Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Kouchi town in front of station

After I climb down from Mt. Takamura-yama, I walked to nearest railroad's station Kouch. There were some shops around there. It was very small and old town. I remembered the town where I stayed when I was child. The town was like it.
I could remembered old days. It was happy days when there was no mobile phone and computers. I thought time moved slowly than now.

Summit of Mt. Takamura

The summit of Mt. Takamura-yama was northern side of the temple. It was silent place.
Guide book said that the triangulation point was in the bush. So, I looked for it for a while. But, I could't find it.

Beautiful temple

There was a beautiful temple near the summit of Mt. Takamura-yama. The name was temple Chiku-rin. It means the forest of bamboo.
I prayed in front of it. And I left there.

Ruin of castle

There was a ruin of castle near the summit of Mt. Takamura-yama. There was an old water well. There was no water in it.
I'd seen such well at Mt. Takamatsu-yama. Keeping water must be one of the most important for castle.

Prevent animal entering

At the entrance of climbing road, barricade was there. It was written that please close the barricade correctly in order to prevent to through of animals.
They would eat vegetables.
I'd watched such barricade in the Yatsuga-dage. But, it was for save rare plants in high mountains.
After I closed it carefully, I started to climb mountain.

Last climbing was at Mt. Takamura

I climbed Mt. Takamura-yama as a last climbing in this year. It was there between the station of Nyuno and Kouchi. So, I'd climbed near station Nyuno. And, I left there near station Kouchi. I went there during I moved to my old home in Okayama.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

After dark

After Dark was written by Haruki Murakami. It was a story about a girl and people who she had met in the night.And about relationship with her elder sister.
It was mysterious story.
I often felt deja vu during I was reading. I might have read it before.
I often can't understand the end of story which be written by him. But, it is one of nice point.

My lanking: ★★★

Saturday, December 07, 2019

Beautiful bridge in mid city

During I returned from Kabe town in the night, I met a beautiful bridge in mid city of Hirohima. The name was Yanagi-bashi river. Yanagi is Japanese which have meaning a kind of plant willow.
It was lighted and shined beautiful. But the bridge in my photograph is not so beautiful. Photo is difficult.

Tunnel appeared

Near kabe town, I missed the selection of road, I had to moved on very narrow road. the road was between river and railroad. It had a nice landscape.
An old tunnel appeared in front of me. It was like one cut of animation of Ghibri.

Cycling to Kabe

Distance between Yano from Kabe town was about 34 km. I moved the distance by bicycle.
There was friend's home who loved bicycle in Kabe town. The drinking event was held there. And I went in order to join it.
The photo was Ota-gawa river. The road beside the river had wide area for only walker and bicycle. It was very nice road.
As the road condition was good, 34 km was not so long.

Thursday, December 05, 2019

New color of tire

Color of tire of road bike was changed from red to black. Total image of the bicycle changed, too. It was cool.
Riding touch of new tire's one was very good. The touch was very different with old one. I had a image which the tire bonded on the ground.
Resist of rotation on surface of road may be larger than before. But, it was a little.
I was satisfied with it.

Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Changed to wide and soft tire

I changed front and rear tire today. Because the old one was about 10 years old. So, the rubber changed to hard and had some cracks.
The new one was wider and softer than old one.

Monday, December 02, 2019

Wrench for pedal

In order to change pedal for bicycle, I bought special wrench. Before I bought it, I tried by normal wrench for job. But, it was impossible. So, I bought it.
I won't to use it for about 3 years from now. But, I had to by it. I have such items and gears.

Bell for bicycle

I bought new bell for road bike, because it be broken when I fall down. Taking bell on bicycle is duty which be fixed by law. It is compact.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tire for road bike

I bought new tire for road bike at the bicycle shop. The reason why the tire which be using now is old. It was about ten years old. So, it had some crack. And, perhaps, the rubber of the material changed to hard by long years.
I select wide and soft tire. The width was 25mm. the old one was 23mm. The resist will be large. But, it must be stable, and the performance of stop must be better.

Boots for bicycle

I bought shoes for pinned pedal. Pinned pedal is a pedal which be connected with shoes by the pin. It have a merit which can add the power during the feet be hang up at backside when it be pedaling.
But, it have a demerit which it is easy to drop during stop the bicycle because the shoes can't be divided from pedal.

