Saturday, June 30, 2018

Rain come inside

2 hours later, I found a pool of water appeared in the Zelt. It perhaps came from the floor's joint line. I set a seat under the Zelt's seat. But, the rain came into from there.
I could found the weak point of it by testing in the rain. I'll take measures about it until I'll climb in North Alps.

Test in the rain

As it was hard rain, I went to nearest mountain and test the performance of resist rain for Zelt. I brought snack and juice and enjoyed the life in Zelt for about 2 hours.It was a very interesting event. But, my wife said me crazy.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Double wall

In order to resist condensation and leaking rain, I hang a sheet inside of Zelt's roof.
I'm considering whether I should use the sheet to use for ground or roof.
I afraid hard wind and rain when I'll sleep in Zelt in North Alps.

15 kg again

I brought 15 kg backpack to summit of Mt. Ege. I could reached to summit today faster than on Thursday. Did I grew up in 3 days ?

Friday, June 22, 2018


I brought 15 kg backpack to the summit of Mt. Ege, as a train for climbing in North Alps in the end of next month. I didn't feel it so heavy. But, a long time spend to reach the summit.
In Alps, I'll bring about 20 kg backpack. As a train, I'll bring 25 kg backpack before I'll climb in North Alps.

Climb in the dark

June 21 is a day which have the longest daytime. So, I started to climb before sunrise, because I wanted to see earliest sunrise in mountain.
My breath color changed white. It may be because the humidity was high.

Sunday, June 17, 2018


I remodeled Zelt in these days in order to close the entrance cloth's bottom. I stitched faster like the photo. I assembled the Zelt and checked the performance. The result was very good. It closed perfectly. It will must be cut entering ants and mosquito, etc.
I decided to take it to another side of the entrance.

11kg backpack

As a train for climbing which bring tent and many gears in Alps, I start to bring heavy backpack. I brought 11 kg backpack which include 2 pet bottles which size was 2 litters.
The weight didn't damaged me. But, the time was over 60 minutes.
I have to increase the weight to about 25 kg until end of September.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Delightful forest

In this season, walking in forest was very delightful. I walked in shadow of trees and be getting cool wind from valley and ridge line.
My power for working was given by mountain and nature..

Sumit in weekday

As I got holiday on Thursday, I could climb Mt. Ege in week day. I stood on summit in 8:00 AM, Every workers must be started their jobs at the time.
Having a cool wind in mountain during others were working make me nice feeling.

My limit ?

My time record climbing Mt. Ege was 46 minutes in 2 continuous week. I was training enough in every morning. But, the record was not be better. It's may be my limit now.

Monday, June 11, 2018


I changed shifter from for 8 stages to 9. As the new shifter was high grade one, changing gear was very very smooth. Riding bicycle after changing parts is one of the most interesting event. I'll ride bicycle in this evening as a commuting. I'm waiting for the time.

Monday, June 04, 2018

Change the sprocket

I changed rear sprocket from for 8 stages to for 9 stages.
As the new one wasn't worn out, the slip of chain was deleted. So, I can drive bicycle smoothly than before.

Sunday, June 03, 2018

Sprocket and brake shoe

I bought Sprocket and brake shoe. I bought them because these were abrade away.
As I am riding bicycle about 30 km in every day, many parts were abrade away. I am paying money more than I'd imagined before.


I assemble zelt in every climbing. It is more difficult to assemble zelt than tent. If there is wrinkle at the surface, rain water come into inside. So, built without wrinkle is very important. But, it is difficult.
I will stay in zelt at North Alps in 2 months later. So, I have to train it enough.


Lily bloom flowers near the summit of Mt. Ege. I can see it in this season in every year. The flower was very big and beautiful.
I am not interesting in flowers in mountain. I don't stop in front of flowers in Alps, because I want to walk more and see great landscape. But, in local mountain, I like to see such a plants.

Mt. Ege

I climbed Mt. Ege by my full power. But, it took time 45 minutes. My best record was 42 minutes. So, it was not good.
I felt that I have to train in order to enjoy climbing at North Japan Alps in August.