas burner.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


DHA is a kind of nutrition. As a effect, it make us clever. It's included much in fish meat.
As I feel my power of memory is declined in these years, I decide to buy it. I'll feel pleasure if my power is increased.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Dead sleep

I got a dead sleep last night, because I drunk much in the day before yesterday. So, I feel fine now. I understand that a good sleep makes a good life.
By the way, "Dead sleep" must be meaning of that sleep like a dead body.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ballantine's 12 years old

My friend who is pro engineer came to Hiroshima from Osaka as a business trip. So, I brought him to the lounge of Hotel Granvia Hiroshima last night.
It is there on 21th floor. So, we could see the beautiful city night view. We drunk expensive drinks. Ballantine's 12 years old was very delicious.
As he is interest guy, I could spent pleasure time there.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I bought a oven as a climbing tool. This oven burn the fuel tablets on it. This is very compact style. The longest length is only 8cm.
In this summer I will use this oven instead of gas burner. Theme of this climbing is light weight.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New items for climbing

I bought new items in this evening. Every item for this summer was prepared.


I have headache now. The reason must be the hotness. It's too hot.

Monday, July 11, 2011

After a long interval

After a long interval, I attend to my company. It's hard, as I had a long interval. There are many papers on my desk. I have to work by refreshed heart.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


I could see beautiful red sky in mountain. It's impossible to describe the beauty by my camera and my technique.

Full weight

I climbed Mt. Ege in this morning. I brought a backpack which include full items. It was a training for climbing North Alps.
The weight of backpack is about 20 kg. It was a hard job. High temperature, high humidity and heavy backpack attacked me. I had spent in the mountain from 4:20 to 7:00.

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Trainning hall

The building in this picture is training hall for Kendo which I attended when I was primary school student. Kendo is a sports which treat a Japanese sword.
When I walk in Okayama, I went there.

Buddhist alter

I went to buy Buddhist alter with father and younger brother. As my father don't negotiate, I do it. So, clerk got price down from 1,400,000 yen to 1,000,000. Father felt enough the price down. But, it would expensive enough for clerk. By the way, it was a beautiful furniture.

Incense burner

This is a photo of incense burner which called Koro. At funeral, visitors put incense into burner three times, and bow his head. I have no religion, but I like such a items. It have traditional beauty and functional beauty.


My father is more comfortable than I had foreseen. He talk to us very much. He works hard in his garden and his house.
I'll return to Hiroshima in this afternoon. I'm afraid that he will feel loneliness after I return. I think I must to go home sometime.

Friday, July 08, 2011


At crematorium, mother's body was burned with coffin in the oven. We could see the black smoke raised to the sky from chimney. One and half hour later, her body was burned out. We picked her born into ceramic bottle by chopsticks.
Curious to say, my hurt was cooled down by the event. I satisfied my self when I saw her white born. This event might been devised in order to make victim's family cool down.


Funeral was held on July 5. My mother's relatives ,friends her husband's relatives and her son's friends, etc attended to the funeral.
A beautiful alter was prepared. As a last event, as a eternal farewell, we take many flowers into her coffin. At the event, I felt lonely. After it, the window of coffin was closed forever. And, the coffin was transported to the crematorium.

Funeral wake

There is a Japanese traditional event which called funeral wake. Funeral wake is that the family of the person who died wake up all night in the day when she died. We have to wake around her body in order to not to she feel lonely.
It was a hard job more than I had imagined before. But, I thought it a last job which I could do for her.


My mother went to her rest early in the morning on July 5.

Monday, July 04, 2011

Stay home

It's difficult to plan something, as I may have to run to Okayama suddenly. I have to stay my home and office basically.

Sunday, July 03, 2011


When I left Okayama in the day before yesterday, my mother smiled and said me "See you". It was the only conversation at the homecoming visit. It was only smile which she showed me.
Is there the chance to see her again ? It might be the last her voice and expression. If I never see her, I'll feel lonely. But, as a last conversation and a last expression, I think they are not so bad.

Saturday, July 02, 2011


It's too hot. I'm tired instead of that I do nothing today outside.

Friday, July 01, 2011

How long

I'm stay my old home now. As my father call me to see my mother, I suddenly came back there after work yesterday. Her condition is very bad. She may be not able to recognize me.
After I return to Hiroshima today, I may never see her alive.