Saturday, December 31, 2016

old tomb

During we climb down from the top, we found an old tomb. It was a cave made by human. There are many historic ruins around there. There are many famous old tomb. It was a good study for my son.

Mt. Yasaka

Mt Yasaka was a nearest mountain from my old home in Okayama. The height was only about 100 m. But, the ground of Okayama city was very flat. So, the landscape from the top was very nice.
When I was until high school student, I was not interested in climbing. So, I'd never climbed there until I climbed in this spring.
It was a nice mountain.

Stone Buddhist image

I went to my old home in Okayama with my son at the last day in this year. As there was nothing to do, we went to climb nearest mountain from my old home.
We found a large Buddhist image near the entrance of mountain road. The size was as large as I. It must be made in ancient days when there were no machine. It must be made by human's hand. What they were thinking during making it. Watching such a thing must be good for my son's soul.

Wide landscape

We could see wide landscape around Hiroshima. As my son joins a climbing club in his school. He could see mountains which he climbed with his friends, such as Mt. Oh-chausu and Mt. Toshiwa-Kanmuri. Watching mountains which had been climbed was very nice for me. Perhaps, he felt so, too. He watched the mountains for a while.
Plates on the green lights in the night. We could see them from town. They are set only around new years day.

Mt. Ege

I climbed Mt. Ege with my son. It was a last climbing to Mt. Ege. My son climbed faster than me in these days. Young is power.
Climbing with my son is very interesting, because I can see his growth.
But, I fell envious him, too. As I'm busy in this season, I couldn't train enough. So, I loose him. In spring and summer, I will train enough. I'll be able to climb faster than him.

Sunday, December 18, 2016


I went to see Escher's drawings to Hiroshima prefecture's museum. Escher is one of my favorite artist. Seeing his real picture was my first experience.
I brought my wife and son. When my son was a primary school student, I brought him to another museum. He had not be able to enjoy it. But, he enjoyed Escher's drawings today. He already be junior high school student. I thought he grew up.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Shoe cover

I bought shoe cover for bicycle. It resist rain and coldness.
From now, I can ride bicycle in the rain. And I'll be able to ride in cold morning in mid winter.

Spare head lump

During I returned to home by bicycle in the night, battery of head lump was wasted. So, I had to run in the dark without the light.
The battery have a alarm of lack of electricity. But, the time from the alarm appeared to turning dark was very short.
So, I bought head lump and rear lump as spare. They are cheap and not have a good performance. But, I think it is enough as spare.

Monday, December 05, 2016

Deep mist

It was in deep mist in Hiroshima in this morning. The sealed of my helmet was covered by mist. So, it was difficult to drive bike in such weather. After sunrise, the mist was disappeared.

Friday, December 02, 2016

Bicycle in sunrise

Commute by bicycle is very interesting. My colleague says "Isn't it too hard for you during your job is hard ?"  But, my heart and body are refreshed by moving in everyday. I always drink coffee at the Port Ujina near my office after I drove bicycle about 14 km from my home. It is a most happy time for me in these days.