Fall down

During I moved to bicycle store in the dark, I fall down on the road. Some place of the bicycle was damaged. And some point of my body had pain.
But, my bone was not broken. It may be lucky. When I fall down, the speed was near 20 km/h. If I died at the accident, it was not mystery.
The reason was that I could't find the small stage on the road. I had to be care in dark.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Kohu and Ryuho

I finished to read the long novel "Kohu and Ryuho" by waste a long while. I started to read it on August. So, about 3 months was needed to read.
It was written by my favorite writer Shiba Ryotaro. Kohu and Ryuho was famous Chinese historical hero.
Kohu was powerful and fighting guy. Ryuho was chicken and clever guy. They had opposite soul. As a result Ryuho won and conquer all of China.
But I felt Kohu was nice guy than Ryuho.

My lanking: ★★★☆☆

Triangulation point

Triangulation point was there on big rock of Mt. Ege. I'd known it. But, I did't know the board was there.
It showed that the grade of triangulation point was 4th. It was lowest grade.

Mt. Ege

After a long interval, I climbed mountain. It was Mt. Ege, Walking in forest was very nice. I felt my soul washed to clean. Many poisons went out from my body. Climbing mountain was nice.
I cared not to touch my body to leaves in order to be damaged by poison warms. I damaged by it last time in Mt. Ege.

Saturday, November 02, 2019

Too much to eat

Forth soba restaurant was Hachikawa-soba.
As a result, it was not tasty. And we had to wait for a long while. And the service was not good.
We would never go there.
Eating soba in four restaurant was too much. Three restaurant must be limit for eating tasty. It was not the restaurant mistake, but our's one.

Dang Dang

Dang dang was third soba restaurant where we had gone. It was second time. We had gone there in last year. We went there again, because we knew that it was very tasty.
I felt it was nice. It was same with that which I'd foreseen. We said each other that it was the most nice soba restaurant in Oku-Idumo area.

Delicious and good environment

Restaurant in shrine was in good environment. The building was old Japanese traditional style.
The soba noodle was very tasty. It had a nice smell of new bean of soba.
The soba bean was farmed in shrine's garden. Everything was their original.
It was a very very nice eating soba.

Soba restaurant in shrine

Second soba restaurant was there in shrine. The restaurant's name was Hime-soba. It was famous restaurant. There were many fans who waited around the entrance. We had to wait for about 1 hour. During we waited, we walked in the garden of the shrine.

Drive to eat soba in Oku-Izumo

I went to Oku-izumo town in order to eat soba with my two friends. It was a event which be held every year. It was season when new beans of soba was cooked for soba. So the soba was very tasty and had a nice smell.
The first soba restaurant was Yamagata-ya. The taste was not bad. But, the service was not good. We would't never go there.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Mysterious mist

Near the entrance of climbing road, there was a lake. It made a mysterious mist. It was beautiful.

Young climbers

My son and his team mates checked the point on the map for race. It must be hard job in the rain. But, they laughed sometimes. They enjoyed it even in the rain. I could't enjoyed the climbing because of the weather.


Down slope from the summit of Mt. Ko-sanbe-san was muddy. The mud made my legs easily slipped. My hip was hit sometimes. It was hard climbing.

Beautiful ridge line

Ridge line between Mt. Mago-sanbe and Mt. Ko-sanbe was very nice. If it was fine, it must be beautiful.
I was late about 30 minutes with children. So, I'd hurry up and could't see enough.


At Mago-sanbe-san, I could't find branch to next peak. So, I through there and went straight. After I walked about 20 minutes, I noticed that I had walked on wrong road. Because, the down slope was too long.
I returned to summit of Mago-sanbe-san, and I found the branch to correct road. The mistake made me tired. I often do such mistake in mountain. I had to watch map more.
By the way, Mago-sanbe-san means grand child of Sanbe.

Mt. Ohira-yama

Third summit was Mt. Ohira-yama. It was in deep mist.
In these years, I am using umbrella. When it was no hard wind, it was very nice. When I wear the rainwear,  I feel hot and high humidity. So, I don't want to wear it.
Using umbrella was taught by old lady who I met in Mt. Houou-san about 3 years ago.

