Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I ordered battery for digital camera on internet in several days ago. But, it haven't reach me.
When I checked on net, I found the batteries are reimport one. It already had sent from company in Hong Kong. But, it will reach in August 8. It will be after I leave to North Alps.
So, I ordered domestic one in this morning. It will reach tomorrow. So, I can bring it to North Alps.
The reason I ordered reimport one is cheapness. As a result, I'll have 3 same batteries.

Radio include generator

I was given a radio which include generator by my colleague yesterday. It's the item for emergency case. It have radio, LED light and electric supplier for mobile phone. If the buttery be empty, we can turn the handle and make electricity and reserve it.
When I returned home, I gave it to my son. He had become happy very much. I remembered the time when I make transistor radio at my junior high school student.

Monday, July 30, 2012


I checked baggage in backpack, as I'll move to North Alps on Thursday's night. All these are measured 19kg. I couldn't cut items more.
Two backup batteries which I ordered on internet are not reached me. It is only my anxiety about baggage. Of course, I have another anxiety such as power to climb, falling down to valley and whether, etc.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Strange animal

I saw a strange animal at the top of Mt. Ege. The color was beautiful orange, and the body was sharper than raccoon. I've never seen it until now. He escaped into bush during I was preparing the camera.
Later, I found the animal on the internet. It was Ten. He is alive in Hiroshima.


I brought 19kg weight to top of Mt. Ege. The weight is same with the baggage which I'll bring to Mt. Hodaka. In this backpack there are many water pet bottles and iron weights.
Today's climbing was very very hard. 19kg weight, high temperature, high humidity and spider's net bother me. Can I climb Mt. Hodaka with such weight ?

God's string

When I climbed Mt, Ege last time, I found the sacred rope fall on ground. It's because string which hold the rope was cut. So I brought the string and hung the rope again today.
I don't believe the existence of God. But, I always sit on the shrine and have a rest. So, I did such conduct as a thanks.

Nice park

There is nice parking area near the entrance of Mt. Ege. I always park my bike there.


I went to high place near my house with my son in order to see fireworks. There are many people around us. We could enjoyed. I thought I'll bring him to near firework next summer.

Saturday, July 28, 2012


I bought foods for climbing last evening. 4 day's food is very bulky. I bother that can I put them all into backpack ?

Friday, July 27, 2012

In backpack

I tried to put all items into backpack in this morning. But, I couldn't do it despite I've never bought meals and never put into 2 litter water reservoir. I can't remember how to I put them into backpack last year.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


As a trial, I assembled tent in my room last evening. I checked it. But, it was not broken. There were no lack of parts. I always be doing such a check every year. I think such a conduct must be important. My son enjoyed helping me. Children like camp and tent.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


New camera waste electricity more than I thought. So, I ordered two spare batteries by internet.  3 batteries must be enough for 4 days in North Alps.


I start to prepare climbing equipment. I have to buy some items. I'm considering whether I should buy climbing helmet or not. The helmet will help me from falling stones. But, It will be large baggage.

Monday, July 23, 2012


I'm tired. I had events in every weekend in these weeks.
I want to have a rest. But, I have to train for climbing. I'll climb Mt. Hodaka about 10 days later.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Narrow road

In tomonoura, many narrow roads were there. Many old traditional building was there beside the roads. I like such a road. Onomich and takehara have such a road, too.

Many cats

When I walked near seaside with my son, we could sea many cats walking and staying. Seaside may be easy to alive for cats.

Historical building

There was historical old building near our hotel. This is a hotel where Ryoma Sakamoto had stayed when he escaped from his enemy. It was traditional and beautiful building.

Fishery harbor

I walked with my son early in the morning. As the hotel was there near the fishery harbor, we could sea some fishermen working. I like to sea such a landscape.

Sea bream

We stayed in spa hotel in Tomonoura from last night to this morning. Sea bream is famous there. So, we enjoyed delicious sea bream course.
From our room, we could see islands.

Amusement Park

I went to amusement park and traditional town in Fukuyama with wife's families. Playing in amusement park in summer was hard job. But my children enjyoyed there.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Couldn't sleep well

I couldn't sleep well last night. So, I couldn't wake up early in the morning. I wanted to climb Mt. Ege with 18kg backpack. But, I couldn't. Next week end is last chance to train for North Alps.

Friday, July 20, 2012


I walked in this morning by climbing boots. And I brought 14kg backpack. It was hard training.
I understood that walking on paved road is better by running shoes than climbing shoes. I always walk about 30 minutes. But, I walked about 40 minutes today.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Gas cartridge

I bought 2 size of gas cartridge. If small one is enough to 4 days in mountain, I'll bring it.
I wanted to know how much water can be boiled by one cartridge. So, I checked on the web. But, it was not shown clearly. Perhaps, it will change by environment.


My climbing boot's sole was changed by maker. I got it yesterday. When I compare with before, I can see the sole's channel is very deep. And, toe's thickness have improved.
Side rubber was replaced, too. When I ordered it, the clerk said that the parts won't be repaired. So, it was my pleasure.
Now, the boot's looks like new one. I'll try the boot's grip power in the mountain in this weekend.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012


It is too hot. I want to do nothing in daytime.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dirty bike

After I ran in forest road, the bike always be dirty. But, I like watch my dirty bike. Because it always give me the satisfactory. It is a evidence of running forest road.

