Friday, May 31, 2019


I read the book which had a title "Detective Galileo". Galileo was a nick name of a detective. He is a professor of chemistry. He resolve many difficult case by his chemical knowledge.
The reason why I bought was strange. I bought another book which written by same writer. But the story was continued story of Detective Galileo. So, I bought it in order to read the book.

My lanking: ★★☆☆☆

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Opening festival

Mt. Hibayama's opening festival was held in the day when my sons trained. And, sky run game which players run fast in mountain was held, too. So, many people were enjoyed there.
I'd never seen such many people there.

Goddess's grave

I prayed for goddess in the grave. It was my second approval.
There was a something special atmosphere around there. I prayed my son's winning game.

Beautiful green

I went to Hiroshima pref. forest as a last train of my son's climbing race. Real race will happen in next week end. My son and his team mates will do last check. I hope they can play enough in there performance.
During they trained, I climbed Mt. Gryou alone. The forest was colored beautiful green. It was nice climbing.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Black seat

I changed road bike's seat from white one to black one. The color was integrated to red and black. It changed to more cool.
The seat was hard feeling. I'll continue to use it for a while. And, if I will not be used to it, I have to change it to white one again.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Exchange bar tape

After I wasted time about 3 hours around Kabe town, I went to my friend's home in order to ask him to change handle bar tape.
As the old one was tired and pealed because of deteriorating by years. It was stayed in previous owner's home about 10 years.
Upper picture was photoed after the old one had been pealed. The handle steel was appeared.
Lower picture was after new one was set. As the body was colored black and red. So, black tape was very suit for it. What a cool bicycle it was !

By the way, the factory's owner is my friend. He have a space about 100 m2 only for maintain bicycle and auto bike, etc. It was his hobby. There are many tools, gears and parts, etc. His friends often go there and be helped to maintain bicycle, etc.

Ruins of water well

Ancient people who stayed in the castle used the water well. Now the depth is only about 1 m. It was near the summit.
Was it possible to get water from such a place ?

Wide landscape

It is south side of Mt. Takamatsu-yama.
I could see Setouchi sea and central area of Hiroshima city despite the mountain was in north area of Hiroshima city.
I might see Mt. Ege-san, too. But, I could't recognized it.
Such landscape always make me happy.

Mt. Takamatsu

It started to rain at the summit of Mt. Takamatsu-yama.
But, it was nice mountain. Because, I was alone by rain.
From the summit, I could see many famous mountains such as Mt. Kabe Kanmuri-yama and Mt. Doudoko-yama.

Hard road

The climbing road was hard more than I foresaw. As my shoes was for bicycle, so my foots slipped on surface of ground.
But, the road was very interesting.


At the entrance of climbing road, shrine's gate was there. I heard that the gate had been broken at the hard rain in some years ago.
Perhaps, it was reassembled. Some workers moved with constructive machines in order to fix the ground.
Some local residents were died. I prayed them for a while. And I walked through under the gate.

Park the bicycle

At the entrance of Mt. Takamatsu-yama, I parked my bicycle. I feel nice when the nice poles which is suit to stand bicycle and lockit.

Local road

I had another object in the touring. It was climbing Mt. Takamatsu-yama in Kabe. It was one of famous mountain in Hiroshima.
The mountain was appeared in front of me in local road.

Nice road beside river

There was a very nice road for bicycle beside the river from Ushita to Kabe.
It was divided from car's area. So, I could run safty. The distance was about 10 km.

Turing to Kabe in north side of Hiroshima city

I rode bicycle from Yano to Kabe in Hiroshima city. The distance was more than 30 km.
The object was visiting my friend and maintain my bicycle with him.
It would be rain in afternoon. But, I tried to go there by bicycle.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Chain cutter

This is a tool which cut the chain for bicycle. I can use it when I want to change chain from old one and new one. And, I can use it when the chain get trouble.
This is a very small and compact. I bought for bringing for touring.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Freeze rock wall

I read the book "Hyou-Heki". Hyou-Heki means that freeze rock wall. The writer was Yasushi Inoue. I'd read his novels when I was child.
It was a story that a guy who lost his friend in the mountain fall in love with beautiful lady who was loved by his friend. As a result, he abandoned the love and died in the snow mountain.
As I'm a climber, I could empathize him. It was a nice story.

My lanking: ★★★★☆

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Wash rain wears

I washed my rain wears today. After I washed them, I used liquid for resist rain. And I dry them now in sunshine.
I want to check the performance in rain. By weather report, it will be rain on Thursday. I am waiting the day.

Repair rain wear

I slipped on muddy climbing road in Mt. Hiba-yama. At the timing, my rain wear's hip was damaged and be broken off.
So, I sewed by thread and paste the patch. I have use it about 10 years. I climbed many mountains with it. I want to use it carefully for long while.

Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Rear tire for MTB

I changed rear tire for MTB.
Front one is new tire. Back one is old tire.
Old tire was used about 7000 km. It will be often rain in June. The groove will be important to resist slip on the road.

Sunday, May 05, 2019

Bamboo shoot

It was sold at 300 yen near the climbing road. My wife said it always be sold at about 800 yen. So, it was good price.
And it was said it was cut in the morning. So, it must be very fresh.
We ate it by including rice and soy sauce. As a result, it was very tasty.

New green

It may be the best season for walking in the forest. The leaves's color was new green. It was very beautiful.
Cool wind run to me between branches and branches. I wanted to stay in the forest forever.

Could see Mt. Daisen

I could see Mt. Daisen wispy from the summit of Mt. Ryuou. I always feel happy when I see Mt. Daisen. When my son was 4th grade of primary school student, we climbed it. It was one of the best memory with my son. It was very very nice mountain.

My son and his teammate

My son and his teammates started to climb to the next peak for training of reading map. His another friends had a rest for a while.
I wanted to go forward. But, I had to return to shrine Kumano in order to get my car.

Beautiful landscape

At the summit of Mt. Ryuou, a wide landscape was there. I could see mountains which I'd climbed in these months, such as Mt. Goryou, Kenashi, Ikenodan and Tateeboshi, etc.
It was snow when I'd climbed about one month ago. But, there were no snow now. The season was always changing.

Good record

I brought my son to shrine Kumano in order to train for climbing team in his high school.
The record 36 minutes and 51 second was a time from shrine Kumano to summit of Mt. Ryuou. I climbed by my full power in order to win my son and his team mates.
As a result, I loose the game. They reached in 35 minutes easily.
But, I thought my record was good.

Saturday, May 04, 2019

Marshal arts gym

When I was child, I played Japanese art of fencing. There was the marshal arts gym near my old home. The building was not changed. The teacher was old when I was child. So, he must be died. The was very rugged teacher. I was scolded many times. It may be reference with my personality.

Shrine I'd often played

There was small shrine near my old home. When I was child, I often played there and join the festival which held there. Especially, the festival was my good memory. I brought some hundred yen and bought cheap toys, lot and junk foods. It was very very interesting.
When I was child, I felt it was wide. But, it was very narrow space now.
In the shrine, there was a trees which I'd climbed. I remembered even some the branches. The memories swept in my brain for about 40 years. But, they stayed in my brain silently. I was deeply moved by it.

Neibhor when I was child

In second day in Okayama, I walked to the area where I'd stayed with my family when I was child.
The area was ruled to not to build buildings in order to keep agriculture and nature. So, the landscape did't changed much. It was my basically landscape in my heart. I could associate the landscape with many memories.

Friday, May 03, 2019

Hanzawa Naoki

During I moved by train from Hiroshima to Okayama, I read the book which had a title "We are salary men who join the company in babble days like flower". I don't know it is correct interpret.
It was a story which the banker fight with his enemies in his company and bad customers. The hero was "Hanzawa Naoki". He is basically a tender guy. But, he change cold when he fight with bad guys who delude him.
As it was very interesting story, I bought the book in the morning, and I finished reading in the evening.

My lanking: ★★★★☆

Second ruins of castle

In the second ruins of castle there was a shrine, too. The area was very wide. But, I was alone.
After I stayed there for a while, I left there.
Two ruins of castle in Niwase was very nice. Perhaps, I will never go there. It will stay in my memory for a long while.

Castle surrounded by a moat

After I left first ruins of castle, I walked for a while. Later, I found second one soon.
The second one was ruins of castle Natsukawa. It was more wide than castle Niwase. It had wide moat.

Shrine in ruins

The small lake was made for defense from enemy. It surrounded the ruins of castle.
It was a beautiful sight. I like the buildings which surrounded by water such as Japanese castle.
The castle was deleted during a long history. A shrine was there instead of castle.

Ruins of castle in Niwase in Okayama

I went to my father's home in this long holidays. I got off the train at the last station Niwase. And I walked around there and watched the ruins of castles.
The reason why I do so was that I found many small lakes and short rivers near the station on google's map.
Small lake was appeared as soon as I got off the train and walked. It was beautiful sight. It was ruins of castle Niwase.

Thursday, May 02, 2019

Good landscape

Landscape from Mt. Kenashi was very nice. I could enjoy talking with mothers of students. I was envious of their husbands because they can climb mountain. My wife don't like to move body.
After we ate lunch, I guide them to down road to the parking area.

Good record

I reached to the summit in 29 minutes and 12 seconds. My son and his team reached in about 25 minutes. I loose the race.
But, I thought it was good record.

My son and his team members

My son's teammates gathered. I climbed Mt. Kenashi with them. I was my first climbing in Reiwa period.
I would race with them. The race was fight the time to reach summit of Mt. Kenashi. I did't want to loose children.