Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Commute by bicycle

I enjoy commute by bicycle in these months. When I reached Ujina port near my office, I always have a rest and drink hot coffee and watch the sea, islands and ships. It is the best time in week day.
Temperature in this morning was 3 ℃. It's changing be cold suddenly. I have to prepare item for resist cold.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Bicycle's tools

I bought new tool and parts for bicycle.
Front brake was same one with rear brake which I'd bought last week. It works well more than old one when I want to stop and reduce speed.
The black tube was tool box. I can keep repair tools etc in it. The wire was key for bicycle. As the old key was heavy and big, I changed it to light and small one.

Sunday, November 20, 2016


After we finished the race, we transported to home by friends car. During returning, we stopped rest station on the road.
There were many red fishes on the pond. There were too many. So, it was strange and weird. I couldn't understand they were carp or goldfish.

Udon service

There were 2 rest point on the course. We could eat Udon, rice ball and drinks, etc. Running by bicycle waste the energy. So, I often felt hunger during the race. Eating at rest point was one of pleasure in the race.

Orange ride 2016

I joined the event of bicycle touring event with some friends today. It was held in Kamagari Island. It was first experience that I joined in such bicycle event. So, I'd been excited from yesterday.
My friends were my job's customer who worked in Hiroshima city. They brought me and my bicycle by their car.
At the start point, many bicyclers were there. And I could see many type of bicycle. It was very interesting.

Friday, November 18, 2016


I bought brush set for leather boots. Until then, I used an old clothes when I use cream on leather boots for climbing.
I have to study how to use it. I don't know what situation should be used the 3 different brushes.


I bought new brake for rear tire of bicycle. It was made by Shimano which was a greatest bicycle's parts maker in the world.
As I've never used it, I don't know whether it works well ore not. But, I can understand it is cool. It will be rain from today to tomorrow. So, I have no chance to try it until the day when the race in island will be held.

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

New rain wear

I bought a new rain wear today. It was cheap, if I compare it with the rain wear for climbing. But, many comments on the web said that it was very nice. And I like the brand of Mizuno. So, I decided to buy it. I am planning to use it for bicycle. I'm waiting for rain weather now.
The reason why I select yellow is that drivers can find me easily if the collar is conspicuous.

Thursday, November 03, 2016

Leave the island

At Kirikushi, there was the port where the ship to Tennou would start. I reached there 5 minutes before when the ship would leave there.
I watching the island from on the ship with satisfaction.
Later, I rode bicycle from Tennou to my home in Yano. Total distance which I'd run was 57 km. It was my longest record.

Defense force

There is a big defense force's base on Edajima island. It was the most major tourist spot on there. A tough guard man was standing beside the gate. As a record, I photoed my bicycle in front of there.
After I left there, I met a hard up slop.

Udon soup from bean

One of main event of the trip was eating the Udon. The Udon's soup was made from bean. It was traditional way of making in Edajima island.
It was very delicious for me. I didn't know the reason was because of bean's soup or because of hard ride.
Eating famous food during trip was one of my hobby.

Road in the island

As the island was making efforts to call bicycle, the road and ambient was good for bicycle. And the landscape which I could see during riding was very good. So, I could enjoyed very much. The level of goodness was different from riding around Hiroshima city.

Edajima island

After I finished the job in the morning, I rode bicycle to Island Edajima in the afternoon. I used ferry from Ujina port where was there near my office.
In the ferry, I could have a nap by shaking of wave. It was a nice trip in the ship.