Monday, January 26, 2015

Maintain Bike

I went to bike shop on Saturday. My bike's brake pad was abraded away.
The brake disc of my previous bike CRM80 had abraded, because I did not change the brake pad enough. So, the bike couldn't stop smoothly.
I don't want to take the same mistake. So, I decided change the brake pad continuously.

Saturday, January 03, 2015


My son ate cup noodle at the top. He said it was most delicious instant noodle for his life. I agree him. Instant noodle at the top is most nice food.
After we enjoyed noodle and rest, we climbed down from the top. When we were returning, he made small snowman on the road. I waited him with patience until he satisfied enough.

Snow mountain

As the last day was snowy, Mt. Ege was snow mountain. It was first experience for him. He often stop walking and make snow ball and snow man, etc. So, it was needed to take time to climb. But, it was good because he could enjoy.
By the way, snow mountain is always beautiful.

New year climbing

First climbing was with my son. It was Mt. Ege.
In these days, he could walk as fast as I. When he will be junior high school student, I'll bring him to Mt. Yarigatake in North Alps. I hope the day will come fast.