Saturday, March 30, 2013


I`ll go to Fukuoka pref. with my family today. We'll play in Space World, and stay in hotel, and pray at the shrine Dazaifu Tenmangu.
I have to drive several hundred kilometers.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Free time

I have many free time in office in these days. Hard job days had finished. I'm going home about 5 PM everyday.
I can do everything. I'll start to train for climbing soon. I'll start to plan of climbing. Golden season have started.

Monday, March 25, 2013


I found a strange house in my neighborhood. There are many old signboards on the wall. Some of them are which I had seen when I was child.
There are many people who have strange hobby.

Cherry blossoms

Cherry blossoms start to open in these days. Cherry blossoms is special plants for Japanese. Many people go under the tree and eat lunch and drink beer. I like the event.
My company hold the event in every spring. And, I go with my family in every spring.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Enough rest

As I returned to home at 5 PM yesterday, I'm good condition now. I understood that the enough rest is important for health and job.
But, I'm in the office now despite it is Saturday today.

Friday, March 15, 2013


A biggest job had finished yesterday. I'll be able to stay more slowly than yesterday. All my job will be finished until the end of March. Good season will come soon.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


It is bright in these days when I commute in the morning. It is still cold. But the brightness make me comfort. I'll enjoy many climbing, driving and riding, etc. in spring.

Friday, March 08, 2013

Peak of busyness

It must be peak of busyness now. After I'll resist this busyness, down slope must be appear in front of me.