Monday, March 31, 2014

Shoulder pain

I have a shoulder pain from Saturday morning. So, everything is hard job for me now. I'll drive to Osaka on Friday. I have to fix it until then.


In these days, it's warm. And the cherry blooms are almost in full bloom. And, I passed the hardest business season in last week. So, I'm exciting.
I'll go drink beer, start to climb and read manga etc.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


A big earthquake attacked Hiroshima early in the morning on Friday. Such hard quake was the first experience after the earthquake in Kansai for me. As my room was on sixth stair, the quake was harder than on ground.
At the moment, I regret that I didn't prepare the emergency items. But, I don't think I have to buy it now. But, proverb says that "Be prepared and have no regrets."

Thursday, March 13, 2014


I lost the game. If the heart five was there in front of spade ten, I'd won. This was the most close game for me in this game "Solitaire".

Monday, March 03, 2014

Silent town

I worked yesterday despite it was Sunday. As the town where my office is there is industrial town. So, nobody and no cars were there on the road. It was silent. I like such a situation.