Monday, February 25, 2019


My MTB's cycle computer showed that the riding distance was 14000 km. It was wasted 2 years and 5 months.
Distance between Hiroshima and Cape town in South Africa is same it.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Half of year passed

About a half year passed after a hard rain and ground slip had happened. The surface of slipped ground changed mild compared with it which was soon after it happened.
Rains and winds must be grind the surface of sand. Plants will appear on the ground in spring and summer.

Breakfast at the summit

Eating hot soup was very interesting. Nice landscape, cool wind, sound of leaves and forest's smell must be make it tasty.
I can feel happy easily when I climb mountain.

Summit of Mt. Ege

Power of climbing in my body was decreasing. It spend the long time.
I have to train in spring for summer climbing.

Old pine

I climbed Mt. Ege after a long interval. Walking in the night mountain was very interesting. I thought why I did't climbed for a long while.
By the way, the trunk was old pine. When I started to climb more than 10 years ago, it was soon after the tree died. The skin of the surface was dropping at the time.
It is standing now. Someday it will drop.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Easy to wash chain

This is a special parts of chain for bicycle. If I change one piece of chain from normal one to this, I will remove chain easily.
Until then, I washed chain without disassembling it. So, it was difficult to wash.

Bicycle stand

I bought bicycle stand. It was for maintain the bicycle, especially for gear changer.
Until then, it was difficult because road bike had no original stand.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Attack bakery again

I read a book which had a title "Panya sai syuugeki". It means attack bakery again. It was written by Haruki Murakami. He is one of the most famous writer in Japan.
The story was that a couple bring gun to the bakery. And forced to get breads in midnight, because they had been hungry. I could't understand the reason why they wanted to get bread without paying money. But, his story don't need such reason. It was very interesting short story.
I'll search another his story in book store.

My lanking: ★★★★☆