Saturday, December 31, 2016

old tomb

During we climb down from the top, we found an old tomb. It was a cave made by human. There are many historic ruins around there. There are many famous old tomb. It was a good study for my son.

Mt. Yasaka

Mt Yasaka was a nearest mountain from my old home in Okayama. The height was only about 100 m. But, the ground of Okayama city was very flat. So, the landscape from the top was very nice.
When I was until high school student, I was not interested in climbing. So, I'd never climbed there until I climbed in this spring.
It was a nice mountain.

Stone Buddhist image

I went to my old home in Okayama with my son at the last day in this year. As there was nothing to do, we went to climb nearest mountain from my old home.
We found a large Buddhist image near the entrance of mountain road. The size was as large as I. It must be made in ancient days when there were no machine. It must be made by human's hand. What they were thinking during making it. Watching such a thing must be good for my son's soul.

Wide landscape

We could see wide landscape around Hiroshima. As my son joins a climbing club in his school. He could see mountains which he climbed with his friends, such as Mt. Oh-chausu and Mt. Toshiwa-Kanmuri. Watching mountains which had been climbed was very nice for me. Perhaps, he felt so, too. He watched the mountains for a while.
Plates on the green lights in the night. We could see them from town. They are set only around new years day.

Mt. Ege

I climbed Mt. Ege with my son. It was a last climbing to Mt. Ege. My son climbed faster than me in these days. Young is power.
Climbing with my son is very interesting, because I can see his growth.
But, I fell envious him, too. As I'm busy in this season, I couldn't train enough. So, I loose him. In spring and summer, I will train enough. I'll be able to climb faster than him.

Sunday, December 18, 2016


I went to see Escher's drawings to Hiroshima prefecture's museum. Escher is one of my favorite artist. Seeing his real picture was my first experience.
I brought my wife and son. When my son was a primary school student, I brought him to another museum. He had not be able to enjoy it. But, he enjoyed Escher's drawings today. He already be junior high school student. I thought he grew up.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Shoe cover

I bought shoe cover for bicycle. It resist rain and coldness.
From now, I can ride bicycle in the rain. And I'll be able to ride in cold morning in mid winter.

Spare head lump

During I returned to home by bicycle in the night, battery of head lump was wasted. So, I had to run in the dark without the light.
The battery have a alarm of lack of electricity. But, the time from the alarm appeared to turning dark was very short.
So, I bought head lump and rear lump as spare. They are cheap and not have a good performance. But, I think it is enough as spare.

Monday, December 05, 2016

Deep mist

It was in deep mist in Hiroshima in this morning. The sealed of my helmet was covered by mist. So, it was difficult to drive bike in such weather. After sunrise, the mist was disappeared.

Friday, December 02, 2016

Bicycle in sunrise

Commute by bicycle is very interesting. My colleague says "Isn't it too hard for you during your job is hard ?"  But, my heart and body are refreshed by moving in everyday. I always drink coffee at the Port Ujina near my office after I drove bicycle about 14 km from my home. It is a most happy time for me in these days.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Commute by bicycle

I enjoy commute by bicycle in these months. When I reached Ujina port near my office, I always have a rest and drink hot coffee and watch the sea, islands and ships. It is the best time in week day.
Temperature in this morning was 3 ℃. It's changing be cold suddenly. I have to prepare item for resist cold.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Bicycle's tools

I bought new tool and parts for bicycle.
Front brake was same one with rear brake which I'd bought last week. It works well more than old one when I want to stop and reduce speed.
The black tube was tool box. I can keep repair tools etc in it. The wire was key for bicycle. As the old key was heavy and big, I changed it to light and small one.

Sunday, November 20, 2016


After we finished the race, we transported to home by friends car. During returning, we stopped rest station on the road.
There were many red fishes on the pond. There were too many. So, it was strange and weird. I couldn't understand they were carp or goldfish.

Udon service

There were 2 rest point on the course. We could eat Udon, rice ball and drinks, etc. Running by bicycle waste the energy. So, I often felt hunger during the race. Eating at rest point was one of pleasure in the race.

Orange ride 2016

I joined the event of bicycle touring event with some friends today. It was held in Kamagari Island. It was first experience that I joined in such bicycle event. So, I'd been excited from yesterday.
My friends were my job's customer who worked in Hiroshima city. They brought me and my bicycle by their car.
At the start point, many bicyclers were there. And I could see many type of bicycle. It was very interesting.

Friday, November 18, 2016


I bought brush set for leather boots. Until then, I used an old clothes when I use cream on leather boots for climbing.
I have to study how to use it. I don't know what situation should be used the 3 different brushes.


I bought new brake for rear tire of bicycle. It was made by Shimano which was a greatest bicycle's parts maker in the world.
As I've never used it, I don't know whether it works well ore not. But, I can understand it is cool. It will be rain from today to tomorrow. So, I have no chance to try it until the day when the race in island will be held.

