Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Mt. Ibuki-san

I'll go to Nagoya at the end of November to join the meeting about professional mechanical engineer. After the meeting, I'll climb Mt. Ibuki-san in Shiga pref.
If I can climb it, it is 10th mountain in 100 famous mountains in Japan. But, I heard that the mountain is worst mountain in the mountains. So, I'll climb it in order to get the record. It may be not interesting.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Long week

I worked yesterday despite it was Sunday. The week which start from Sunday always long. I already tired now despite it is Monday today.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Many typhoon attack Japan in these days. Is this because of warming temperature ?

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Silver medal

My son win the silver medal of picture contest. He get some medal in 4 continuous years. When he was first year grade, he got gold medal. And, bronze medal in second and third grade.
He must have a talent about painting.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Announcement of test results

It was date of announcement of test results about electric chief engineer, today. Of course, I succeeded it. But, it was hard examination. I had studied for about 2.5 years about it.
I think knowledge of electricity is important for machine engineer. Width of my job will be spread than now.
What kind of study should I do next ? My motto is "study until die."

Monday, October 14, 2013


I went to festival which was held at shrine near my house. He brought 700 yen which was given by his mother. He bought lot twice. One lot is 300 yen. He embarked almost every money to the lot. Of course, he lost the lot.
I did't advised about it. Because, being faked in young age must be good experience.
But, after he lost the lot, he said " I'll win next year". He don't have understood yet.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Have a rest

I'll have a rest all day long today. Staying home all day long is after a long interval. I worked or went out to play in the weekend for about a month.
All I'll do is going to library and read book today.

Saturday, October 12, 2013


I went to drink beer with my colleague yesterday. All we could drink and eat for 3,000 yen. It was very cheap. Of course, it was not so tasty. But, I enjoyed talking with them.
I'm working now with hungover despite it is Saturday, today.

Tuesday, October 08, 2013


I ate a cup noodle for lunch today. This one is very delicious. So, I always can't stop to drink all of the soap.
The soap must be include much salt. It must be bad for middle's health.

Monday, October 07, 2013

Forest road

I went to forest road in North Hiroshima yesterday.
As it was after rain, road condition was very bad. I'm rude for riding of dirt road, I stopped before the big stones and large holes. But, my partner have an experience of race of off-road. So, he could rode on such hard stones and holes.
By the way, dirty off-road bike is very cool.

Wednesday, October 02, 2013


I'd bothered by muscle ache until yesterday from the day after I climbed Mt. Daisen. My son played and ran around with his friend without muscle ache in the day we came back from there.
Aging is heartless.