Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Silent camp site

After we descend mountain, we went to camp site near Kujyu. After we construct a tent, went to buy meat to shop in town Kujyu. And enjoyed grilled meat beside the tent.
There was hot spring in the camp site, we could wash our body and take a good rest.
There were a few campers there because it was on Sunday.
It was very nice camp site.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Mysterious lake

Mysterious beautiful lake was there between Mt. Kujyu and Mt. Naka. The color was emerald green. When we returned from Mt. Naka, we walked beside the lake. It was a interesting event.

By the way, when we reached to Mt. Nakadake, the deep mist appeared again. So, we couldn't see landscape from there despite it was the highest mountain in Kyushu island. The fine times when we stayed at top of Kujyu was very lucky time.

At the top

Best landscape was appeared in front of us on the top. We could see cloud under our feet. We could see Mt. Aso, and Mt. Sobo, etc. My son said that we'll climb them someday.
Staying on nice top was most nice time. We stayed there for a long while and ate rice ball.
It was my 12th mountain of the 100 most famous mountain in Japan. It was second one for my son.


When we reached near the top, it changed to be fine. Good landscape appeared in front of us. Some climbers who went down from the top said that there was no landscape because of deep mist. It may be miracle.
Top of Mt. Kujyu was right side of this picture. We could see many climbers were there on the top. We would reach the top soon.

In the mist

When we reach Nishi-senri, it was very misty. Distance which we could see was only about 10 meter.
I heard that it often be deep misty in Mt. Kujyu. But, it was very hard. If I lost my son once, it must be impossible to find him. So, I didn't make distance from him.
Sight seeing was very bad. But, it was nice experience to him.

Mt. Kujyu

I swept only about 2 hours in the car after I drove from 20:00 on Saturday to 3:00 on Sunday. Later, I started to climb Mt. Kujyu with my son.
Mt. Kujyu was one of the 100 famous mountain in Japan. So, I wanted to climbed for a long while.
Climbing with my son was very interesting despite it was misty and rainy.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Midnight run

I'll drive the car to Oita pref. in this night. The object is climbing Mt. Kujyu with my son. 
I have to drive about 400 km. I'll reach entrance of climbing road at about 1 AM tomorrow. It must be hard work. I'll have to take care not to sleep during I'll drive.
We'll sleep in tent tomorrow night, and we'll climb Mt. Aso. They are hard, but interesting event.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Autumn sky

I lied down on grass and saw the sky. Autumn sky was very beautiful. As the Shobara was high elevation area, the cloud was very near.

By bicycle

We run around the park by rental bicycle. They are my wife, daughter and son.

Park in north side of Hiroshima pref.

I went to Bihoku kyuryou koen which was the park on hill with my family. We can stay slowly and feel easy. So, we go there in autumn almost every year.
My son enjoyed play equipment like a small child. We ate lunch box on grass. It was a easy holiday.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Short cut by ship

When we were returning, we used ferry between Iguch in Ohmishima island and Tadanoumi in mainland.
Distance between Tadanoumi and my home was very near. It was out of my imagine. So, I didn't be tired.
It was a very nice event. I want to go to Shikoku island through these bridges from Iguchi with them in spring.


This is a bridge which constructed between Hiroshima pref. and Ehime pref. I could through this bridge by only I paid 100 yen.
As my bike size was under 125cc, I through the area which was for walker and bicycler. My friend's bike was over 125cc, they paid 600 yen for the bridge.
I realized that my bike was very good for economy.


One of the object of this touring was eating octopus at Setoda. Setoda was famous of octopus.
We ate many dishes, such as law octopus, boiled octpus, flied octopus, soup of octopus and tempura of octopus etc. It was very interesting time.
As the meat of octopus was lively, my jaw was very tired.
By the way, I didn't photoed this. This was photoed by my friend.

Touring with friends

I ran Shimanami sea road by bike with my friends yesterday.
I often go to mountain road. But, touring only on the asphalt road was first time after I married.
It was very interesting. During driving bike, we couldn't talk each other. But, it was very interesting when we ran together.
When I was university student, I did such touring with friends. I remembered the days.

Monday, September 08, 2014

Climb after a long interval

I climbed Mt. Ege yesterday. I had not climbed mountain after I climbed Mt. Yatsuga-dake. So, it was after a long interval.
I could climb fast and powerful despite I didn't train enough. Powerful muscle and lung were sustained more than 1 month. It was nice news for me, because I'll climb Mt. Kujyu and Yufu in the week after with my son.

Sunday, September 07, 2014

Mountain road

I went to mountain road with my friend yesterday. It was first challenge by new bike.
As the diameter of the tire was larger than the old one's, It was easy to over the rock.
After we ate lunch beside the stream, it started to hard rain. But, I could enjoyed it. Much of stress in my heart was deleted.