Thursday, June 20, 2019

Start to train for myself

I started to train for summer climbing. I run around cape Ujina after I reached there by bicycle.
It's very important train for enjoy climbing.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Party for climber circle of sons

I joined grill meat party which held in park. It was held by my son's school's member.
As I joined it after an hour passed from it be held, there was no good meat. But, it was nice because I could see my son enjoyed with his friends.


I changed mobile phone's career from softbank to Docomo. I'd used iphone and I liked it. So, I continued to use it.
When I said to the staff of Docomo, he gave me new phone without paying money.
In these days, I'm using it as a tablet PC in my house.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Alcohol stove

I bought alcohol stove in order to cook in mountain.
In this summer, I'll go to Hokkaido area by using jet plane. We can't bring fuel tank in jet plane. So, I select the stove, because I will be able to buy fuel in medical store.
When I watch to fire, I feel nice. I think that simple tool is good in these years .

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Firefly and Burn the barn, etc

This is my favorite writer Haruki Murakami's short storys. Almost every story was good. Especially "Firefly" was very good.
It was a young guy and lady's strange and beautiful love story. It was like the famous novel "Norway's forest".

My lanking: ★★★★☆(all short stories)
My lanking: ★★★★★(Firefly)

Sunday, June 09, 2019

Wide summit of Mt. Myojin

Someone cut trees near the summit of Mt. Myojin during I had't gone there for some months. Before it be cut, the space was very narrow, and it had no landscape.
Someday, wide landscape may appear by cutting more trees.
I could't know whether it was good or not.

Silent summit

I was alone at the summit. As it was very fine, I could see nice landscape.
I stayed there for a while, I left there.


The lily always bloom at near the summit in the season in every year.
When I reached near the summit, old climbers teach me that it bloom. So, I climbed with looking for the flower.

Mt. Ege-san after a long interval

After a long interval, I climbed Mt. Ege today. In these months, I climbed mountains around Hiroshima prefecture's forest.
I felt that Mt. Ege was good. Because the climbing road was maintained enough, and I'm used to the road.
It was a good climbing.

Sunday, June 02, 2019

Many players and their parents

At the summit of Mt. Kenashi, many players and their parents were there. All players ran with hard breath. I knew the hardness because I'd run by my full power at the coarse.
As a result, my son and his team mates could't win the race. The winner was Shudo high school.
I hoped that they would win the race in next year.

Run in the mountain

My son and his team mates run in the field near the summit of Mt. Kenashi. It was second day of race.
All I could do was cheering.

Saturday, June 01, 2019

Sleep in tent was a part of race

They built tent and swept there. It was a part of the race. Examiner check their tent and their action. Four team mates swept in one tent. They would be a real friend.
During they swept inside go narrow tent, my wife and I swept in wide beautiful room in the hotel beside camp site.

My son and his team mates

My son and his team mates reached at first goal the summit of Mt. Ryuou.
After their backpack be measured the weight, they left there and continued the race.
All we could do was watching them.
Their time record of was fastest in all teams.

Real game start

At last, my son's real climbing race had been started. Many high school team gathered there.
When I watched such situation, I felt nervous as if I would start game.