Sunday, July 30, 2017

18kg Backpack

I brought 18 kg backpack to the top of Mt. Ege. It was very very hard job under high humidity and high temperature.
Until I'll start climbing in North Alps, I have to make my body more tough. The last object was bringing 25 kg. If I can be used to the weight, I can feel it light when I bring about 20 kg backpack in North Alps.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Run around bay side area in Saka

I ran around bay area of Saka town. The distance was about 8 km. As I could watched the sight which I had not seen often, it was interesting running.
I found a big bear toy was there beside the road. He watched sea,

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Narrow ridge line

When I climbed down from Mt. Ege, I selected the coarse which was not road. I selected a clear ridge line by using mobile map of GPS.
I often went into the bush. It was hard job in hot summer. But, it was interesting.

Cloud sea

From the top of Mt. Ege, I could sea the cloud flowed like a river. It was a beautiful landscape.

14kg Backpack

I brought 14kg Backpack to the top today. I didn't feel hard about it. Commuting by bicycle may make my legs powerful.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Can food

I'm trying to eat many can foods and instant foods in these days. It's for search a good one for camping in mountains.
The sermon's can was not so delicious. It was about 350 yen. It was too expensive.

Mobile Battery

I bought a mobile battery for smart phone. It's because that I'll walk in mountains in end of August. There are no consent in mountains.
The battery can contain much electricity in it. It supply 4 times full to my smart phone.

Line for firework

During commuting, I watched many people made a long long line near the port Hiroshima early in the morning. The reason why was that the firework event will be held there in the evening. They wanted to get good position for watching.
Will they wait until evening under summer heat at the no shadow. I can't understand their thinking. But, they will not be able to understand my thinking which I walk in mountain under sunshine in summer.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

New wears

I went to shopping area at the center of Hiroshima city with my wife and son. I bought 2 new wears in the climbing gear's shop. I'll use them from this summer.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Talking at the top

I reached the top in about 56 minutes. It was not bad record in such weather which was high temperature and humidity.
At the top, an old climber who I'd met sometimes were there. And, I talked with him about 30 minutes. It was a interesting time. I like him.

Event near the top of Mt. Ege

When I reached parking area near the top of Mt. Ege,  many cars and people were there. I'd never seen such many people were there.
Some event would held there.

Bicycle near the climbing road

As I stopped riding auto bike, I always move by bicycle in this 6 months. I always moved to entrance of Mt Ege. And, I parked it by keying.
By the way, what a cool bicycle it is !

Sunday, July 09, 2017

Alone at the top

I didn't meet anyone in the mountain. It maybe a big merit for climbing in bad weather. I had an experience which I was alone at the top of famous Mt. Miyanoura in Yaku-Island.
When I climbed down, it started rain hard.

Mountain and cloud

It was rain in these days. I climbed at the chance which was no rain today.
High humidity damaged me. I was very tired during I climbed.
But, the view of Mt. Ege was nice, because it was hided by cloud.