Friday, May 31, 2013

Nobunaga Oda

Nobunaga Oda is a most favorite historical hero for me. He was cruel , cleaver and lucky guy. I've read many books which treat him. I think Ryotaro Shiba's one is best.

My lanking: ★★★★★

Monday, May 27, 2013

Worked until midnight

I worked at construction site until midnight yesterday despite it was Sunday. The reason was mistake of customer. If we didn't fix the trouble, customer's factory wouldn't work on Monday.
When I returned my home, it was 11PM.
New week started today. It must be long week.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Pot noodle

I bought a pot noodle in convenience store. The brand is a famous ramen shop's one which I had eaten in Fukuoka. As my blood condition is not good, I don't eat pot noodle in these days. But I bought it, because I'm worry whether the noodle have similar taste with original one or not.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Mt. Takao

I climbed Mt. Takao in this morning. I could run from my door to the top. Only 25 minutes was needed for it.
I'm busy for job. But, I can control my condition for climb.
This is landscape from the top. There is my home in this photo.
After I ate breakfast there, I went down to town Saka. I'm in good condition.


After the golden week vacation, I'm busy. I always leave my home early in the morning, and come back to my home late in the night. As it is memorial day about my marriage, I force to get holiday  today. I have no leeway to write this blog in these days.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Stone monument

There was a big stone monument at the top of the castle. The monument says that the bandits came from the Korean Peninsula.

Kinojyo castle

I went to Kinojyo castle with my father and son. I know the name from when I was child. But, I've never been there.
Kinojyo castle is ruins of old castle which the bandits stayed. Great stonewall was there.

5 stages tower

There is a 5 stages tower near my old home. I like this sight view from when I was child. But, my son didn't be interested in this. Is this a generation gap ?

Wednesday, May 08, 2013


I stayed in old home in Okayama from Sunday to Monday. As my daughter is busy for entrance examination, only my son and I went there.
We got up early and start to move early. So, the highway was empty. We took less than 2 hours.

Saturday, May 04, 2013

Beautiful worm

I found a beautiful worm at the park. We can see many insects in this season.

New green

I went to park Yokohama in Saka town. There always be a few peoples. So, I like to stay there. New green was beautiful.

Friday, May 03, 2013


When we rested and ate breakfast in park, a cat came closer to us. I gave him a piece of bread.

Training for riding bicycle

I'm coming along my son's training for riding bicycle in every holiday.
Child grow up early for everything. He can ride it well now. When he ride bicycle, he always says that it is pleasurable. He went far place from his home in this morning.
I remembered that I had been happy when I could ride bicycle first time. His own world is spreading now.


I got up the beach in Saka when I returned from construction site in Kure yesterday. I ate lunch there. Gentle wind was very nice. It is best season for playing outside.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Old house

There is a old house in Kure. I want to enter there someday.
But, there is no park and the road in front of it is very busy. So, it's hard to visit there. It is the shop which treat Buddhist altar articles.

Italian restaurant

I went to Italian restaurant with my family on Monday. As it was famous and it was holiday, many people were there. So, we had to wait in front of the entrance for about an hour.
I hate to form queue. There is no food in the world which have value to wait for a long while for me. I'll select the restaurant which give taste bad food, if I can eat it without waiting.
The restaurant was there beside boat park in Yoshijima, sight view from window was very nice.

Ancient road

There are many ancient road in Yano. The roads call back me the old days when I was child. I like such roads. This road have a little slop. And, few car run there. So, it's good for son's bicycle training.