Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Tea time

We went to cafe at the end of the trip. We always went there when we went to Onomichi. We could eat delicious waffle there.
We ate waffle, pasta, pudding and waffle. Eating was one of the most interesting event in Onomichi.

Strange narrow road

At the hillside, there were many narrow roads like a labyrinth. And, there are strange shops and cafes.
They are the most interesting spot in Onomich for me. These photos are a part of many strange shops.
I thought I wondered off into the world of animation "Spirited away of Sen and Chihiro" by director Hayao Miyazaki.
I could enjoyed to walk there.

Temple on the rock

On the top of the rock, there was a red temple. It was famous Senkoji temple. Many people prayed there hope and health there.
It was a symbol of Onoichi.
But, I don't believe the gods and Buddhist image. So, it was only a beautiful artistic building.

Rope way

My family except me rode on ropeway to the top. I climbed as a train. I could reached the top as fast as the ropeway.
But, I was very tired, because it was very hot. I worried that I can climb Mt. MIyanoura in this weekend.


I went to Onomich with my family on Sunday. Onomichi is a beautiful town which have historical buildings and old narrow roads.
I like the town. So, I often go there.
At the top of symbolic hill, my son watched through telescope.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Ice cream in Jomon period

I ate strange ice cream when I returned from job in MIyoshi. The name of ice cream was "Jomon Ice" Jomon is the name Japanese ancient period.
It was delicious. The origin of the name was that the rice which was eaten in Jomon period was included. The taste was like red bean paste.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Airplane track

I watched a beautiful airplane track on blue sky from the top of Mt. Ege

Many climbers were there

I started to climb at 10:00. As it was late time, I saw many climbers on climbing road. As I always start to climb before 6:00,  I always see a few climbers.
It was last train for climb Mt. Miyanoura in Island Yaku. I think the train was not enough. So, I'm warring I can climb or not.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

New wear

I bought new wear for climbing. It is a thin cloth. But, it was very expensive. Because, it was used a expensive material which resist water and ventilate well.
It was a preparation for climbing of Mt. Miyanoura-dake in Island Yaku where it rains well.

Sunday, May 10, 2015


At the end of climbing road, a nice waterfall was there. I left there after I watched it for a few minutes.
There was a park which I put my bike near the waterfall. It was a nice climbing despite I had a headache.

Mt. Dodoko

After I left Mt. Kabe-kanmuri, I climbed Mt. Dodoko in passing. I had a hard headache at the top. So, I couldn't enjoy there.
I drunk drug for headache which I always be bringing. And, I had a rest for a while there.
As I didn't bring the map around there, it was difficult to search the correct road from the top to the park.

Mt. Kabe-kanmuri

Mt. Kabe-kanmuri was nice mountain more than I expected. I could see deep valley, mountains and Kabe town. I stayed on the rock for a while.
It was very fine day.

Entrance of climbing road

I started to climb to Mt. Kabe-kanmuri. The road to the top was old historical road which used from Edo Period. The road was very beautiful and easy to walk. I could reach the top easily.

Nabara canyon

I left my bike at the Nabara canyon and started to climb. At the canyon new green leaves were very beautiful.
Before I married, I went there with her and ate lunch sometimes. There was a memorial place.

Beef donburi

I planned to climb Mt. Kabe-Kanmuri today. As a breakfast, I ate beef donburi before I climbed. Enough breakfast is very important for climbing.
After I ate it, I drove the bike about 40km to the entrance of climbing road.

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Miso soup

I drunk miso soup at the top after the old climber left there. Dry food in there days is very nice.
I could enjoyed nice time at the top alone.

Mt. Ege

I climbed Mt. Ege in 3 continuous week. My condition for walking in mountain was growing up.
I met a old climber who climb more than 200 times in every week. I talked with him about climbing and mountains around Mt. Ege. It was a very interesting time.
Talking with climber is most interesting talk for me.