Summit beside TV antenna tower

At the summit of Mt. Mesanbe, there were some TV antenna tower. Basically I don't like such summit. But, I understand that the summit must be a good position to get micro wave for TV.
By the way, Mesanbe means that female of Sanbe-san.

Beautiful forest

The forest was very beautiful. The mist made the forest more beautiful and mysterious.
In the rain i forced me to enjoy watching forest during the climbing.

First summit "Osanbe"

I reached the one of the summit of Mt. Sanbesan "Osanbe". Osanbe means male of sanbe-san.
It was one of 200 famous mountain in Japan. So, it must be a very good mountain. But, I could't feel the goodness because of rain and mist. There were no landscape from there.

Climbed Mt. Sanbe-san with son's team

My son and his team mate will join the race for high school students in next weekend. It will be held at Mt. Sanbe-san in Shimane pref.
As a train, he went there and trained today. I brought them by my car. It was far away from my home. Driving was hard job.
In the rain, they and I started to climb.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Poison moth

After I down from Mt. Ege, My left hand damaged by poisonous warm of moth. It made me hard itching. It made me difficult to sleep for some days.
In this season, I had been so some times. About some years ago, it appeared to all surface of my upper body. And, I went to hospital.
The enemy's name was a kind of moth "Cha-doku-ga". The name's meaning was brown poisonous moth.
I decided to stop climbing Mt. Ege-san in August in every year.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Met some climbers

I met old climber who I'd often met in Mt. Ege-san. He was a nice guy. His talking was very interesting for me. He said he had been 80 years old in some days ago.
I want to be a old guy who can climb like him.
It was a nice climbing.

Damaged by typhoon

Many woods were fallen over by hard wind of typhoon. At the narrow road, it was difficult to over it. They showed that the wind of typhoon was great.

Sunday, October 06, 2019


It was very nice climbing. I understood again that I like climbing and Mt. Ege-san.
Breeze is nice !

Sunrise from Mt. Ege-san

After a long interval, I climbed Mt. Ege-san.
I don't climb mountain for a while after long climb in every summer. It was first climbing after I climbed Mt. Youtei-zan in Hokkaido in August 26.
I could see beautiful sunrise.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Bridge near friend's home

After I drunk beer with my friend in front of station, I walked to his home. There was a old style bridge between station and his home. It was very beautiful.
Later, I drunk whisky with him and swept in his home.

Iwakluni main street

After I climbed Mt. Gyoujya-yama, I went to Iwakuni city. Before I would meet my friend, I walked around station.
Shopping mole was empty. Many stores were closed. It was a silent town.
Perhaps, most of young moved to big city.

Lance in Kuba

The small summit in front of me was Mt. Kuba-yari. Yari was a Japanese which mean lance. In japan, many mountain which have sharp summit called so.
I would stand there after I down to the col once.

Real summit

In the back of shrine, there was a triangulation point. So, it was real summit of Mt. Gyoujya-yama. The height was only 313 m. But, it had a nice landscape.

Shrine at the summit

At the summit, there was a new shrine.
It was a nice mountain, because it had nice landscape, historic objects and varied road. They are the important reason for my favorite mountain.
I would't return same road. I would walk around in the mountain. Fortunately, it was not rain until then.

Could see Setouch sea and islands

I could see Setouch sea and Kuba town from middle of Mt. Gyoujya-yama. The island was famous Miyajima island.
i like mountains near the see, because most of them have a good landscape of the see.

Shrine at vertical rock

There was a small shrine at the narrow space beside vertical rock wall. I considered how to built it at such high and narrow space.
It was inside of wood door. I opened the door and entered it. There was a beautiful small shrine. It was very clean. It must be washed by local residents.

Objects referenced with religion

The name of mountain was Gyouja. Gyouja was a Japanese ward which means that prayer who climb hard mountain in order to be near god.
So, there were many objects which referenced with religion.

Entrance was shrine

Entrance of climbing road was at inside of shrine. It was very silent place. I like such silent and historical place.
I got a hope which it would be a nice climbing.