Sunday, August 28, 2016

Light climbing

I climbed mountain after a long interval today. It was a nearest mountain from my house. I entered mountain from beside JR railroad. And I walked through ridge line between Yano town and Saka town. And I reached the top of Mt. Takao.
It was a first climbing after I climbed Mt. Kita-dake last month. I understood that climbing mountain was very interesting for me.

Thursday, August 11, 2016


My son's summer holiday's home work was free study. He selected to check all bridges over the Kyobashi river. And, I went it with him as a cameraman.
We walked about 12 km along the river. It was hard job for summer. But, there were many things which I didn't know. So, it was interesting more than I had imagined.
He will make nice report until the end of summer vacation.