Thursday, August 15, 2013

Returne home

I went back to my hometown the day before yesterday. As my daughter had to study, she and my wife didn't go there. My son and I went there.
As my mother died two years ago, my father stay there alone. When she had alive, she made us delicious food. So, I had a pleasure to go back to home.
In this summer, all we did with my father was going to eat broiled meat. There is no value to go there now. There is no value to lonely old guy. I'll be such a guy about 20 years later.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Korean climbers

I heard the news that the some Korean climbers were died in Middle Alps in the day when I was in North Alps. It was rainy and cold day. I felt cold and afraid to die at the day, too. Same whether must be attacked the Korean climbers.
I pray for the victims of distress. They and I are the same climber.