Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Son's desk

My son's desk is dirty. There are airplane, tools, paper and dust, etc. It looks like dust box. How is he always studying on it ?
But, some calculation sheets are there on the wall. He calculated the volume of earth, speed of light and the time when the moon circle around the earth. He is strange guy.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Japanese apricot

I saw a Japanese apricot blossomed near my home. Will the spring come soon ?

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

The close of winter

We held the Japanese traditional festival "Setsubun" in my home yesterday. When I opened dictionary, it said to "The close of winter" in English.
Until then, I thought Setsubun was the event which only attack to devil in order to conquer illness, badness and unlucky.
By the way, the close of winter won't come for a while. It is very cold in these days.

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Dust in air

In these days, it is warm. It is good. But, dusts are there in the air. And it is dry in the air. So, I'm in bad condition.
I like spring, but I always be bothered by dusts and pollen.