Wednesday, September 23, 2015

End of long climbing

At last, I'd reached to the exit of the climbing road. It was a hard climbing because of the knee trouble.
But, I got a big satisfaction for the succeed of the climbing. I had retired the climbing about a year ago. I always regret when I watched the mountains from the city for this 1 year. I would be able to see the mountains with satisfaction because I could conquered them. It was a nice climbing.

Mt. Kagara-yama

Mt. Kagara was a my favorite mountain, because of the a lonely atmosphere. It was a second time for me.
It was a last peak of the long climbing. I stayed the top for a while and made my knees having a rest.

Mt. Takeda-yama

I could stand on the top of Mt. Takeda-yama. under the trouble of my knees. Mt. Takeda was a famous mountain in Hiroshima. But, I think that Mt. Hi-yama's shape is better than Mt. Takeda-yama.
Basically, I like a sharp mountain like Mt. Yari-gatake.
But, I like wide space like Mt. Takeda-yama, too.
After I had a rest for knee for a while, I started to walk in order to reach the top of Mt. Kagara. The road had a long down slope.
My knee had a hard pain when I walked in down slope,

Mt. Hiyama

I reached Mt. Hiyama with hard pain at my right knee. I had know image to the mountain because of my pain.

Last two mountains

Mt. Hiyama and Mt. Takeda-yama are the leftover main mountains which I had to climb.
My knees started to give me a pain. My knee was my weak point. So, I always use supporter when I climb long distance. But, I forgot it.
It looked very hard road for me at the time. But, I had to go.

Every foods in mountain is delicious

Every foods in mountain was very delicious.
I was tired eating lunch box which was bought in convenient. But it changed to great food in the mountain.
It was nice lunch time.

Mt. Ohchausu

Mt.Ohchausu is conspicuous by the big TV tower when we watch from Hiroshima city. As it was very hot, I searched shadow which was easy to sit on. And I found a small shadow of rock. I stayed for a while and had a rest.

Ridge line which I walked through

During I climbed Mt. Oh-Chausu, I watched back and saw a long ridge line which I climbed until then. I thought I walked a long distance. I could see peaks of Mt. Suzuga-mine, Onigashiro and Yuzuki. It was a mid of all road of the climbing. I had to walk more and more.

Mt. Yuzuki-yama

After I left Mt. Oniga-shiro, I crossed a big road and entered into mountain again. The entrance was there near the big road which I often drove through by job. So, I watched the board and I'd thought I wanted to climb it.
Climbing road to Mt. Yuzuki was very hard slope. But, I reached the top, later.
I'd tried to through the road in reverse about a year ago. But, I'd missed the road and downed to missed place in hard rain. Mt. Yuzuki was a last mountain which I'd climbed when I missed road at the time. So, I got a satisfaction when I reached the top. I thought I would win the mission easily at the time.

Shrine for ghost beauty

Between Mt. Suzuga-mine and Oni-gashiro, a small shrine which keep stone figure was there. Ground around the shrine was cleaned by someone. After I finished the climbing, I checked it on the internet. Some web site said that terrible legend was there for the shrine. In ancient day, a beautiful lady was killed there by samurai who loved her. The beautiful ghost appeared around there and surprised local residents. The local residents afraid and built the shrine in order to sorry her.
After I left the beautiful area around the shrine, I reached top of Mt. Oniga-shiro.

Mt. Suzuga-mine

First peak was Mt. Suzuga-mine. Suzuga-mine was a famous mountain in Hiroshima pref. It was first climbing for me. I had thought that I had to climb it someday.
I could see many Islands and Hiroshima city.
As I had to climb other 9 peaks, I left there without long staying.

Climb many mountains continually

I planed to climb and walk in mountain from station Shin-Inokuchi to station Honmachi. Distance between the two stations for railroad was about 13.2 km So, mountain road must be more than 20 km. I had to through 10 peaks. It must be a hard climbing.
At the entrance of first mountain, I met a old couple. They said me that good luck ! I started to climbed after I said good-bye them.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Sauce Pork cutlet on rice

I always eat famous food at the city after I climbed mountain. I selected sauce Pork cutlet on rice in Fukui.
The deference with other pork cutlet was the sauce. Normal pork cutlet was used soup.
As a result, it was not delicious. Looks of it was not good, too. Delicious food is always beautiful.
I selected the restaurant only because the location was near the station. If I walked for long distance, I could ate in famous restaurant for sauce Pork cutlet on rice. But, I had no power to go long distance.
I don't know whether all sauce Pork cutlet on rice or only the restaurant's one was not delicious. If I wanted to eat, I shouldn't save effort.
But, the beer was very good. And, experience which I'd ate sauce Pork cutlet on rice was important.

