Thursday, May 31, 2018

Removed sprocket

I removed sprocket easily by using special tools. So, I could decide to buy new sprocket.
It may be good to remove it when I'll wash it.

Tool for sprocket

I use 4th rear gear of bicycle most of all when I ride bicycle. So, the gear was worn away. And the chain slipped on the gear in these days. So, I had to change the sprocket.
Before I buy the sprocket, I bought the tools for assemble and remove sprocket. And I tried it.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Cape Ujina

I started to train for climbing in the morning. I stop by cape Ujina during commuting. And I run in forest. The distance I run is about 2 km.
It was very comfortable event. Oxygen in forest must be deep more than in town.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Mt. Ege

After a long interval, I climbed Mt. Ege. I could't climb fast and smoothly.
I commute by bicycle. So, I thought I had enough train. But, the muscle for climbing and cycling are different.
I'll climb mountains in Japan Alps in August. I have to start to train in 2 months.

Fresh green

In the forest, I could see new green leaf.
It may be the best season for climbing.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Bicycle's chain

As the chain for bicycle was extended, I changed it to new one. When I compare new one and old one, the old was about 1% longer than the new one.
As a result, I can drive bicycle more powerful and smooth and fast after I changed the chain. I didn't recognized that the chain was important.
But, new trouble happened. I have to change sprocket, too.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Bamboo outside the door

I could see bamboo from inside of Zelt. I could sleep for a while in silent forest.
It was a nice time.

Zelt in forest

I assembled Zelt in bamboo forest. I always assemble it by using stick as a pole of Zelt. But, I stand Zelt by take ropes from branches in forest. At the case, entrance space was very wide. And power of resisting wind must be tough.
I understood that Zelt should be built in forest than high mountain's ridge line.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Gears for Zelt

I bought peg and rope for Zelt. Until then, I used tent's peg for Zelt.

Pants and the belt

I bought pants for climbing in summer, because the old one was worn out. I fixed some place of old one by yarn and patch cloth.
The new pants was old type and sold at a low price. I could bought it at only 7,700 yen.
I recognized the pocket was depthless when I bought it. It was only demerit. But, I decide to buy it.

Friday, May 18, 2018


My bicycle' distance meter showed 9000 km. I set it on September in 2016. So, I rode bicycle 9000 km in 20 months. I rode 450 km in every month. I think it is great.

Easy to make Instant noodle

This noodle was not cap noodle. This was a normal instant noodle. So, I usually had to cook it by pot.
But, I could cook it by only using microwave oven. It's because the orange and white colored case was special.
So, I could eat it without using and washing pot. What a useful item it was ! I bought it by paying only 108 yen.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Mt. Yufu-dake over green

Mt. Yufu-dake was a symbol of Yufuin. It had a beautiful shape.
As I was a climber, I thought I wanted to climb it, off coarse. If my wife was not beside me, I went out from bus and climb it.
The mountain listed on 200 famous mountain in Japan. I heard that Mr. Kyuya Fukada had a conflict whether he select it one of 100 famous mountain or not.
I agreed that the mountain had such value.

With Totoro

People in all of the world love Jivuri's animation characters. Many peoples photoed with Totoro.
By the way, I thought that Korean ladies have same face.

Soba Restaurant

After we walked around the lake, we entered to Japanese Soba restaurant. The reasons why we selected it were that the sample of noodle in front of entrance was looked tasty and the restaurant faced to the lake.
The sauce include canard fresh and green onion. It was one of famous style of Soba "Kamo-Soba". Eating it was my first experience. It was tasty more than I imagined.
We could eat delicious foods in the travel.

Local spa

There were some small spa buildings around lake Kinrin. It was written on the door that only local residents can enter there. So, we can't enjoy bath there. I'd never such a facilities. So, I enjoyed watching them.

Lake Kinrin

Lake Kinrin is the main sightseeing point in Yufuin. Kinrin is a Japanese which means gold scale. I don't know why it be called so. In evening, it may be bright gold like scale. The water came from underground.
There were many souvenir shop and many foreigners on road between the lake and the station. My wife enjoyed walking and shopping. So, I thought the trip was nice.