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

New rain wear

I bought a new rain wear today. It was cheap, if I compare it with the rain wear for climbing. But, many comments on the web said that it was very nice. And I like the brand of Mizuno. So, I decided to buy it. I am planning to use it for bicycle. I'm waiting for rain weather now.
The reason why I select yellow is that drivers can find me easily if the collar is conspicuous.

Thursday, November 03, 2016

Leave the island

At Kirikushi, there was the port where the ship to Tennou would start. I reached there 5 minutes before when the ship would leave there.
I watching the island from on the ship with satisfaction.
Later, I rode bicycle from Tennou to my home in Yano. Total distance which I'd run was 57 km. It was my longest record.

Defense force

There is a big defense force's base on Edajima island. It was the most major tourist spot on there. A tough guard man was standing beside the gate. As a record, I photoed my bicycle in front of there.
After I left there, I met a hard up slop.

Udon soup from bean

One of main event of the trip was eating the Udon. The Udon's soup was made from bean. It was traditional way of making in Edajima island.
It was very delicious for me. I didn't know the reason was because of bean's soup or because of hard ride.
Eating famous food during trip was one of my hobby.

Road in the island

As the island was making efforts to call bicycle, the road and ambient was good for bicycle. And the landscape which I could see during riding was very good. So, I could enjoyed very much. The level of goodness was different from riding around Hiroshima city.

Edajima island

After I finished the job in the morning, I rode bicycle to Island Edajima in the afternoon. I used ferry from Ujina port where was there near my office.
In the ferry, I could have a nap by shaking of wave. It was a nice trip in the ship.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

At the top

At the top, we ate miso soup. In this season, I always bring hot water in bottle. And I make soup or instant noodle. It's a good event in mountain in this season.
After we enjoyed good landscape, we left there and went down the mountain.

Mt. Ege with son

After a long interval, I climbed Mt. Ege with my son. As he join the climbing club in his junior high school, he often train in mountain near his school.
So, he climbed fast more than I. young power is great. I felt happiness and mortification.
We may climb some mountain in North Alps together in next summer.

Sunday, October 23, 2016


Matsuyama was a town where I'd stayed during I was a student. The friend was a friend who was met me during we were student. We played and studied there. So, the town was a special place for us. We walked in the town, and watched a place where we had played, eaten and stayed, etc.
We ate breakfast and lunch at where we had often eaten. Some place we had used was closed. I felt 20 years was long time.

In the rain

When the ferry reached to Imabari, it was rain. Raining is worst happening for bike. So, I couldn't enjoyed during I rode bike.
After we watched the beach in Baishinji, we left bikes beside the station near the beach. And we went to Matsuyama by train. Transportation by train in the rain was very comfortable.

Through Islands

I went to Matsuyama by bike through Tobi-shima islands with my friend. The first ship start from Okamura island at 6:40. So, we started about 4:00 AM from Yano.
As it was dark especially in islands, Riding bike was that I felt dangerous. But, the beside sea in the morning was very nice.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Blue sky at Mt. Ege

As the sunrise was very brilliant. So, I couldn't photo to eastern side of the top. So, I photoed to western side today.
After I rested on the rock of top, some old climbers appeared. And I could enjoyed talking with them. it was nice morning.

Blue time

Before sunrise, color of forest changed from black to blue. I like the time. The reason why I often climb from early in the morning was that I want to sea the color.
Many animals escape from me in the forest early in the morning.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Enjoy commuting

I enjoy commuting by bicycle in these days. Before I reached to my office in the morning, I stop at Ujina port and drink can coffee beside the ship and islands. It was a good time.
Muscle which be used by bicycle is different which by climbing. So, I have a muscle's pain in these days. But, it is good, too.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Commute by bicycle

I commuted by bicycle in last evening and this morning. It was more easy than I imagined before I'd done it.
I could reached to my office only in 40 minutes. When I commuted by bike, it spend from 20 to 30 minutes. So, it was not so late.
I have a light muscle's pain now. And I felt hunger before lunch. But, I feel nice now. Moving body is always good to my heart.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Fine day

I climbed Mt. Ege in this morning. It was a very fine day after a long interval. I climbed mountains under the rain in these times.
As it was fine, it was easy to walk in mountain and it was very interesting. I met many climbers in the mountain.
I could sea many mountains which were there at far away. Mt. Yoshiwa-kanmuri, Mt. Osorakan and mountains in Yamaguchi pref. etc. It was very nice climbing.
But, I forgot to bring camera. So, I photoed by mobile phone.

Monday, October 03, 2016

Mt. Kannon

After I downed from Mt. Kannon, I through the big bridge and landed on Island Omishima. I had a rest there for a while. I photoed myself with the big bridge and Mt. Kannon.
After I bought a gift for my family, I went back to my home.

