Saturday, March 25, 2017

Mt. Ege

After a long interval, I stand on the top of Mt. Ege. As I was busy from January to March, I didn't have a time and power to climb.
Top of mountain is always nice.

Bicycle and Climbing

As I don't using bike, I have to use bicycle for moving. I went to entrance of climbing road of Mt. Ege by bicycle. As the point was there at higher level, it was a hard job.
I had tired before climbing.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Battle ship

I found a cool battle ship stayed in Hiroshima port during I commuted by bicycle. The shape in front of sunrise was very beautiful. I think the machine which have a functional style always beautiful.
As this was a defense force's one, somebody get angry when I say it "battle ship".

Monday, March 20, 2017

A little ridge line

From top of Mt Chausu to neighborhood of  my house, there was a small ridge line. I walked on the ridge line and went back home.

Mt. Chausu

After a long interval, I climbed mountain. The mountain was Mt. Chausu which was a nearest mountain from my home.
At the top, I could see the city Hiroshima and Setouchi sea. Nobody always there despite it have a good landscape.
It was a very easy climbing. It was good as a startup of train.

Monday, March 06, 2017

Island Shika-no shima

Island Shika-no shima is a Fukuoka's leisure spot. The geological formation was very typical and interesting on the map. So, we decided to go there.
As the island was very small, we could drive around it easily. As the island was near the China continent, there were some ruins which be influenced by china. The board in the picture was the memorial board which showed the record of the war which an ancient China attacked Japan.


We always eat ramen in Fukuoka. Ramen is famous food in Fukuoka. There are some ramen restaurant in Hiroshima, too. But the Fukuoka's one taste better.
We waited about 1 hour in front of the major ramen restaurant Issou. Issou's ramen was very delicious. But, I was tired waiting in line. Waiting for a long while is one of most my hate.


I went to Fukuoka in order to watch the animation movie Yamato 2202 with my friend. The theater was there on high stair in Hakata station. I could see the plane was flying near there. Air port was there neat the mid city.