Main walking road of Yufuin

The sightseeing walking road was there between Yufuin station and lake Kinrin. There were many souvenir shops beside the road. And many walker like us was there.
As the Yufuin was at high land, it was cool. We could see beautiful mountains. Yufuin was nice town.

Beautiful road

The road between Beppu and Yufuin was very beautiful. Blue sky, green ground and winding road etc.
As we sit on most rear chairs, bus's vibration was very hard. If we had to rode it adding 30 minutes, we must be car sickness.

Mt. Tsurumi-dake

After we left the good hotel in second morning, we moved to Yufuin by bus. The bus through beside Mt. Tsurumi-dake. It was one of the three famous mountain in Japan. If my wife didn't beside me, I must be climbed it.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Good hotel

As the trip was for wedding anniversary, we reserved a expensive hotel. The room was wide and had a personal bathroom and a good landscape. The dinner and breakfast was fresh and delicious. It was a best hotel in hotels which I'd stayed until then.
Good hotel and foods make journey to good. It was a nice journey.

Figure of raccoon dog

There was a figure of raccoon dog in the yard of sea hell. It was Japanese famous figure. So, it is not rare for Japanese.
But, many foreigners photoed it. For foreigners it may be typical and traditional one in Japan.

Blue steamy lake

There was a blue steamy lake in sea hell. I could see it like hell. There were many foreigners around the lake.
I thought the steam should be used for generator with turbine.

Hell of sea

Ancient citizens imagined boiled lakes to hell. And, they call such lakes to hell. There were many hell in Beppu. They were sea hell, pot hell, blood hell, cyclone hell and white hell, etc. We had to pay 400 to 500 yen at all hell. So, we select sea hell and we entered it only.

Boil food by geothermal steam

At first, we went to Kannnawa area in order to eat boiled food. The steam was from under the ground. I could make boiled egg and meat ball myself. It was a nice event.
But, I couldn't be recognized the difference of taste between the boiled egg and normal one.

Bus in Beppu

As a 20th wedding anniversary, we travel to Beppu and Yufuin in Ohita pref. After our children born, we had never traveled without children.
In Beppu, bus line was very useful. we often used it. This photo was inside of bus from Beppu station to Kannnawa area. My wife and I were the only Japanese in the bus. I knew many foreign travelers come to Japan in these days by news. I understood it really then.

Sunday, May 06, 2018

Wisteria floribunda

There was beautiful purple flowers near the summit of Mt. Ege. The flower was Wisteria floribunda. It is called "Fuji" in Japanese. It was famous flower in the season in Japan.

Mt Ege

After a long interval, I climbed Mt. Ege. I reached there through Mt. Myojin. It was not normal root for me. The climbing road from ground to Mt. Myojin was hard slope. So, it was hard more than normal one.

Built zelt again

Building  zelt is more difficult than building tent. So, I have to train and be used to it.
The important points for zelt are resist rain and wind. I have to consider how to make tension to thread. Rain come into inside from cockle.

Friday, May 04, 2018

Walk with father and brother

I walked to mother's grave with father and brother. I always walked to there with father. But, brother came with us. As he hate moving body, it was very rare case.
When we returned to home, we through the old big home. It was certified as a important ruins from city Okayama.

Thursday, May 03, 2018

Hole of kendo training

I walk to my old home from Okayama station. The distance was about 6 km. On the road I through the shrine where I went for train kendo when I was junior high school student. Kendo is a Japanese traditional sports which use bamboo sword like samurai.
I walked the same road which I commuted to the shrine. Buildings beside the road was rebuild during I left Okayama. There was no building which I could remember.

Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Close hole of seam

Zelt and tent have hole of seam. When it is rain, the rain come inside of zelt through the hole. So, the work of closing the hole is important job after buying new one.
Zelt have no fly seat. So, the work is more important than for tent.