Real top

Peak of Mt. Kannon had not a landscape. There was only a triangle point. Top which have no landscape is not interesting. So, I returned to bike after I had a rest for a short while.
But, I conquered a top of one of the famous mountain in Hiroshima pref.

Fake top

After I passed some peaks, I could reach to the peak. It was very easily to reach there more than I'd imagined.
There were many board which be written the name of mountain and the height, etc. So, I thought there was a peak. But, there was not real peak of the mountain.
At first, I thought I would return to my bike. But, I thought I want to walk to shrine which was there near the peak.
I found a real peak during I walked to shrine. Many climbers must be cheated on by the first board. I was lucky to find real peak fortunately.

Misty forest

I don't hate misty mountain, because it seems to be mysterious. I remembered the ridge line of Mt. Houhou in South Alps.
By the way, one of the name of peak of Mt. Houhou was Kannon. It was same name with the mountain which I climbed then. It was coincidence.

Mountain pass Izuri

From the mountain pass Izuri, I could walk to Mt. Kannon or Damn Nakano. Off course I select the road to Mt. Kannon.
As it was misty, I could't see landscape from there. If it was fine, I would be able to see Seto-uchi sea's islands.

Climbed in bush

After I drove bike near the entrance of climbing road, I started climb. There were many bush and spider's web on the climbing road near the entrance. And the grand was easily to slip because of the mad. So, I could't enjoy climbing at first. I wanted to retire the climbing. But, I continued it.

Rain on the sea

I like to ride on ferry when I travel to somewhere. But, when I was there in ferry on the sea, it started to rain. In these climbing, it always be rain. I felt bad feeling.
Before the ferry reached to port of island, I wore the rain wear beside the bike.

Rode bike early in the morning

I woke up in 4:00 am, and rode bike to port Sunami in Mihara city. In order to climb Mt. Kannon on Island Ikuchi-jima.
I thought the first ferry would start in 6:30 by inter net. But, it was 7:10. So, I had a rest for a while in port Sunami, and ate breakfast which I bought in seven-eleven.
Octopus ball was soled from 10:00 in the port. Octopus was famous food in Mihara. So, I wanted to eat it. But, I had to leave there. I want to eat it someday.

Sunday, October 02, 2016


I disassembled a clunk of bicycle today. In these days, I dried to disassembled it by normal tools in my company. But, I could't. So, I bought a special tool for it by Amazon, because the tools was not expensive.
I could disassembled it easily by the tools. And I washed around there. And, I measured the dimension around bottom bracket.
The system of the dimension is very complicated. So, I might missed the selection of bottom bracket.

Saturday, October 01, 2016

Climbed with umbrella

Old couple who I met at Mt. Houou said that using umbrella in mountain was very comfortable under some situation.
So, I tried it. It was very nice more than using rain wear, because I didn't felt humidity. It must be difficult to use it on ridge line in hard wind. I'll often use it in the mountain from today.

Mt. Ege in the rain

In rainy day, Mt. Ege was decorated by cloud. It was very beautiful.
As it rains every day in these weeks. So, I decided to climb even if it was rain.

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Zelt is one of the most important item for climbing. It is a simple light tent which be used in cold wind and cold rain. It helps the life for climbers. Fortunately, I have never used it in the mountain. It means no trouble in mountain.
Even if the item have a good performance, it wouldn't work well without the technique to use it. So, I decided to use as a train today.
In the zelt, I felt warm in the rain. But, I felt a little humidity, too.
I decided to train it in the rain from now. And I will find
the best way to use it.

Climb in the rain

I climbed Mt. Ege in hard rain. I don't hate climbing in the rain. I could enjoyed it. No other climber was there in the mountain. It was one of merit for climbing in the rain.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Cycle computer

I bought a cycle computer in order to record the riding. During riding, watching the speed and distance is very interesting. It is a important gear for bicycle.
And, I bought back mirror in order to ride on the road for car.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Top of Mt. Ege

At the top, I had a rest for a while on the rock. Nice wind cooled my body. Birds voice make my heart tenderly.
Moving body must be good for the soul. I stayed there for a while with satisfaction.
By the way, I set my climbing pole on my chest like a samurai's sward. It is very cool. The style is my trend.


I found a born on the climbing road. It must be an under chin of a beast. Perhaps, it was hog's one. I sometimes meet them in the mountain.
As it was beautiful white, some beasts ate the meat.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Bicycle light

In these days, I maintain an old my bicycle. Because, I'll join the race of bicycle on November.
I bought bicycle's head lamp and rear lamp. They are very very bright more than I imagined.
I had enjoyed bicycle about 8 years ago. The lamp was not so bright.
When I used it from my window as a test, the lamp shined a wall which was there more than 100 m far away.
I'll bring them to my office on Monday, and I'll assemble to my bicycle.