I thought in front of god's gate

When I returned to entrance of climbing road, no climbers were there. So, I could photo the gate slowly. When I reached there in previous day, many ape guys and ladies were praying to the gate. So, I had walked through there without photoing and watching the gate and bridge.
Few of people was most important for my climbing. As I didn't believe the existence of god, there were no need to pray in front of the gate.
God was not need for my climbing. But, only luck, help of nature, good gears and myself were important for my climbing. But, Help of nature may be a part of god's power.

Missed at branch

I returned from the left side at this branch when I climbed down from campsite. On the board, left side was marked not to enter. I had a memory which I'd selected the right side on the branch, when I'd climbed up in previous day.
Before I reached there, I walked narrow and dangerous road which I'd never walked when I climbed up to mountain. So, I must be missed road and entered to bad road.
As a result, I had no damage and no problem. I laughed in front of the board. But, Entering wrong road without conscious was very very dangerous. I understood that I had to be care in the mountain.

Mist and rain

After I spend cold night, I woke up early in the morning and disassembled tent and packed them in backpack.
I photoed my backpack in the rain. Hard mist and rain shade my sight.
Staying in tent in the rain and cold weather was very tough. But, walking in such situation was not so hard. So, I finished packing fast and left tent site.

Dinner in cold night

I heard from other campers that it would be under 5 ℃ in the morning. After the sunset, I felt cold and quaked. So, I wore all of clothes and stayed in sleeping bag.
I tried to eat many foods for dinner in order to warm up my body. But, I couldn't rice and carry. All I could ate was instant noodle. I thought I had a cold because I was lack of appetite and quaked. It was my first experience.
Later, it started hard rain. A long night started.

Peak of Onanji-yama

Mt. Onanji-yama was not main peak of Haku-san. So, a few people were climbed there. I was alone at the peak.
One of reason which I like the mountain is that there is few people. So, I liked the mountain. I could see main peak Gozen-hou from there.
As I was alone, I photoed myself by using self timer of my camera.

Have a rest

They are peak of Ohnaiji-yama and peak of Mt. Kenga-mine. Mt. Kenga-mine had no road to top. So, I'd climbed peak of Ohnaiji-yama later.
This landscape was very beautiful. It's impossible to find such a landscape in the city. Only people who could walk long distance in mountain were given such a landscape.

Blue lakes

Around top of Mt. Gozen-hou, many blue lakes were there. They are old volcanic vent. I watched inside of them. There were no fishes.

Landscape from the top

Landscape from the top was great.
The mountain at the center of the photo was Mt. Onanji which I would climb later. The lake was Lake Midoriga-ike. I could see North Alps mountain system and other many mountains.
I stayed there for a while and had a rest and photoed.

Top of main peak

Mt. Gozen-hou was the main mountain in Haku-san mountain systems. The height was 2702m. I hadn't climbed to such height after I climbed Mt. Aka-dake in Yatsuga-dake mountain system in last summer. So, my heart beated fast. And I had a light headach. But, feeling nice at the nice top was larger than such traoubles. It was a nice peak which I'll remember forever.

Main peak of Mt. Haku-san

After I left the view point which could be watched Alps, top of Mt. Haku-san Appeared in front of me. Some snows were there after they resist heat of summer.
Blue sky, beautiful style of mountain, white snow and green grass. What a nice view it was !
As the mountain road was roundabout pass, no climbers were there except me. It was one of reason which I liked the climbing.

Mountains in Alps

Great landscape appeared in front of me. It included Mt. Tsurugi, Tateyama, Goryu, Kashima-yari, Yari, Hotaka, Norikura, Ontake and mountains in South Alps, etc.
I'd climbed some of them. So, I could remembered them and spend interesting time. Watching mountain which I'd climbed is one of most nice event in my life.
The landscape was one of the most nice landscape which I'd watched in my life.
Only a old climber and I were there. So, it was very silent and I could enjoy the landscape. I enjoyed talking with the old climber for about 20 minutes. I wanted to climb until I would be old like him.

Silent camp site

Here was a campsite Nannryu. As it was early in the morning, no tent was there. I paid 300 yen for using campsite. And I assembled my tent. After I assembled it and prepare attack backpack, I started to climb.
It was very very fine day. Blue sky at Mt. Haku-san welcomed me.

