Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Hard down slope

Down slope from the Summit of Mt. Tateeboshi was very hard. And the ground was muddy by the rain.
I slipped and be hit hip twice. Fortunately, there was no damage, but my pants was dirty.
But, I could enjoyed the climbing.

Mt. Tateeboshi

After I left Mt. Ikenodan, I reached the summit of Mt. Tateeboshi soon. The height was 1299m. It was 4th highest mountain in Hiroshima pref.
The road to the summit was very hard. The summit was very narrow space.
After I stayed there for a while, I left there, because I had to keep limit time.

Real summit of Mt. Ikenodan

Mt. Ikenodan had one more summit. Perhaps, it would be real one. There were a small shrine. It looked be lonely. It may be because of cloudy and rainy weather. After I stayed there for a while, I left there.

Mt. Ikenodan

Mt. Ikenodan had a beautiful shape. I'd seen it from Mt. Ryuou sometimes, and I'd thought that I wanted to climb it. At last, I climbed it.
At the peak, short grass was there. Nobody was there except me. It was a little rain.
I worn rain wear. And I ate lunch alone. I like such a situation. Solo climbing was my best situation.

Forest of Fagus crenata

The forest around the grave was very very beautiful despite it was rainy day. Fagus crenata was the plant which I like most. It stood around the grave as if defend the grave. What a mysterious area it was !

Explain about the grave

There was a board beside the grave of goddess. On the board, explain about the grave was written. Following story was about the explain.
In Japanese old book "Kojiki", the goddess who made Japan Islands was buried in Mt. Hiba-yama which was there between Idumo country and Houki contry in old days.
Area around the grave stone, it was kept carefully as a god's area. There are many important kinds of trees, too.

Grave of god

There was a stone grave which be said that goddess who made Japan Islands be buried. The stone was surrounded by chain in order to stop human's enter.
Today was a last day of Heisei period. It may be a good timing to visit the god who made Japan.
The atmosphere was mysterious. Goddess may be there.

Summit ?

My GPS map showed there was the summit of Mt. Hiba-yama. The height(1264m) was same with map, too.
But, there was no marker and no sign. I could't feel reality which there was the summit.
Mt. Hiba-yama may not be the name of one mountain. It may be the name of group of some mountains such as Mt. Eboshi, Ikenodan and Tate Eboshi, etc.

Mt. Ebosi

Mt. Eboshi-yama was one of Mt. Hiba-yama's peaks. I could reach there easily.
If it was fine, I could see wide landscape. But, I could't see it.
There are many mountains which had the name "Eboshi". Eboshi is a Japanese which means a kind of traditional hat. There are many mountains which have the style like the hat.

Last climbing in Heisei Period

I climbed Mt. Hiba-yama today. It was my last climbing in Heisei Period.
It was cloudy and a little rain. But, I don't hate climbing under such a situation. Trees in mist was very mysterious and beautiful.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Found loose camera

When I reached near entrance of climbing road, I noticed the camera be loose. I hang it at my chest. I often run down from summit. It bust be drop at the time.
As I had enough time, I tried to look for it by climbing again on same road. I decided that I would abandon it if I could't find it in 20 minutes.
As a result, I found it in 18 minutes after I started to look for it.
When I checked it on GPS, I climbed again about 300m height.
Climb on same road was hard job for mental.

Mt. Iradani again

I stood on the summit of Mt. Iradani-yama after a week interval. As I was alone there, I could enjoyed lunch silently. Eating in mountain always be delicious.
I could't see Mt. Daisen today, because of a little mist.

Shape of Mt. Ushibiki-yama

After I left the summit of Mt. Ushibiki, I tried to climb Mt. Iyadani which I'd climbed last week again. Time between the two summit which be written on map was only about 20 minutes.
Before I reached Mt. Iyadani, I turned back and watched Mt. Ushibiki. It was circular style. It looked tenderly. Woods on the mountain was beautiful. I felt Mt. Ushibiki was very nice.

