Sunday, June 29, 2014

Welcome new bike

This is new bike KLX125 which was made by Kawasaki. This is very cool. As the volume of engine is larger than CRM80, it is powerful. As this is 4 cycle engine, fuel consumption is more little than CRM80. Almost every spec is better.
But, there is no identity for it. This is very normal and easy to control. This is very useful, but may be not interesting.

Good-bye my old bike

I abandoned CRM80 today. Clerk of bike shop brought this bike by track.
I rode this bike about 8 years. I rode about 50,000 km.
As this was 2 cycle engine, the fuel consumption was hard. And It often stopped engine when it was rainy day.
I was clashed by taxi when I rode on this bike. I often went to forest road. It was a nice bike.
When I watched this bike went away on the track, I felt lonely.

Thursday, June 26, 2014


I feel tired from when I was running on Tuesday. Train for climbing may be too hard. I walked instead of running from Hiroshima station to Dejima.
I think overwork is worse than do nothing.

Sunday, June 22, 2014


A part of forest colored brawn.
A fire broke out about a month ago.  This is a mark of the fire. It must be needed more than 10 years that the color will change green again. I'm very sad, because this is important mountain for me.

Bring water to the top

In my backpack, many large pet bottles were there。The weight was 16 kg. This was train for backpack climbing in next month. I will have to bring about 20 kg backpack when I climb Mt. Yatsugatake. So, this was a train.

Nice view from Mt. Ege

I climb Mt. Ege every weekend in these months.
I climbed it after lunch today. As it was high humidity, it was hard to climb. I was very tired.
But, landscape from the top was very nice. I could see many islands in Seto inland sea.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Pain of knee

I feel pain at right knee. This may because of much train. On the safe side, I did't run in this morning. And I prepare the supporter on the knee.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Reach to railroad

At last, we reached to last point. We walked in mountain about 7 hours. I was surprised that he could walk such a long distance and such a long while. What mountain will I bring him in this summer ?

Triangulation point

This was a last peak : 4th grade triangulation point.
After we left there, we walked in a bamboo forest. There were many mosquito in the forest. And we lost road in the forest. We were bitten by mosquito. We scratched our skin and escaped there.
It was the hardest point in this climbing.

Mt. Chausu

After we left Mt. Myojin, we reached to top of Mt. Chausu. As it was smoky, we couldn't see islands and mountains well.
He call his mother and talked for a while. And, we could see my wife was there on balcony in our mansion. But, she couldn't find us in mountain.

Mt. Myojin

After we left Mt. Ege, we walked to Mt. Myojin through ridge line.

Long ridge line with my son

My son planed to climb Mt. Ege, Mt. Hokki, Mt. Myojin and a peak which have 4 grade triangulation point through ridge line between them.
We tried it in this morning. This photo was at the top of Mt. Ege. We stayed on this rock for a while.
As I brought 12 litter pet bottle, it was hard climbing. But, it was a nice handicap to walk by same pace with child. And it was important training for climb Mt. Yatsugadake.


I went to drink coffee with my wife yesterday. It was there near Hiroshima port.
As my wife get a information which some new new cafes were held around there, we went. It was expensive and the taste was not very good. But, the clerk worked very carefully, and nice view was there out side of window. So, I liked it. We could stay in slow time there.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Climb down to Koyaura

At first, I planed to down to Saka. But, I missed the branch. I down to Koyaura station after I climbed Mt. Ege.
Koyaura town was a deserted town. Almost everyone I met was old. But, I like to walk such a silent town.
After I leave Koyaura, I walked about 7.1 km to my home in Yano. Walking on national road was not good, because many car's exhaust emission came into my lung.

Cat in silent town

I meet with a cat in Koyaura town. He looked sharply to me. I don't like cat. But I like the cat's photo.

Mt. Ichimitsu?

I walked ridge line to Saka side after I reached to top of Mt. Ege. Beautiful road and beautiful landscape was there on the ridge line.
There was minor top on the ridge line. I don't know how to read the kanji ward "市光山". Perhaps, it was read to Mt. Ichimitsu. It was not written on the map.
After I through the top, I missed the branch which down to Saka. So, I was forced to down to Koyaura.

Mt. Ege in every week

I climbed Mt. Ege in this morning. I reached to top in 53 minutes from entrance of mountain road. It was nice record.
My body is developing. When I watch myself in the mirror, flab was cut off. So, I feel my body very light.
I'll climb Mt. Yatsugadake about a month later. I may be able to climb long distance.

Thursday, June 12, 2014


I ate lunch in "Minato shokudou". The name means port restaurant. I often eat there because they serve up delicious and cheap lunch.
The tenpura of internal organs are not there except there. As the meat market is there near there. So, such nice meat can be provided.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Used bike

I'm looking for good used bike from the end of April. But, I couldn't find it now, because the limit of budget. I want KLX125 which is made by Kawasaki now.

Monday, June 09, 2014

Every week

I stayed on this rock two continuous week. It was top of Mt. Ege. As it was high humidity, I sweat much. But, the new shirts sunk sweat well. So, it was not discomfort.
When I was young, cheapness was most important for goods. But, in these days, I think expensive one is good one.

Hard road ?

This board said that there was Mt. Fukunaga in left side. And it said the road was very difficult. I always turn to right side in order to go to top of Mt. Ege.
I retrieve about it on the web. But, there was no data on the web.
I want to climb it by bringing map and compass. I may try it on this weekend.

Under the lake

I climbed Mt. Ege yesterday. Mountain road which I always walk was sunk in the water. It's because the hard rain in former night.
So, I walked escape road beside it.

Sunday, June 01, 2014

Sports festival

After I returned from mountain, I went to my son's primary school in order to see my son's sports festival.
As it was hot, staying near the ground was very hard job. As my son is fifth year student, this hard job will be finished in next year.

Another entrance

I ran down from top. As I concentrate on the ground which I step, I could not notice the cross point. I missed the road and I reached to another entrance of mountain.
As the entrance was there at another side to my home. So, I had to walk long distance on asphalt road. It was a hard job.

On the rock

Top of Mt. Ege is a large rock. Staying there is one of my favorite. Cool wind, landscape, voice of birds and sound of leaves always make me comfort.
By the way, I run almost all road to the top. So, I could reached to top only by 55 minutes. I understood that my daily train made my body tough.


There had been a wide place where had a good landscape under the top of Mt. Ege. Everyone could go there by car. The place was reconstructed to beautiful wide garden.
I afraid that many people come to this mountain by car. Silence and empty is important for my mountain.

Mt. Ege in rising sun

This was a landscape from near shrine Noma. Everything colored orange by rising sun.
I like this landscape. Mt Ege is most familiar mountain for me. How many times I climbed this mountain ? As it is too many, I can't count it.

Fallen stone

After a long interval, I climbed Mt. Ege on Sunday. Big rocks were there in center of the climbing road. If it happened when I walked there, it must be dangerous.
Who will take them away ? It must be hard job.

New wear

This shirt has a function which dry sweat well.
The function is very important for safe of climbing. If the shirt isn't dry soon, body's energy and heat will be stolen in air. There are the case to die.
In last summer, I was in very bad condition by wet shirt in Mt. Tsurugi. The experience made me buying such high function's one. Wear is important in mountains.
When I tried it in Mt. Ege on Sunday, I realized the high function. But, it was very expensive.