Sunday, April 29, 2018

Green forest

After I finished test of zelt, I climbed Mt. Myojin. The leaf was very beautiful green. It is a best season for climbing.
In this long vacation, what mountain will I climb ?

Test the Zelt

I climbed Mt. Myojin in order to test the new zelt. If I try it at the park in the town, many people watch me strangely. They may call policeman. So, I tried it in mountain. In the forest, many mosquito attacked me. So, I wore rain wear and tried it.
I could assembled it easily more than I foresee. It was a very good zelt. I will be able to use it as a tent, if it will be good weather.
I will modify it. I'll add mosquito net at the door. And, I'll buy the turf and cover it.

Saturday, April 28, 2018


I bought zelt and the rope. Zelt is a easy tent which be used to avoid from sudden cold wind and rain. It is a emergency item.
This is a finetrack's "Zelt 2 long". It have some special performance such as resist humidity inside of it and resist rain form outside, etc. And some climbers use it as a tent. So, I selected it. But, it was very expensive. it was 22,000 yen.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

From inside of forest

After I walked for a while from the gun battery, There was a spot which had good landscape. I could see all Hiroshima port from there. Wide landscape from inside of forest. It was good event.

Gun battery

I train in the forest near the cape Moto Ujina in these days. There was a gun battery until the end of world war Ⅱ. This is a base of it.
I had not listen that the American battle ship had come into Seto island sea. It may be deleted before it had been used.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Brake shoe

As the front brake tire was abraded away, I exchanged it. The part is consumption. I exchange it every 4 months. But, I have to change it carfully, because it save my life.

Monday, April 09, 2018

Port at evening

When I was going back to my home, the night view of port Hiroshima was very beautiful. So, I photoed it.


As the rear transmission's pulley of bicycle was abraded away, I changed it. The old one's edge of pulley was very sharp by gall.
In comment of Amazon, result of exchange was very great. But, I couldn't think so. The noise may be reduced.

Stairs for training

I often train by using the stairs. I dash on stairs to the top. It's a train to win my son by climbing.
When I was dashing, my lungs and thighs crying.
I do it about 3 times in every week. The train must make my performance better. Someday I'll win my son.

Saturday, April 07, 2018

Charge battery

Bike's battery will be empty, if the bike don't be driven for a long while. So, I often ride bike around my office.
I drove it for about 30 minutes. So, it must be full charged.

Wednesday, April 04, 2018


"Horumon" is not English word. It's Japanese word which means farm animals's organ.
Some Japanese like to eat it by grill. The photo's one is Horumon tenpura. There are a few restaurant in Hiroshima supply it. It have strange and delicious taste. I often eat it.

Sunday, April 01, 2018

He love bush

My son always says that he want to walk outside of climbing road. As it is dangerous action, I can't accept him do it alone. So, I walk into bushes with him.
It was a very hard job. We tried to reach to ridge line. As a result, we returned to normal climbing road, because the deep fern wall obstructed us.


In the mountain many Rhododendron's flower was bloom. The purple color was very beautiful.
In Alps I don't watch flowers, because I want to see mountains and landscape. But, I watch flowers in near mountain. It is one of nice event for climbing.

Second Breakfast

I could't win my son, despite I got a best record. He waited me on the rock at the summit.
After we had a rest for a while at the summit, we moved and eat breakfast. I ate rice ball and clam soup. My son ate rice ball and miso soup. Food in mountain was always delicious.
By the way, having same hobby with son is very lucky for father, I think. If he don't like climbing, I have no chance to talk and play with him.

Best record

I climbed Mt. Ege and got a best record. 42 minutes and 00 second was a time between entrance of climbing road and the summit.
My last best record was 43-plus minutes. At last, I'd broken the wall of 43 minutes.
Next wall was there at 40 minutes.