Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Law of electricity

As I finished studying about "Electric power" for examination, I started about "Law of electricity". It's easy to understand. But learning by heart is hard job.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Physical condition

I'm under terrible condition. So, I had swept almost all day long.
Hard job and terrible condition prevent me to train for climbing. Can I climb North Alps mountains in this summer ?

Saturday, May 26, 2012


I'm working now despite it is Saturday today. I'll go home about noon.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Have a cold ?

I feel my body heavy. So, I couldn't go out to jog in this morning.
After I reached my office, I feel my body more heavy. And I feel it is cold despite others are not feel so. I may have a fever. I might have a cold.
Now, my mouth and nose are covered by mask.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mouth inflammation

There is a big mouth inflammation in my mouth. It's may because tiredness. I'm working 10 continuous days.
Every food is not delicious when there is mouth inflammation.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


It was eclipse yesterday. I could see the sun had waned.
But, I couldn't photo it. Sunlight is too shiny for mobile phone's camera.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Despite Sunday

I'm working now despite it is Sunday today. It's too busy.
But, I could maintain my bike at factory in my company. I could do it, because I'm alone at my office.

Lube oil

I changed rube oil for bike today. I'm changing it every year. The collar had changed from brown to black only during 1 year.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Good result

Cycle computer moved correctly when I check it. So, I can drive the bike by keeping legal speed.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Cycle computer

My bike's speed indicator had broken.
I ordered it about 1 month ago. But, it has not reach to me, as the bike is old and the parts are not supplied now.
So, I'm trying to assemble the cycle computer to the bike. I hope it show the correct speed.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


It is cold now. It is rain now.
My legs are wet when I commuted by bike. I want to buy rain wear.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Good condition

I'm in good condition now, as I ran and walk about 4.2km in this morning. Before I go out to run, I feel messy every day. But, once I start to run, I feel nice every day.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Blog title

I changed blog title today. The reason why is that Google send me a message which I should write only by one language. Old title was written by Japanese. So, many viewers in the world won't to read it.


I went to Hiroshima Forest Park today. Verdurous leaves were very beautiful. My children enjoyed playing equipment. But, I had tired.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Friends bike

My friend bought new off-road bike in these days. I watched it today. It was very cool.
I want to buy new one. But, I have no money to buy such a thing.
I have two hobbies which are the bike and climbing. Continuing two hobbies enough waste much money.


It is busy now. My company is on business boom in these years despite it is depression in Japan.
It sounds nice. But, I'm tired.

Friday, May 11, 2012


From last evening, it is too cold for May. In these days, it was warm.
We may easily have a cold. I have to be careful.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Yellow sand

In these days, the sky is not clear. It's because by yellow sand from China.
As I have an allergy, condition of nose is very bad.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Get out of sharp

As it is after long vacation, it's hard to work. My body and soul get out of sharp.

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Climb with my son

I climbed Mt. Ege with my son today. Honestly speaking, I didn't think that he could climb to top. He is tough more than I expect.


My son start to be interested in shogi in these days. He request me to play every day.
As he is young, he could memorize the activity for all pieces easily. He is reading the explanatory book which I bought for him when he have a time.
I think it's better for children than playing video games. Playing shogi will make his brain better. I heard that most of grad of Tokyo university have an experience of playing shogi.

Saturday, May 05, 2012

Traditional house

I could see the Japanese style traditional house in this morning near my mother's tomb in Okayama, I heard that the house is old big trader's one. The house have been registered as a cultural property. It looks very nice for me.

Wash the car

I washed my car yesterday at my parents place.
I bought the car about 2 years ago, but it was first time. Because, I hate washing and cleaning anything.
But, I felt nice to see washed car.

Friday, May 04, 2012


My climbing boots's sole is worn. I have used it more than 3 years. I may have to change the sole.

Muscle ache

I have muscle ache now. The reason is climbing which I had done yesterday.
But, I'll climb every weekend until summer. I have to make my body tough for hard climbing.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Top of mountain

I could see Mt. Jyakluchi and Ondo bridge from top of Mt. Ege, as it was very fine day.
Top of mountain always give me the pleasure.
Nice wind, beautiful landscape and sense of achievement always appear in front of me. All my blue heart had disappeared.

TV tower

There were 4 TV towers near the top of Mt. Ege before. But, three of them were deleted. The three towers were for analog broadcasting. There is only one tower for digital broadcasting.
New park being constructed at the place.

Route of the climb

I climbed Mt. Ege in this morning.
I'd never climbed there about an half year. During the half year, route of the climb was fitted out.
There are many marks beside the road. Three TV towers were deleted.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012


Long vacation will start tomorrow. But, all plan is only going back to my old home in Okayama.
The flower Tsutsuji is blossoming in this season every year.