Sunday, December 27, 2020

Fix the wear

 I fixed my wear which I'd used for running, riding bicycles and climbing. It was abraded away and was in hole by hard using. 

So, I fixed it. It wasted time about 2 hours. I'd used it about 10 years. I would be able to use it more 10 years from now.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Hidden water fall

 After I'd climbed with hard difficulty, I reached there. It was not damaged by landslide disaster. I thought it was miracle, because it was existed after that hard disaster.

But the landscape around it was changed. The reason was that the tree around it was disappeared. Until then it was dark place there.

I climbed beside it and went to the summit with happiness.

Walked to meet water fall

I climbed to find water fall in Mt. Ege-san.

I thought that it would be broken by landslide disaster in 2 years ago. I wanted to check it by my eyes. And I tried to reach there.

The road to the water fall was damaged by landslide. So, I had to changed route sometimes. I often climbed by handling branches.


Friday, December 11, 2020

Seed of ginkgo

 I got seeds of ginkgo (maiden hair tree) and get prosses to eat. At first it was covered by fresh which had bad smell. So, I put them into water about 3days. And, I got off it. And I am drying it under the sunshine. It will be possible to eat about 3 days later.


Sunday, December 06, 2020

Rock wall

 I walked down beside the landslide disaster which appeared about 2 years ago. There were no road. It was dangerous action.

I could not walked to the end of it.

The rock wall had about 10m height.

Sunrise from Mt. Ege-san

I could see beautiful sunrise in Mt. Ege-san. It was very beautiful.

Morning in mountain always make me happy.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Micro plastics

 I rode bicycle and went to beach in Saka town today.

I stayed there and walked beside the wave and sit on the ground which be shined by sun.

I could see many many dust of plastics. It would be changed to micro plastics and make damage to many creatures.

I thought the time when many people and animals can't stay would be soon.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

My son and his team mates

 After I reached there and waited for a while, my son and many climbers ran and reached the summit. They reached there in half time of mine. Youth was power and beauty. I felt I'm old.

Mt. Osa-yama

 At the summit, there was no board which showed the name of mountain. Only triangulation point was there. So, I could understood it was the summit.

Most of all climbing road was sky's course. So, the climbing road was simple and featureless. It was not interesting climbing.

Ruin of sky resort

 I climbed Mt. Osa-yama, too. The buildings were old and be broken. The sky ground might not be opened in these years. Because of lack of snow and end of sky boom.

It was a silent area.

Bring my son to climbing match venue

 My son had a match venue of climbing club. It was game which be played his high school and his rival school Shudo. It was held at Osa sky ground. Som I brought him by car.

Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Ride bicycle in order to drink wine

 I moved from Kabe area in Hiroshima to city Miyoshi by bicycle with many bicyclers. The distance was about 50 km. It was hard job for me.

I brought bicycle which be contained in bag by JR from my home to Kabe area and from Miyoshi to my home. 

It was hard cycling. But, it was very interesting cycling.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020


 I changed sprocket for MTB, because the old one had been worn away. Until then, chain often slipped on worn gear. It was very dangerous.

After I chainged it, the move was very nice. Changing parts for bicycle was very interesting.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Could see Mt. Katsuragi

I could see Mt. Katsuragi-san which I'd climbed last month. Now my son must be climbed the mountain as a train for race of high school students.

There was no cloud. It was nice day for trekking.

Mt. Kanmuri

Mt. Kanmuri was a highest peak in the tableland. And it was there at the center of tableland.

I could see wide area around there despite the peak was not so high. It was nice place.

I enjoyed the cool air.

Totoro's forest

There was a small forest in wide grass field. It was strange landscape. At the entrance of it, there was a red shrine's gate. It was like a Totoro's big tree.

In side of the small forest, silent and dark atmosphere. I like such a space.

I wanted to stay in it for long while. But, I left there soon. I had many places where I'd wanted to visit in the tableland.

Karst tableland

 During my son trained in Mt. Katsuragi-san, I walked Akiyoshi karst tableland. The tableland had a wide grass field.