Forest road

As it was rain in these days, condition of forest road was very bad. Sand and small stones were fallen out. So, the Large stones appeared there.
I slipped and fall down on the stone twice. Fortunately, I wasn't injured. But, back mirror was broken.
Water of stream was fast and much.

Clean the muffler

I went to Jippouzan forest road with my friend yesterday. Before I went there, I went to my company's factory and washed inside of muffler. Much carbon appeared. As I had not enough time, I couldn't wash it enough. But, I thought the power had improved.

Sunday, July 15, 2012


When I go down the mountain, sunshine appeared. Wet leaves bright. It was beautiful.


I brought 14kg backpack to top of Mt. Ege in this morning. 
It was hard job. I bother that can I bring 20kg backpack in North Alps 3 weeks later ?


When I climbed Mt. Ege, it was misty.
I can see the top from near shrine Noma. I like this landscape.

Friday, July 13, 2012

New tire

I changed rear tire to new one. I'll ride smoothly in forest road on Monday. But, it will be rain on Monday.

Speed meter

As my bike's speed meter had broken, I brought my bike to bike shop in Kabe.
My bike is very old model which have 2 cycle engine. So, the many parts are difficult to get now. I waited about 2 months for the parts.
The reason why the meter had not moved was that the gear abraded away. Until I see the gear, I thought it must be metal. But it was made by plastic.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


I couldn't sleep well last night. Once I wake up in the mid night, I sometimes can't sleep again. At such a time, I always consider about many thing deeply.
I'm in bad condition now.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Paid holiday

I'd gotten a paid holiday yesterday, because I felt tired in the morning. It was hard in these days. I went to Fukuoka on a week ago Sunday. I went to go Okayama on last week end. Staying home alone all day long was very nice.
It will be more busy from now. I'll go to forest road by off road bike with friend in this weekend. I'll go to hot spring in Fukuyama with my wife's family in the next weekend. On first August, I'll go to North Alps. I have to keep my body healthy.

Monday, July 09, 2012

Son's climbing shoes

I bought climbing shoes to my son in climbing equipment shop in Okayama. He became happy.
He said "I can walk in the mountain faster than father by this shoes".


Many dags were there near by my father's home. When my son close to them, they close to my son. Somebody must be giving them feeds. So, they think everybody gives them feeds.


I found big birds on the roof near my father's home. I think this photo is interesting. They may be a couple.


I found a beautiful dragonfly in my father's garden. I sometimes found it there. The name is "Haguro tombo".
I'd found it near by the river when I was child. But, I don't know why they gather in my father's garden. Nice feed for them may be there.

Saturday, July 07, 2012

On the rock

As I brought a new camera, I could photo myself by using self timer. I can enjoy photo from now. It was on the rock on the top of Mt. Ege.


I brought 12kg baggage to top of mountain. Many pet bottles are in this baggage. Heavy weight bothered me in this morning.

Fallen tree

Fallen tree prevent me to climb to top of Mt. Ege. It was hard rain in last evening. Many trees were fallen on the mountain road.

Friday, July 06, 2012

The first death anniversary

Yesterday was my mother's first death anniversary. I can't know whether this one year was long or not. I'll go to my old home and attend the anniversary tomorrow.

Leg cramp

My leg cramped up early in this morning. It was very hard ache. During it was continuing, all I can do was absorbing. My good sleeping was destroyed.

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Mt. Hodaka

Yesterday, I decided to climb Mt. Hodaka in North Alps in this summer.
I wondered that which mountain should I climb Mt. Hodaka or Mt. Tsurugi. The reason why I decide is following.
One reason is that climbing Mt. Tsurugi is dangerous. So, I shouldn't climb it alone. But, my friend won't to climb in this summer.
Another reason is reservation of midnight bus to Kamikochi. If I use midnight bus, I can start to climb at 6:30. As the rest of seat had been a few on internet order, I decide to reserve it yesterday.
Every climber hankers for Mt. Hodaka. I'm one of them.


It's rain every day, because it is in Baiu season now. I can't jog in these days. I've not jogged from Sunday. As a train for North Alps, I have to climb on this Saturday even if it will be rain.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Digital camera

I bought a digital camera by internet shop. I bought it for climbing. The camera is tough and resist water. So, it will be suitable for climbing.

Monday, July 02, 2012

Yamato 2199

I watched the animation movie "Space battle Ship Yamato". It was the main object which I went to Fukuoka.
Bravo ! It was a very interesting. I've never seen such a nice animation. The continuation of the story will be held on October. It's difficult to wait until then. I promised my friend to go to Fukuoka on October again.

Kyushu Ramen

I went to eat famous Kyushu Ramen shop in Fukuoka. Ramen is famous specialty in Fukuoka. My friend brought me there as he had gone there before. It was nice taste. It was my first experience to eat real Kyushu Ramen.

Gold seal

I went to see gold seal in Fukuoka museum yesterday. Gold seal was sent from Chinese king to Japanese king in ancient day. It was found in rice paddy in Edo Period. I think it is very strange. Why such an important item was there in rice paddy? I imagine that an old king might escape from enemy and died there. There may be a big roman.
Unfortunately, I couldn't photo the seal.


I went to Fukuoka with my friend by his car yesterday. Fukuoka was a big city when I compared with Hiroshima. This is a bay area's view.