Sunday, November 24, 2013

Mt. Myojin-san

I climbed Mt. Myojin-san with my son today. The road to the top is very interesting. But the top is not good, because there is no wide view at the top.
As we started to climb late, it was dark when we climb down. But, I always bring head lamp in mountain. So, we could return with out danger.
It was good training for climbing Mt. Ibuki-san on next Sunday.


I stayed in Miyoshi from Monday to Friday in last week. It was because of business trip.
It was very cold. I saw snow was falling. It was the first in this winter.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Spanish food

I went to Spanish restaurant "Peperone" in Yokogawa with my friend in the day before yesterday. There are many good restaurant in Yokogawa. So, I often go there with him.
The restaurant was recommended by his English teacher. I'd never gone Spanish restaurant. So, it was interesting experience for me.
Famous Spanish food Paella was tasty. Shrimp and Shell's soup made good tasty rice. But the Spanish drink Sherry was not good for me.
I promised him to eat there again.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Walk in Yano

I walked in Yano town with my son yesterday. It was because he said that he wanted to see the stone marker which was carved to "Ittyou". He studied it in lesson of rocal history in his school.
"Ttyou" is a old unit about distance. "Ittyou" is about 109m.
As the Yano is old town, there are many ruins. I often find strange things.