Sunday, April 30, 2017

Smart phone

My wife and I bought a smart phone at softbank shop today. They were the our first smart phone. Until then, I said there was no need to use smart phone for me. But, it is very useful for me now. It will work well especially when I'll climb and travel.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Resist rain boots

I bought new boots for bicycle. It's resist rain. I bought it, because my foot was wet when I was commuting by bicycle in the rain.
I'm waiting for rain in order to check the performance.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Fix the boots

As the thread of climbing boots was worn away, I fixed it. The thread couldn't be through to reverse side. So, I bought a carve needle.
As a result, I could do it beautifully. It was a nice job. I am more adroit than I imagined.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Time record

I climbed Mt. Ege in this morning.
I climbed fast from entrance of mountain road. At the dest reown slope, I ran. As a result, I could reached to the top in only 46 minutes. It was my best record. Until then, the best record was over 50 minutes.
Commuting by bicycle make my body powerful.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Brake shoes

I changed brake shoes for rear tire of my bicycle. When I compared new one and old one, I found old one's surface was abraded hard.
In this picture, uppers are old, and lowers are new. The slit of old one was deleted.
After I changed it, I drove my bicycle and checked. The result was very good.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


I clashed car by bicycle when I went back home yesterday. The car suddenly appeared in front of me from branch of the road. I used brakes. But, my bicycle couldn't stop well. I might should change to the new break pad.

Sunday, April 16, 2017


In Mt. Ege many  rhododendron was full bloomed.
Rhododendron's Japanese name was "Tsutuji".
I am not interested in flowers so much. But, I like watching beauty. It is best season for climbing.

Top of mountain

I could reached the top only in 1 hour and 3 minutes from the entrance of climbing road. It was a good record.
Commuting by bicycle make my body tough. Until the summer climbing event, I'll continue the train and commuting by bicycle.

Full bloom

Sakura's flower was full bloomed near the top of Mt. Ege. The timing was about 1 week later comparing with the city. 593m height make the air cold.
It was a surprise present to me. I could enjoyed watching Sakura again.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Cherry blossoms

During commuting by bicycle, I had a rest under the Sakura tree. The flowers were opened full. It was very beautiful.
I can have a rest easily when I was commuting by bicycle. It is a great merit for bicycle.