Sunday, October 28, 2018

Mt. Ege

I climbed Mt. Ege alone. I moved with someone in those days. So, I wanted to do alone.
But, it was not so interesting. It may be because of my heart bad condition.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Could see Setouchi sea

We could see Setouchi sea and Mt. Ishiduchi-san in Shikoku island. It was very fine day. It was very very nice climbing day.
After we ate lunch there, we descend mountain and went home.
During I drove car to my home, he swept beside me. I was envious of him.
The mountains was very far from my home. It was needed about 3 hours to drive.

Second shrine

We found second shrine near the summit. It was new. I understood that the mountain was prayed and loved by local resident.

Could see Mt. Dougo-yama

We could see Mt. Dougo-yama from summit of Mt. Ouigatuji-yama. I thought the time when we climbed Mt. Dougo-yama was very far away despite we climbed it in the morning.
Mt. Dougo-yama had a round shape and kind shape.

Mt. Ouigatsuji-yama

We reached the summit of Mt. Ouigatsuji-yama. It was very narrow and silent place.
The mountain was not flashy like Mt. Dougo-yama and Alps's one. But, it had a silence and faith from local resident. I like such a mountain, too.

Old shrine

After we crossed over bad road, we found a sign of climbing road to summit. There was a old small beautiful shrine there.
After we had a rest and prayed in front of the shrine, I climbed to reach the summit.

Son's growth

Climbing road of Mt. Ouigatsuji-yama was very difficult, because the road was covered by bush and cut branches.
But, my son watched map and select the route very correctly. Because he trained in climbing club in his school. I was surprised of his growth. His performance was greater than mine. I respected him because of his effort for everything.
By the way, my performance was decreased because I was using GPS in mobile phone. I thought I had to train again by using paper map and magnet.

Difficult to access

After we descend Mt. Dougo-yama, I drove my car to the entrance of climbing road of Mt. Oigatsuji-yama.
My car's GPS navigation system select nearest road despite it was very very narrow road. So, it was hard job to access to the entrance of climbing road.
The red roof of farmer's house was symbol of climbing road. When I found it, I felt happy.
I thought the bike was best item for access to mountain. But, I'd sold bike.

Beautiful road in grass field

When we were returning to car, I through Mt. Iwatsuki-yama again. Grass road was beautiful.
When we were down, some


There was a small pond beside the summit of Mt. Dougo-yama.
I thought that why such a much water was there. Because the height level of the pond was near the summit. So, the under ground water must be a little.

Could see next mountain

We could see Mt. Ouigatsuji-yama which was a mountain we would climb after we went down from Mt. Dougo-yama.
As it had a typical style, I could recognize it.

Mt. Dougo-yama

Mt. Dougo-yama was very nice. It was one of 300 famous mountains in Japan. But, climber who stayed there was us only.
It was because of the news which said that bear appeared there. Many climbers afraid bear and stopped to climb it.
During we climbed, we used bell for resist bears and watched around us.

Could see mountains

When we watched south side, we could see mountains in Hiroshima pref. and Setouchi-sea.
What a good landscape it was !

could see Mt. Daisen

We could see wide grass field around us. I could remembered the grass field of Mt. Kujyu-san and Mt. Aso-san. I could't think that there was such a nice mountain in Hiroshima pref.
We could see Mt. Daisen over there. Mt. Daisen is one of 100 famous mountains in Japan. And it was first one of the 100 mountains which my son climbed. About 4 years passed from then. Time passes quickly.

Mt. Iwatsuki-yama

After we through forest, we reached to ridge line. And we reached summit of Mt. Iwatsuki-yama. It was there at near Mt. Dougo-yama.
There were no barrier around the mountain. We could see 360° around us. There were many mountains under side of us. It was very nice landscape.
It was very hard wind, because of no barrier around there. So, we left there after we enjoyed watching landscape enough.

Climbed in beautiful forest

I'd heard a news that bear appeared in Mt. dougo-yama. So, we hanged a bell. And we walked with watching around us.
As it was first time after sunrise, leaves were wet and the air was very clear and high humidity. So, we could climbed with nice feelings. I thought it was nice mountain.

Climbed 2 mountains in north area of Hiroshima pref.

I climbed Mt. Dougo-yama and Mt. Ouigatsuji-yama with my son today. They were there at most far away place in Hiroshima pref. from our home. They were there at border line between Hiroshima pref. and Tottori pref.
We left our home at 4:00 AM and reached at 7:00 AM. I drove about 3 hours. I'd already tired before climbing. When we reached the park, no other cars were there. We arrive first. We could expect silent and lonely climbing.

Saturday, October 13, 2018


We entered coffee shop. My wife selected it from sightseeing magazine. The style was cool. Smell of coffee was very nice.
We ate coffee and cake there.
After we drunk coffee, we left the island by the ship and returned to home.
It was nice small journey for us.

Landscape from narrow route

We could see five stage tower building from narrow road. It was very beautiful. Small shops, traditional tower and blue sky. It was nice landscape. There were many good events in Japanese traditional town.


Our object of travel to Island Miyajima was not watching gate and buildings of shrine, but eating foods and drinking coffee. So, we directly went to oyster's restaurant after we reached to port Miyajima.
Oyster is a Hiroshima's major food. And there were many oyster's restaurant. Major oyster cooking were fly, roast and boiled with rice. We selected coarse which include all of them. The restaurant's name was "Kakiya" in Island Miyajima.
They were delicious, especially roasted one was great. We left the restaurant with satisfaction.

Island MIyajima

I went to Island Miyajima with my wife. In the island, many foreigners were there.
In all of Japan, many foreigners are coming for sightseeing. And they pay much money in Japan. It is result of prime minister Abe's good job.
We traveled by train and ship. And Island Miyajima was not far away from my home. So, it was a easy trip.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Rear wheel

I bought new rear wheel of bicycle, because the clutch was not moved well and made a noise.
Because of the trouble, cycling pedal was very heavy. The chain often be loose. So, it was bad to ride bicycle.
I assembled new one today. I'll use it when I go home. I expect that I will be able to ride bicycle smoothly.

Monday, October 08, 2018

Zelt at the sand river

I assembled zelt after a long interval. Last time I assembled it was when I stayed in Kamikouchi.
Using zelt needs a train when I compared with tent. So, I often had to train.
The ground of landslide was good to take pegs. There were many good place in Mt. Ege.


I saw the purple beautiful flowers at some point in the forest of Mt. Ege. I'm not interested in flowers in mountain. And I have little knowledge about it. But, I think flowers in mountain is beautiful.

Many people at the summit

At the summit, many madams were there. So, I left there soon.
I always climb Mt. Ege from early in the morning. So, I did't met another climbers there.
But, I started to climb late today. So, I met them.