Preparation for climbing

I started to prepare for climbing at 5:00. It was very fine day. So, it will must be a nice climbing. By the way, this car was very suitable for this travel. It was compact and cheap. And, it was powerful more than I expected.

Dinner in rental car

I ate dinner which I bought in city Fukui. Fried bacon was my first experience. I hadn't seen such food in Hiroshima.
It was delicious. The bacon and fried rice would be source of power for following day's climbing. Such event before climbing was always very interesting.

Midnight drive to Mt. Haku-san

I drove a rental car Daihatsu Move from Fukui to Haku-san. As I didn't used to the car, I was in nerve at first. But, I was used to the car after I drove for a while.
After I entered Ishilawa pref., it was very dark and silent in the mountain. So, I felt loneliness. But, there was out of area which connect telephone.
Later, I reached the entrance of climbing road in 9:00. I swept in sleeping bag in the car. It was cold night.

Transport to Fukui

After I finished the job, I transported from Maibara to Fukui. Fukui was a nearest city from the mountain road of Mt. Haku-san. After I reached Fukui, I picked up backpack which I send by express company at the branch near the station Fukui. And I walked to rental car shop.
Using express company and using rental car were the fast challenge for climbing.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Largest lake in Japan

Lake Biwa was a largest lake in Japan. It was like a sea.
I surprised that the wave of surface was big.
On the pole, it was written that Hideyoshi's well. I didn't know the story and history.
After I walked in the morning, I ate biking style breakfast enough.

Castle built by Hideyoshi

There was a castle near the hotel. It was built by Hideyoshi Toyotomi who conquer all Japan in the age of provincial war. I walked there before the job would start in the morning.
As it was early in the morning, I couldn't enter it.

Hidden Mt. Ibuki

The hotel which I stayed for business trip was there near Mt. Ibuki. Mt. Ibuki is one of 100 famous mountains in Japan, and I'd climbed it about 2 years ago.
I could see the lower side from my room. But, the top was hidden by cloud.
I like seeing mountain which I've climbed.

Lunch box in station

I ate lunch box in Maibara station before I would go to customer's office. I didn't know what vegetable was the local food. But, it was delicious. Japanese lunch box culture for railroad must be a great.

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Business trip and Climbing

I'll go business trip to Maibara from tomorrow to the day after tomorrow. After I'll finish the job, I'll transport to Fukui by railroad and rent a car. And, I'll drive to entrance of climbing road about Mt. Haku-san, and I'll climb it.
I have to bring baggage for both business and climbing tomorrow. Total of them is about 16kg.

Saturday, September 05, 2015

New gears for climbing

I bought new items for climbing. I write the list of it.
 shoe creams
 finger less groves
 gas cartridge

Flying carp

I saw a flying carp on the top. The pole got broken in last week. Someone must repair it.

bring 13 kg backpack to Mt. Ege

I brought 13 kg backpack to Mt. Ege. I felt it was very light and climbed easily. My condition was very good. I'll be able to climb Mt. Haku-san well.
By the way, it muxt be best season for climbing. I swept on the top rock. It was a nice time.

Friday, September 04, 2015

Climbing food

These are the foods which I'll eat in Mt. Haku-san. I have to prepare for climbing. As I'm very busy for job, the time for preparation is not enough.

Bring 15 kg backpack

I brought about 15 kg to the top of MT. Takao. It was more heavy than the backpack when I'll bring to Mt. Haku-san.

Thursday, September 03, 2015

Bring 12 kg to the top in the morning

I brought about 12 kg to the top of MT. Takao. As wet moss was there on the cement road, I sometimes slipped on there. It was very dangerous.

Wednesday, September 02, 2015


I bought the patch which named "Second Skin" in order to cover my ankle's skin in shoes. It includes 99% water. On the web, many people said that it have nice performance for save skin. But, it was very expensive.

Bring 10 kg to the top in the morning

I brought a 10 kg backpack to the top of Mt. Takao in the morning. It was a train for climbing with tent in next week. I'll have to bring about 18 kg backpack then. So, I have to make my condition and power until then.

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Rain in the morning

I climbed Mt. Takao in the morning despite it was rain. It was a training for climbing Mt. Haku-san in next week. I think I'm used to new boots in this 2 days. New style of fixing sling may be good.
I slipped on down slope which covered by moss. It is impossible to grip enough on moss even by good boots.