Sunday, August 30, 2015

Mt. Ege

At the top, I saw a old guy who climb Mt. Ege in every week. He told me many about Mt. Ege, other mountains in city Kure and climbers who climb Mt. Ege often, etc.
It was a very interesting time.

First climbing by new boots

I climbed Mt. Ege by new boots. I climbed with checking the boots's fitness to my foots.
I found that lace should be fixed tightly at the top of the foot, and should be fixed slackly at the ankle. After I fixed lace so, there were no ache. And, my foots will be used to the new boots, soon. I have to check it until I'll climb Mt. Haku-san in next week. Mt. Haku-san is one of the 100 famous mountain in Japan.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Morning climbing 3

I have a little pain at heel. I don't know that it would be deleted when I would be used to the shoes.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Morning climbing 2

It was spend time 47'33" during I reach to top and returned my home. It was very comfortable time.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Morning climbing

I started to train for climbing in order to be used to new shows in the morning. I could go to top of Mt. Takao and returned to my home only for 50 minutes.
At the top, I could see beautiful midnight seeing of city Hiroshima. After I returned home I could eat breakfast deliciously.
There were many merit for morning climbing. I want to continue the event.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Waterproof test

I bought new boots because the old one couldn't resist water. So, the performance of waterproof was is one of the most important for new boots.
I checked it by sinking the boots into water. After I left it more than one hour, I checked inside of the boots. The result was good ! Inside it was very dry. I want to climb in the rain soon.

Test in climbing road

After I returned home from Climbing gear shop, I climbed nearest mountain Takao-Yama in order to check the new boots.
I had a sense of discomfort at the heel. I don't know the reason was because that my foot was not used to the boots. If the boots is not fit to my foot, I have to try many way such as using heavy socks and using sheet at the depth of boots.

New climbing boots

I bought new climbing boots today.
The reason I bought it was that the old one had be broken the Gore-tex which can resist rain. My foots were wet in rainy day in North Alps, Mt. Yatsuga-dake and Island Yaku-shima, etc.
I endured in the situation for about 2 years, Because the mountain boots were expensive.
The new boots's model is PF630 made by SIRIO. The surface was all leather. It was the most important selection point.
I have to used to it until I'll climb Mt. Haku-san in September.

Sunday, August 09, 2015

Dry sweat in the wind

As I climbed on hard road, I was tired when I reached the top. And my wears were wet by my sweat.
It was cool wind at the top. So, my sweat on  wears dried and steel heat. So, it was very nice.
Top of mountain always give me a goodness.

Hard road

I climbed Mt. Ege through the climbing road which I'd never used until then. It was a hard slope and not improved well. And high humidity and many flies attacked me. It was very very hard climb.
After I wasted most of my power, I'd reached normal climbing road. I understood that the normal climbing road was very easy to climb.

Monday, August 03, 2015

Stream in forest

Beside the stream in the forest, it was very cool. So, we stayed there for a long while.
Everything was interesting there, such as eating cup noodle, drinking coffee and walking in stream by naked foots, etc.
Every stress which was born in job was deleted in the forest. I want to go there again in this summer.

Off road bike

I went to forest road by bike with my friend. It was a event which we do every summer. Riding forest road by bike had some risk. So, we shouldn't go alone. So, we always go together.
As it was deep summer, It was very hard job to ride bike in the city. I hoped that it would be cool in forest.