Summit of Mt. Ushibiki-yama

I could reached the summit of Mt. Ushibiki-yama. There was no board which be written the name of the mountain.
The name was written on the pole by magic pen. What a cheap it was !

Water fall

There was a water fall beside climbing road. I climbed narrow hard slope of climbing road beside the water fall.
It was a interesting road. Climb alone was very nice.

White branches

After son's climbing team started to climb, I moved by car from shrine Kumano to forest of Hirosima pref. And I started to climb Mt. Ushibiki alone.
The climbing road was very beautiful. There were many kind of trees, road beside stream and water fall, etc.
Beautiful trees which had white branches was white birch.

Cherry blossom

During my son I waited the start of climbing with his team members, we walked in Kumano shrine.
Cherry blossoms were full opened. It was later about 3 weeks than in Hiroshima city. It was very beautiful.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Requiem in Hanoi

Front half was about the writer's experience at Hanoi in Vietnam. In the story, the time goes by slowly. It was very interesting.
Rear half was about criticism to Vietnam war, USA and Japan. He said his own prejudiced policy. I felt he forced his policy to reader. Basically, I hate such story. He was newspaper's writer. I think most of them have such style.
As front half was very interesting, it was unfortunate.

My lanking: ★★☆☆

Saturday, April 13, 2019

My son and his friends at Mt. Kenashi

There was wide frat space at the summit of Mt. Kenashi. My son and his teammate ate lunch. They talked each other with laugh. Watching that son had friend was very happy for me. It must be good experience for him. Teaching climb mountain to him must be good for him.

Could see Mt. Daisen

Great landscape appeared at near the summit. I could see Mt. Daisen over there. The summit was covered by snow. It was very beautiful shape.
Mt. Daisen is most famous mountain in Chugoku area in Japan. I'd climbed it with my son. He was 4th grade in primary school. It was about 6 years ago. Time goes by fast.

Near the summit of Mt. Iradani

It was a landscape at near the summit. At there, trees are reduced and sky be wide.
I like the moment. It was a very fine day.

Beautiful forest

Climbing road to Mt. Iradani had beautiful forest. Green ball on the branch was parasite plants. They get energy from main trees, and get water from mist.
I climbed after my son and his teammate in the forest.

Forest of Hiroshima pref's citizen

I went to forest of Hiroshima pref's citizen with my son. The object was my son's train for climbing race with his team members.
I may had gone there with my friends more than 20 years ago. But, I can't remember.
It was fine day. Blue sky, green mountains and a little white snow. It was best day for climbing.

Saturday, April 06, 2019

Stone table

At the summit, stone table which be written the direction of another mountains. One of them was Mt. Dougo-yama which I'd climbed in autumn.
Later, I climbed Mt. Ryuou again after I was down in order to search 2 women. It was a hard job.


There were snow around the summit. I could't foresee it. My son and his 3 teammates walked in front of me. I considered that I should stop them to walk more on the snow. But, I could't stop them. I thought it will be possible to walk.
Later, I thought it was my miss judgement. I should stop them and go down with them on same load.
As a result, they walked safety until they reached to goal point.
Such judgement is very difficult. I thought climbing is interesting only when climb alone.

Landscape from summit

Landscape from the summit was very nice. I could see many famous mountains in north side of Hiroshima.
About 10 years ago, I stand there with my 2 friends in mid winter.
I looked for Mt. Daisen. But, I could't find it.
I didn't foresee that I would stand again there about 3 hours later.

Beautiful forest

It was like winter. No leaf was there on trees. But, it was very beautiful.
Branches leaned. It may because of snow.

Water fall

This is famous waterfall "Nachi no taki". It was there beside climbing road. One of longest waterfall in Hiroshima pref.

Climbing team of my son's high school

Climbing training of climbing circle of my son's high school was held. They (my son and 3 members) walked from shrine Kumano to Hiroshima prefecture's forest through Mt. Ryuou.
I and 2 women climbed Mt. Ryuou and turned back to the park of Shrine Kumano in order to get cars.