Saturday, March 31, 2018


I like watching Sakura. But, I don't go to the place where many big Sakura trees are there, because I hate staying in crowd.
There is an unknown place where many big Sakura trees are there. When I went there, nobody were there, despite it was Saturday.
I watched Sakura at silent place alone for a while.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Japanese cherry

Despite it was weekday, many people were there under the Japanese cherry. I recognized that Japanese love it very much.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


In these days, I go to cape Moto Ujina during I commute.
I stop my bicycle under the beacon, I run up the stairs to beside the beacon. It is a training for climbing. Running up stair is very hard train. I get out of breath every time.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Flower in spring

When I descend mountain, I found beautiful red flowers. My wife teach me the flowers were camellia when I showed the photo to her.
Until then, I thought camellia was winter's flower. But, it was spring's one.

I could see Mt. Ishizuchi clearly

I could see Mt. Ishizuchi clearly over the smog. Two peaks in the center of the picture is the mountain. I'd climbed the mountain twice when I was twenties. Mt. Ishizuchi is one of my special mountain. I climbed it with my friend when I was university's student. It was first climbing which I brought tent and swept in mountain. I can image the situation clearly now.

Wall at 43 minutes

My best time record which be from entrance to summit was 43-plus minutes. I'v gotten the record 3 times. I'd never get under 43 minutes. There is a big wall between I and 42-plus minutes.
My son's best record was 37-plus minutes. I have to train more in order to win him.

Mt. Ege in the morning

I climbed Mt. Ege in this morning. It was fine and warm. It may be the best season for climbing.
As the season of hard job had been finished, moving my body was very comfortable. Climbing season had come.
What mountain will I climb in this summer ? I may will climb Mt. Yari-gatake with my son.

Sunday, March 18, 2018


There was a marsh in valley near Mt. Myojin.
I had known it was there. But, I didn't go there until then. It was difficult in summer to walk to there, because the green deep bush. It should be walked in winter.
I went down from ridge line and went down there.
There was a wide square which had no woods. Thee were some streams. It was strange place.

Hiroshima bay

I could see Hiroshima bay. There was a place where I picked up a black bag.
I prayed for his safe from the top of mountain.

Good record

I bounce back from influenza, perfectly. It need about 1 month. I could climbed Mt. Ege in good record. 44 minutes and 57 seconds was a time from entrance of climbing road to the top. It was a good record.
Spring has come. I'll climb many mountains.

Saturday, March 17, 2018


I found a black box at the sea coast near Hiroshima bay. It was wet by sea water and be surrounded by sea sand.
In the bag, there were notes, mobile phone, and cards, etc. There were no money.
I brought it to police box which was there in nearest.
Later, the policeman told me that the owner was old man and be disappearance. I imagined that the old man dropped down to the sea, or be stumble into crime.
It was a bad event for me.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Bicycle's tire

These are same tire. New one have 5mm channel on the surface. Old one's was less than 1mm. 1 and half years abrade away the 4mm thickness.
These channel slow water to outside. So, it is important for brake in the rain.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Waterfall in hard road

There is a waterfall in Mt. Ege. As it is there in deep valley, it is not famous for climbers who often climb Mt. Ege.
After I left the top of Mt. Ege, I descend from ridge line and went down to deep valley. The road was very hard. Red marking often disappear. And there were many small streams from beside the road. So, the surface of the road was wet despite it was fine.
But the waterfall was larger than my image. And it was very beautiful. Minus ion must be there around there. It was nice climbing.

Second breakfast

I ate cup soup and rice ball at the top of Mt, Ege. It was my special time for me. I could forget the many troubles and worrying in mountain.
It was my second climbing. I already had eaten before I started to climb.
I didn't boil the water there. I always bring thermos bottle when I climb mountain which there near my house.

Landscape from the top

I could reached to the top in an hour. It was better record than the last week's one.
My body condition must be change better after I was fixed from influenza.
As the mist which often appear in spring was there, I could't see far away. But, it was fine day.

Sunrise in forest

As I started climbing late, I could't use headlamp. And I saw a sunrise at low place of Mt. Ege. It was my mistake. Because, I like to climb mountain from dark time, and enjoy watching the color of sky and ambient in the forest.

Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Spring is coming

As the time of sunrise is first in these days, it is bright when I reach to port Ujina.
After I moved my body by cycling about 14 km, I drink coffee there. It is very nice time. During it was very cold, I could't do it.
I like this season when the spring is coming. In spring, I'll climb, do cycling, and travel, etc.

Sunday, March 04, 2018

Hiroshima bay

After a long interval, I climbed mountain. I could't climb for long while because of the influenza.
I could't train such as walking and cycling. So, my body performance had been decreased. 69 minutes was needed from entrance of climbing road to the top. My best record was 43 minutes.
But, I think it was enough. I can train from now. As the cold winter had been gone, everything which I do in outdoor was very interesting.

Before sunrise

I like walking in the forest before sunrise. The color of ambient change from black to blue, purple, orange. The colors was changing during I close my eyes for only 30 seconds. I think it was miracle time.

New head lamp's power

I checked the performance of new head lamp in the mountain. 200 lumen was enough to walk in the night. I like everything about the new head lamp. I'll use it as a main head lamp.

Saturday, March 03, 2018

Water resistant test

New lamp's water resistant performance was code IP8. IP8 was the highest performance for head lamp for climbing. It said that it can resist in the water in one hour.
The performance was one of the reason why I bought it as spare. The lamb which I bought before was IP4. I was worried for it.
I test it in my house. of course, It shined in the water.

Black Diamond's Cosmo

I bought new head lamp from Amazon. I bought head lamp on February, too. So, the new one was for spare.
If the head lamp is broken in the dark, life must be in front of danger. So, the spare one is important.
The maker Black Diamond is famous for the expense. But, it was not so expensive. And the style was very cool.