Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Blow out the tire like miracle

During I commuted in the dark, my bicycle's rear tire blew out. When I checked it, I found a metal plate inserted into the brake system. Was it possible to happen such trouble naturally ?
The plate turned with the surface of tire for a while. I listened the sound at the time. And it went into brake system.
Long scarring appeared. The length was about 5mm and it was very deep. I used the tire only about 300 km. The prise was about 4,000 yen. It was hard damage for my wallet, too.

Monday, January 20, 2020


Until then, I used cheap socks. The cost of 3 sets of socks was 1,000 yen. But, the cheap one was open hole easily. And the feeling when I wore on my foots was very bad.
At last, I bought a good one. The black one's price was 1,200 yen. The green was 900 yen. The blue was 1,400 yen. But, I could bought them on 50% price because of bargain.
When I wore it, I felt very good. I have to check the wearability.

Monday, January 13, 2020


I walked outside of road which be written on map. I often do it. It was difficult and dangerous action. But, It had a sense of tension and pleasure.
At the head stream of river, there was wet ground. It may be able to be called the pond. It was a head stream of Yano river which be flowed in our town.
When I found it, It felt a little emotion.

Breakfast in cold wind

In cold wind, I ate breakfast. Eating hot miso soup was especially delicious. Eating in mountain was one of my object in climbing.

First climbing in new year

First climbing in new year was at Mt. Ege-san. I did't climb many time in the season in every year. Because, my job was busy on from January to March. And, I had bad condition at my nose.

Walk in the night

I started to climb before sunrise. I like to walk in forest in the dark. I always can feel unreal.
From middle height in Mt. Ege-san, I could see town's lights.

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

South of boarder and west of the sun

It was a story which a guy meet a lady who had loved when they were child again and fall in love. As a resuld, he abandon his wife and daughter and select the lady.
It was not so unique story. But, the story and wards were very very beautiful. And, it moved my soul well. It was a most nice story which be written by Haruki Murakami. It was better than Norwegian forest for me.

My lanking: ★★★★★

Walked with father

I always walk to mother's tomb with father when I go his home. He could walk well despite he was 80 years old.
By the way, there was a old traditional house beside the road to the tomb. It was a great farmer's one. He had a wide rice paddy and lent it many farmers and get great money. No one live it now. So, it be corrupted. It would be broken someday.