Saturday, March 30, 2019


Defense force in Kaita base always held the event of firework in summer. It was held today in spring. It must be because of disasters in summer.
We can see it from our house's window.

Under 60 minutes

I always count the time from entrance of mountain to the summit.
After a long interval, I reached in one hour. I have to make my body tough until summer.

Mt. Ege

I climbed Mt. Ege alone.
Nobody was there. It was nice climbing.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Midnight picnic

It was a story which elder brother and sister who had another mother. At first, they felt enemy each other. But, they could be friendly during they walk all over the night by high school's event.
At first, it was not interesting because they had too young thinking. But, last half was very interesting.

My lanking: ★★★☆☆

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Punk the tire

When I was commuting by road bike, rear tire blew out twice.  I always look for something sharp edge inside of tire when the tire blow out. But, I could't find it at first.
I started to run again after I fixed it. Later, it blew out. So, I disassembled rear tire again, and looked for edge inside the tire very carefully. And, I could find a sharp steel which cut by machine.
I should looked for it more carefully at the first time.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Avoid coldness by zelt

It was very cold. Temperature near the summit was very low comparing with at the ground.
So, I used zelt and stayed inside of it. Inside of it was very warm. I ate hot soup inside of it. There was like a heaven.

Sunshine appeared

When I reached the summit, it stopped rain. Later, sunshine appeared. It was a good timing.
As the ground was wet, pollen was not there. So, I could enjoy climbing without pollen allergy.

Climbed in the rain

I climbed Mt. Ege despite it was rain. The reason was that the volume of pollen must be a little when it is rain.
I walked in the forest by using umbrella. It was very interesting.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Air valve

I tried to use handy air valve and tank for bicycle today.
Hand pump type one can give the pressure about 0.2 MPa. The pressure is too low for road bike's tire. It's be needed from 0.8 to 1.0 MPa. So, I tried air valve and tank.
As a train, I tried it today. As a result, it was easy to reach about 0.6 MPa. It will be enough to ride for some kilometers.
When the CO2 went out from the tank, CO2 change from liquid to gas, and conduct heat away. My finger had damaged by the coldness.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019


It is very bright when I commute in these days. It is very interesting that ride bicycle on the bright road. The spring had come.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Bicycle's gears

I bought gears for bicycle such as Chain tool, MTB's brake and tank of high pressure CO2.

Monday, March 04, 2019

We are new faces in bubble economy year

The title means that "We are new faces of bank officer at babble economy days".
It was a story which a bank officer fight with bad customer and his bad boss. It was taken up to TV drama "Hanzawa Naoki", and hit very well.
It was one of the most interesting story which I read in these years.
It have a continuation of the story. I'll buy it and read it.

My lanking: ★★★★★

Saturday, March 02, 2019


This book was written by my favorite writer Ryotaro Shiba. It was the story which a guy challenged to be emperor by battling with monsters.
The title "Youkai" means specter.
But, I did't like the story. It was first experience about his story.

My lanking: ★★☆☆☆


I could see sunrise at the summit of Mt. Ege. A little mist covered it.
Loneliness in the mountain was good.


I could see the moon over Mt. Ege. It was beautiful in sunrise.