Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Sea food noodle

I ate seafood noodle at the top of Mt. Ege. Eating instant noodle at the top is my boom.
I could spend in a good time at the top. Rest at the top is most special deluxe time.

Mt. Ege

I climbed Mt. Ege. I could reached the top only for 1 hour when I was in best condition in summer. But, I needed about 1 and half hour today. Because I didn't train in these days.
This was the last climbing in this year. I could climbed many mountains in this year. It was nice year for me.

Hard road

On the climbing road to Mt. Ege, there was a branch which was to Mt. Fukunaga. The board said that the road was very bad.
After I walked the road for 5 minutes, I retired. Because, the bush was covered the surface of the road. I decided that I had to bring the grove and the map. Someday, I'll climb the mountain.
In spring and summer, the bush must be glow more. So, I should climb in winter.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Cup noodle

I always bring hot water flask and instant noodle to mountain. It's my trend in these days. It supply me hot food in cold wind.
Eating hot noodle in cold wind is luxurious.

Mt. Takao

I climbed Mt. Takao yesterday. It was rehabilitation for my backache. Mt. Takao was nearest mountain from my home. I could reached the top for 45 minutes. The height was only 260m. So, it was suitable for may rehabilitation.
As a result, there was no damage for my back. It was good train. When I don't train enough, my backache always apper. So, I have to continue to train.
There were many elders on the top from Saka town. So, the top was busy for a while. But, I could stay alone after they climbed down there.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Heavy snow

It was heavy snow yesterday. It was very rare case which was such a heavy in Hiroshima on December.
As everyone in south Hiroshima have no preparation for snow, traffic jam and accident always happen in snow.
Hard traffic jam appeared predictably. So, transfer was hard job yesterday.