Friday, January 17, 2014


I watched a airship was flying yesterday. I like to see airship flying.

Sunday, January 12, 2014


I searched the place where we lost the way in the mountain last week with my son in this morning. We walked in reverse from the road to the point.
As a result, the place was very near from the asphalt road. We walked in the brake only about 5 minutes. It was a easy job.
Red tape mark in this photograph was the last mark which we could find at the night.
I understood that walking in the dark was very hard and difficult.

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Abandon snowy climbing

I planned to climb snow mountain in this winter with my friend. But, I abandoned it, because I'm too busy by my job. I can't train in these days. It will impossible to get holidays on January and February. I apologized him about it in last night by e-mail.

Sunday, January 05, 2014

Top again

We climbed to the top of Mt. Ege again in the dark. We walked in front of the fall again. I climbed hard and undeveloped road again.
When we reached the top again, LED illumination was lighted. This purple light can be seen from my home.
When we reached there, we had be very tired. After we had a rest, we went down the mountain on asphalt road to Yakeyama side.
It was one of the hardest climbing for me.

Lost road

Darkness appears early in winter, especially in valley. When we descended, the sun went down.
I always bring head lump and some items for trouble in mountain. So, I didn't lose my cool. But, he started to afraid.
The red mark which showed the road was disappeared in front of us. We looked for red mark for a while. But we could not find it. Deep bush surrounded us. We lost the road.
I knew that the asphalt road must be near of us. If I was alone, I go into the bush, and went down. But, it must be dangerous for child. So, I decided to return the road.

Phantom Fall

There is a phantom fall in Mt. Ege. I had gone there several years ago. The road to the fall was very hard and undeveloped. When I told it to my son, he said he wanted to go there. He had never seen fall.
I considered whether I should bring him there or not. But I decided to bring him there. As a result, it was miss judgement.
When we reached the entrance of the road, it was 16:00. I should abandon at the time.
After we walked hard road, we reached the fall. This fall was there near our town Yano. But few people know such good fall is there in neighbor.

Mt Ege

I climbed Mt. Ege with my son. This was first climbing in the new year. When I watched my son climbing, I always could take cognizance of his growing.
It was pleasurable climbing. We did not know the hard trouble would appear in front of us, then.

Tree in the night

This is my son's drawing. The theme was tree in the night. As it was good, it is showed at the lobby in Yano station. He always be recognized about drawing. He have a sense of artist.


I went to bowling stadium with my son at the end of last year. It was first experience for him. He enjoyed it.
As it was after the long interval, my score was not good. As he was a beginner, his score was not good, too.

Miner triangulation point

I climbed small ridge which was there between Yano and Saka at the end of last year with my son. The ridge was watched from my home. So, I considered where the entrance of road was there.
We could find the entrance easily. There was a triangulation point class 4. It was a easy and pleasurable climbing.

New Year's visit to a shrine

I go to shrine in the first day with my father every year. Because he believe the god's existence.
This is a shrine Kibitsu which is famous in Okayama.
Many people was making long line to get rice cakes which have a power to give health, money and success. If there is such power in the rice cake, there are no need taking effort and buying medicines.
I think they are lazy people who give up to take effort.