Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Cherry blossoms

I watched beautiful pink flowers were blossomed near the summit of Mt. Ege.
It was a kind of cherry blossom. It is colder in the mountain than in the town. So the timing is late. I could enjoy watching flowers.

Mt. Ege

I climbed Mt. Ege alone. As self control is demanded under virus spreading, I stopped to go to town and shops. I think that the climbing is good action under such situation.
In the mountain, I met only a few climbers.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Beautiful bamboo

I had a image which the bamboo forest make me cool. It was there on ridge line between Yano and Kaita town.
In summer, many mosquito will appear in bamboo forest.

Wisteria floribunda

Purple beautiful flower was bloomed in the mountain. I like purple flower.
It was major flower which be bloomed in this season. The name was Wisteria floribunda.

Mt. Kanegatourou-san

After I left the shrine, I climbed on hard slope, and reached the summit of Mt. Kanegatourou-san.
The summit was on long ridge line which was from Yano to Senogawa. I'd walked all of it two times.
There was a big and beautiful signboard. It may be built in these years. I'd never seen it when I'd climbed there in past days.

After hard stairs

After I climbed hard long stairs, a red shrine appeared. At the entrance, two Komainu was there. Komainu is a visionary animal which guard the shrine.
I like there. So, I'd gone there several times.

Hard stairs

After a hard slope, a hard stairs appeared in front of me. The climbing road was entrance of a shrine. Later, I would reach to shrine.

Hard slope

I climbed Mt. Kanegatourou-san. I had climbed it about 7 years ago. It was after a long interval.
The slope was very hard from near the start point. I thought it would be hard climbing.

Old town in Yano

In my town Yano, there is an old area. People stay there from some hundred years ago. I often see old ruins and traditional buildings, etc. I like see such a things from I was child.
It was a small shrine. There were some such shrine in the area.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Climb under self control

Self control is needed now in Japan or in the world. So, all I'm doing in weekend is climbing at near mountain. It is the limit which I decided. It will not make damage to doctors, hospitals and government, etc.
The mountain was Mt. Myojin-san. I climbed it with my son.

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Ping ball in 1973

The story was like "Listen the voice of wind" which be written by same writer Haruki Murakami.
In the story, 2 guys were appeared. One was called himself "I". And another one was called rat.
During I read it, I thought the 2 guys were same guy. I could't know whether it was true or not.
It was very strange story.

My lanking: ★★★☆☆

Sunday, April 05, 2020

Footmark of Bear

In the mountain, I saw many warning board which said that be careful to bear. So, I hang bell.
In the mountain, I found a footmark of some animal. It was not ungula's one. So, it was not hug's one. I decided it bear's one.
By the way, the warning board's bear was too cute. So, I could't feel afraid bear well.

Lunch box in mountain

I ate lunch at the summit alone. It was cheap lunch box which be bought in convenience store. But, it was very tasty.
Lunch box in mountain always be delicious.
After I ate it, I started to climb down the mountain in order to reach the place where I'd meet with my son and his team mates.

Mt. Kakezu-yama

Mt. Kakezu-yama is one of famous mountains in Hiroshima pref. So, I had to climb it someday.
The summit was in a narrow space in bush. The signboard was very small. But, I've gotten the full satisfaction.

Climb in bush

Climbing road to the summit of Mt. Kakezu-yama was very hard. I had to over some streams and go into bush.
I sometimes lost road. If I did't bring GPS map in mobile phone, I might can't reach to the summit.
But, I could enjoy it. I like such wild climbing.

North area in Hiroshima

My son start the train for high school climbing race. So, I drive the car and bring him to North Area in Hiroshima. The gathering spot was Ohsa ski spot.
He climbed Mt. Ohsa-yama with his team mates.
During he trained there, I moved by car and started to climb another mountain Mt. Kakezu-yama.