Many people walked there despite under corona virus spreading.

I could see wide grass field under the blue sky.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Festival in Corona

In this season, a festival in shrine Oaki be held every year. Some stalls were there near the shrine. The volume was about half of every year. It's because Corona.

Some street trader must not be careful to avoid spread of Corona. So, eating foods must be dangerous. So, I bought nothing. And I walked through there.

I prayed to god that the corona disappeared soon. 

Saturday, October 03, 2020

Like one cut of movie

 Sea and islands were seen over the narrow road. It was a typical view for Onomichi. Some movies were shoot in the town. They often made such one cut of films.

Japanese old style home

 In Onomichi, there were many old Japanese style homes. Watching them was most interesting for walking in the town.

The home in the picture was a hotel which be rebuild from old home. My wife said that she wanted to stay in it for a while. I thought so, too. 

Traditional town Onomich

 As my wife played out of home for a long while under the spread of corona virous. So, I brought her to Onomich town. Onomichi was a town where had many old constructions and narrow road in the hill, etc. We had often gone there.

Rumen was a famous food in Onomichi. But, there were many many people were in the restaurant and they made a long phalanx line in front of it. It looked dangerous for being infected CORONA.

So, we abandon to eat it. And we ate pizza at near the station. It was very tasty.

After we ate lunch, we went to the summit of hill of temple Senko-ji by cable car. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Nice landscape

 There were nice landscape there. I could see Nippon-sea, Setouch sea, all of Akiyoshi-dai and many mountains, etc.

It was a nice climbing.

The summit of Mt. Katsuragi-san

 When I reached the summit of Mt. Katsuragi-san, nobody was there. The summit was only for me. I like such a situation. I ate lunch there and waited for my son and his team mates who climbed from another road.

The peak was the summit

 The peak which be looked over the tower was the summit of Mt. Katsuragi-san. It was not hard climbing for me.

Climbed Mt. Katsuragi-san in Yamaguchi pref.

 I drove car about 200km and reached to the entrance of Mt. Katsuragi-san in Yamaguchi pref. The climbing race for high school students would be held there. So, I brought my son and climbed it. I'd never climbed mountains in Yamaguchi pref.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

sea urchin

 After we played enough, we went to local restaurant and ate sea urchin and fishes. It was because that I had a rule to eat local food when I went trip.

It was not good taste. It was not fresh. I sometimes miss selectin of restaurant. But, it may be one of interest of trip.

Silent sea

 In front of the grave, a silent sea was there. We played such as climbing big rock and slowing small stones to the sea.

Russian's grave

 At the edge of the island Oumi-shima, there were Russian solder's grave stone. It was there at very lonely place. I prayed it and hoped the friendship between Russians and Japanese.

Museum about whale

 After we left pond Myoujin-ike and Kaze ana in Hagi city, we went to Senzaki. In ancient day, many whales were fishing there. There was a museum about whale.

It was a small museum. There was nothing which I'd be interested in.

Wind hole

There was Kaze-Ana beside the pond Myojin. Kaze-Ana means wind hole. In summer, it was said that cold wind come from the hole. But, it was not hot today. So, I could not feel cool by it.

Drive to Nippon-sea with my friend

I went to my friends home town Iwakuni city by JR train. And we drive to North side of Yamaguch pref. by his new car. At first we went to pond Myoujin-ike. The pond made by volcano's work. The water contain the sea water. So, we could see many sea fishes in it.


Friday, August 28, 2020

Prime minister

 Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe decided to finish his job today. The reason was his bad body condition.

I think he was a greatest prime minister in Japan who I knew. I thought that he worked well for our benefit. I'd never seen such a good politician.

I hope he would get enough rest and fix his condition. Thank you for good job for us. 

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Mt. Hinoura-yama

I could reach the summit fast. But, it was very hot. So, climbing it was hard job. At the summit, I met old climbers. One of them took off his shut because of the hotness.
After I stayed there for a while, I downed the mountain.

