Friday, February 16, 2018


I ate a delicious ramen at near my office. Ramen was a kind of noodle which from China.
I ate it alone for dinner, because all of my family came down with Influenza. It was very delicious.
3 days later, I came down with flu, too.

Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Ice pole

Ice pole appeared at my office. It was very cold today. When I commuted in the morning, temperature gauge showed -4 ℃. It was most cold in this winter.

Sunday, February 04, 2018

In the zelt

I often bring miso soup with boiled water to the mountain. But, it was too cold to stay at the top.
So, I used a emergency shelter Zelt in order to avoid the cold wind. Zelt was a thin plastic cloth. It often help climber's life.
The using was my second time. At the first, I used it as a training. So, it was my first real using.
In the zelt, I could stay with comfort. I could eat miso soup, cream soup and rice ball. It was an interesting breakfast.
Zelt had a hole to exchange the air. I looked a cold snow world from inside of warm room. It was my small castle.

Snow world

When I climbed to high place in Mt. Ege, snow was appeared on the ground. It was increased when I approached to the top.
At the top, the ground was white. The wind was very very cold.
The height of Mt. Ege was only 593 m. But the whether was very different with the town. The coldness was very hard. But, I could enjoyed the situation.
My wife call me crazy when I told so after I went down the mountain.

Beautiful sunrise

I could see a beautiful sunrise from the middle height of Mt. Ege. Winter's sunrise was different with summer's one, I thought.
It was very very cold morning.

New head lamp's power

I woke up early in the morning and started to climb about 5:30 AM. One of the object of the climbing was check the performance of new head lamp.
As a result, the 350 lumen power was great. I could see around as if it was daytime. If I used 350 lumen power continuously, the battery would be wasted only for 2 hours. So, I selected the power to 100 lumen. It was enough power for walk in forest. I liked the new lamp.