Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Dropped fish

A flying carp was dropped. He swam in the sky a week ago.
It may imprecate the loose game of baseball team Hiroshima carp.

Miso soup at the top

I ate miso soup at the top of Mt. Ege. Eating hot food at the top is my boom in these months.
Eating miso soup in good landscape was very delicious.

Breakfast in the forest

I always eat breakfast in front of convenience store before I climb in the morning. Eating breakfast in the forest looks very nice. So, I tried it.
But, I was attacked by many mosquito. So, I escaped there without finsh the breakfast.
If I ate it at the ridge, the mosquito were not there. They always there at the valley and beside the deep forest.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Old home

In the day before tomorrow, I went back to my old home in Okayama alone in order to see my father.
I prayed in front of mother's grave with him. And I went to eat pasta restaurant with him. All I had done there was only the two event. But, in these days, I can understand them may be important.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Flying fish

At the top, a red carp was swimming in the sky. Red carp is a symbol of a local professional baseball team in Hiroshima.
As the sky was very deep blue, the carp looked swimming with good cheer.

Mt. Ege

After a long interval, I stand on the top of Mt. Ege. The top is always good for me. The sky was blue.
I'll continue to climb as a train for climbing in island Yaku.

In the forest

As it was very hard job from January, I couldn't climb mountain and I couldn't write this blog for a long while.
By the way this is a photo of sunrise from forest of Mt. Ege. Walking in forest in the morning was very genial.