Climb from temple

I climbed Mt. Hiura-yama in Kaita city. The reason why I select the mountain was that it was easy to climb when I compared with Mt. Ege-san.
At the entrance of climbing road, there was a temple. It was nice to walk in temple in the morning.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Talked with old climber

I met an old climber who stayed in Yakeyama in Kure city near the summit. I often met him at Mt. Ege-san.
He was near 80 years old. But, he climbed the mountain almost every day. What a tough guy he is ! I hoped I wanted to be such a old climber.

Saturday, August 01, 2020

Mt. Ege

It is very hot in these days in the town. But, At the summit in the morning, it is very cool. I stayed there for a while and enjoyed the cool air.

Cloud sea

I could see beautiful cloud sea from the summit. I had sown cloud see at Mt. Ege-san twice.

Beautiful sunrise

I climbed mountain after a long interval. Last time I'd climbed was more than 2 months ago. It may be the longest while in these 10 years after I started climbing mountains.The reason why I didn't climbed for a long while was Corona virus.
As my body for climbing was weak. But, I continued to train by bicycle. So, It was not so hard.
From middle height in the mountain, I could see beautiful sunrise.
Mountain always make me nice.

Saturday, July 25, 2020


I bought new shirts in climbing gear's shop Koujitsu-sansou. Basically, I always buy climbers wears for normal life, too. Because, climber's wear is easy to move and wash. But, they are more expensive than city's one such as Unicro.

Pants resist rain

I bought new pants of rain wear pants for climbing. As the old one had been abraded and the performance of resist rain had been decreased.
I bought the most expensive one in monbel which was climbing gear's shop. I want to use it in the rain, soon.

Thursday, July 09, 2020


I changed chain for bicycle. I'd used old one about 11,000 km. Bicycle have many consumable parts. It waste money more than everyone imagined.

Monday, July 06, 2020

Stick for climbing

I bought a new climbing sticks. The old One had been broken in Mt. Youtei-zan in Hokkaido.
I bought old one about 10 years ago. As I was beginner I bought cheap one. But, I'd used it many many times and it helped my nice climbing life.
The new one is expensive one which made by major maker Black Diamond. I will use it for a long while.

Saturday, July 04, 2020

Striking back of Lost generation

I bought the book at near the station in Okayama. The title was "Striking back of Lost generation".
The banker hero "Naoki Hanzawa" fight in order to keep his policy and justice. It was 3rd story of the series.
His action and words always make me comfortable.
His best word was "For every salaried employee, it is most happy that he stay at the place where he is needed and work well there ".
After I read it, I thought I could work well more.

My lanking: ★★★★★

Eat in the train

I ate lunch box in Shinkansen express. I think that eating lunch box in train make me happy. Why such a food is so tasty ?
By the way, the lunch box made by company which my daughter was working.

Back to Okayama

I returned to my old home where my father was staying. In long holiday in March, I could't go there because of Corona virus.
By using Shinkansen-express, I could reach there in one and half hour.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Get a flat tire

During I returned home in the evening, My rear tire stepped something hard. After a few minutes, the tire's air had been empty. It was getting a flat tire.
I changed to spare tube on the road.

Friday, June 12, 2020


The title was "dream of foresee" . It was a famous series by Keigo Higashino.
It was short stories which chemical professor resolve the matter by his chemical knowledge.  Many of Keigo's novels were very interesting for me. But, I did't like it.

My lanking: ★★☆☆☆

Monday, June 08, 2020

Powerful head light

I bought high power head light for bicycle. The level was 400 lumen. I don't know how powerful the lumen was. But, old one which I'd used about 3 years was 200 lumen. So, new one must be higher than old one twice.
Some days later, I tried it in the night. It was very bright. It must be safety when I'll commute in the night.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

End of long climbing road

After we left Mt. Saka-yama, we reached the another side of climbing road in Seno area. We walked more than 15 km in the mountain system. It was hard job. But my heart had been in full satisfaction.