Thursday, November 29, 2018

By new road bike

In these days, I ride new bicycle to the cape Moto-Ujina in order to be used to it. The slope is hard. So, my leg's muscles always be tired. Because the road bike's gear is for high speed than MTB. It is a good train for my body.
After I reach there, I drink coffee and stay for a while in the trees. It is a good time.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Breakfast in cold wind

I made a cup noodle at the summit. I brought hot water by water flask which had a performance to keep temperature.
As it was very cold, eating hot food was very nice. It was cheap, but deluxe breakfast.

Sunrise at the summit

I could see beautiful colored sky at the summit of Mt. Ege.
As the asphalt road had been broken by hard rain in some months ago, no cars was there near the summit. Walking was only way to crime. It was good for me.

Climbed in the dark

Before sunrise, I like wail in the dark in forest. I like watch the ambient's color change from black to blue. It is my most favorite time.
In the forest, surface of grand was dark. But, the sky already be blue. Watching blue sky over the trees is my favorite.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Hiroshima bay

After a long interval, I went to the edge of cape Moto-Ujina by bicycle during I'd commuted.
Sunrise colored sky orange. Wave of sea was silent. It was a beautiful morning.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Red leaves

In Mt. Ege, I could see many colored leaves. They were colored red, orange and yellow, etc.
There were no need to go to famous place where could see such leaves in traffic jam. I could satisfy enough at neighbor.

Alone at the summit

At the summit, I could enjoy loneliness for a while. After I enjoyed it enough and decided to leave there, a climber reached there. I could enjoy talking about climbing. I like talk with solo climber.

Beautiful sunrise

I started to climb from the time when it was dark in the morning. Silence, sharp ambient, dark landscape and breath of beasts, etc made me staying in unusual.
I hate many noisy climbing groups. They always appear in daytime.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Road racer

I went to see a bicycle which would be mine later. It was a road racer type of bicycle. The owner wanted to sell it, because he did't ride on it in these years.
It was very beautiful one, because the owner rode it only about 500 km. The size was suit me. There were no reason which I would't buy it.
In next weekend, I'll ride it.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Colored leaf

In the mountain, I could see beautiful colored leaves.

Mt. Ege-san

I stood on the summit of Mt. Ege in sunrise. I was alone there. It was very silent.
I recognized that climbing should be done early in the morning.

Climbed in the dark

I'd climbed more early time in some years ago. In these year, I wake up late. And, I climb mountain after I eat breakfast. So, I met many climbers in Mt. Ege-san. They were noisy. I like alone basically in mountain.
So, I woke up early in the morning, and climbed in the dark. It was after a long interval.
In the dark forest, I could listen many animal's noise. And blue ambient before sunrise. It was very very nice.
When I reached the point where I could see the summit of Mt. Ege, I could see orange sky and sunrise.

Sunday, November 04, 2018

Too late to go

Forth soba restaurant was "Yamagata". When we went there, many soba fans were waited in front of the restaurant.
But, the restaurant stopped order in front of us. Which was the reason being closed time or waste of materials ? We couldn't know.
We left there with thinking that we'll go the restaurant first of all in next year.
We finished the event to eat soba in Okuizumo. It was a very interesting event.

Forget to photo the noodle

As a result, Dandan's soba was very delicious. The noodle was cold. Perhaps, it was freeze by ice cube in order to make noodle's feeling hard. And, the sauce was deep taste.
It was one of my favorite soba restaurant. 
By the way, I forgot to photo the noodle, because I got centered on eating.

Soba restaurant in the forest

Third soba restaurant was "Dandan". It was our first approval. It was there in forest. The building was old farmer's style. It had a beautiful garden. There were many soba fans. So, we had to wait for about 1 hour.

Ippuan's soba noodle

After we waited about 30 minutes, we entered the restaurant, and ate soba noodle.
Ippuan's soba was always delicious. As the soba's beans were new, the smell was very nice.
We'll enter the restaurant in next year.

Many Soba fans

"Ippuan"was a delicious soba restaurant which we had gone last year. It was most delicious izumo soba restaurant in my life.
When we reached in front of Ippuan, many soba fans were waiting for the opening. We recognized that the restaurant was popular.
As we signed on reserve paper, we waited for about 30 minutes.

Soba restaurant Kiyatani

At first, we ate in soba restaurant Kiyatani. It was held in wide festival hole. It was very delicious. Later, we heard that it made by amateur cooks who loved Soba. When I heard it, I was surprised. Because, it was very delicious as if it cooked by professional.
I thought that Soba festival in Oku-idumo was very interesting.

Oku-Idumo in Shimane pref.

I went to Oku-Idumo in Shimane pref. with my 2 friends. The object was to eat Soba in Idumo. It was second event. We did the event same season in last year.
During drive, we enjoyed shopping. We bought local foods such as vegetables, mushrooms and snacks, etc.