Tuesday, October 28, 2014


My wife and daughter had a cold. At first, daughter had it, and wife had caught the infection.
I had a headache from this noon. I may catch the cold.

Saturday, October 25, 2014


My son recognized his drawing in 5 continuous years. I think he was great. We went the award ceremony.

Cloud sea

I could see cloud sea from the top of Mt. Ege. I often could see it at North Alps. But it was first experience at Mt. Ege. Deep cloud flow over the ridge line.

Sunrise at the top

After a long interval, I climbed Mt. Ege in this morning. I reached to the top at the sunrise. Top of mountain always give me the deluxe time.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Worst lunch

I ate worst lunch yesterday at restaurant near my office. The main was croquette which must be frozen food. Side menu was only potato, cabbage, miso soup and simmered dish, etc.
It was 530 yen. It was too expensive. We can eat such level by only paying 300 yen at convenience store. I was blue in the afternoon.

Wednesday, October 01, 2014


Mt. Ontake exploded in a few days ago. Many people were died there.
There were few sign before it exploded. So, there are same risk at every other volcano.
Mt. Kujyu which we climbed in a week ago is such a volcano. So, there were same risk with Mt. Ontake.
But, I can't stop to climb mountains.