Saturday, April 23, 2016


I felt itchy on my hand and watched there. I found a small warm walked on my hand.
It was very charming and beautiful. Many warms and insects appear from this season in mountain.

Wide view

I met two old climbers and talked with them for a while. One of them was a climber who I had met some times there. He climbed Mt. Ege every day except it was rain.
Landscape of western side changed to wide. The reason was that the old climber cut the branch near the top. I could find a new stub.
It may be illegal. But, their such action make climbing road good.

Mt. Ege

I climbed Mt. Ege in this morning. Walking in forest gave me a very nice feeling. There were some smogs in the air. But landscape was not bad.
My body was building up in those weeks for climbing. The summer will come soon.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Morning climbing

I climbed Mt. Chausu in this morning. I climbed because I wanted check the boots which exchanged the sole. In this season, it was bright from early in the morning. I felt nice at the top when I watched the night view of Hiroshima city.

Shoe sole

I exchanged climbing boot's sole. It was a second action for the boots. As the boot's resistance for rain was deleted about 3 years ago. So, I'll use it for climbing for mountain in neighborhood and for fine day.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Blue sky

At the top, I could sea beautiful blue sky and nice landscape. As it was hard rain in the morning, the air was cleaned up. So, everything looks beautiful. It was very nice climbing.

Mt. Ege

I watched Mt. Ege over the beautiful flowers. It was very fine day.
In the mountain, every leaves were colored fresh green. And, some flowers blossomed out. It must be a best season for climbing.


I found a insect baby on the stone at the ruins of Yano castle. At first, I thought it was mantis. But, it didn't have hocks. So, it must be stick insect. It might be first experience for me to watch the insect. It was very beautiful.
By the way, the English name "stick insect" was very nice naming. it certainly like a stick.

Saturday, April 09, 2016

Construct river

I constructed the river in the mountain. When I found a small puddle, I want to make a river and dry it.

Mt. Myojin

I climbed mountain after a long interval. At first, I climbed in order to stand on the top of Mt. Ege. But, I felt tired hard near the middle height. So, I abandoned and returned.
I found beautiful tree and photoed it. I had walked beside it many times. But, I couldn't find it. Image of everything changed at every time.

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Enrollment ceremony

I attended my son's enrollment ceremony today. As my son won the examination of the entrance test, it was very nice for us.
I heard it was a nice junior high school. So, teachers, equipment and environment was very nice.